XmlBlaster C Client Library Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BlobHolderHolds arbitrary raw data and its length
CallbackServerUnparsedStructThis structure holds a complete callback server instance
DbInfoStructHolds Prepared statements for better performance
ExceptionStructHolds error text
I_QueueStructInterface for a queue implementation
ListenLoopArgsStructAuxiliary struct for passing parameters to listening threads
MsgRequestInfoStructUsed to transport information back to callback functions
MsgUnitHolds a message All member pointers are allocated with malloc(), you need to free() them Needs to be consistent with MsgUnitUnmanaged declaration in C# (for P/Invoke)
MsgUnitStructArrHolds an array of Messages
PropertiesStructAll client access to Properties goes over this struct and its function pointers
QosStructArrHolds an array of QoS XML strings returned by unSubscribe() and erase()
QueueEntryA struct holding the necessary queue entry informations used by I_Queue
QueueEntryStructArrHolds an array of Messages
QueuePropertiesThe QueueProperty struct holds all configuration parameters of the queue to create
SocketDataHolderHelper struct to hold all necessary informations
TmpHelperUsed temporary for peekWithSamePriority()
UpdateContainerLittle helper to collect args for the new created thread
XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedAll client access to xmlBlaster goes over this struct and its function pointers
XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsedStructAll synchrnous client access to xmlBlaster goes over this struct and its function pointers
XmlBlasterReadFromSocketFuncHolderHolds a callback function pointer and its user pointer (the 'this' pointer)
XmlBlasterUnmanagedCEExceptionUsage without fixed array size, to avoid 'unsafe' code in C#
XmlBlasterUnmanagedCEStringArrHelper struct to pass an array of strings back to C#
XmlBlasterUnmanagedExceptionUsage without fixed array size, to avoid 'unsafe' code in C#
XmlBlasterUnmanagedStringArrHelper struct to pass an array of strings back to C#
XmlBlasterWriteToSocketFuncHolderHolds a callback function pointer and its user pointer (the 'this' pointer, first argument)
XmlBlasterZlibReadBuffersHelper struct to uncompress a byte buffer coming from the socket connection
XmlBlasterZlibWriteBuffersHelper struct to compress a byte buffer before putting it into the socket