- m_bkNonSelectionColor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_bkSelectionColor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_borderSelectionColor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_display -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- m_model -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- m_name -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.BasicNode
- m_opsHash -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.authenticateIdl.AuthServerPOA
- m_opsHash -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.clientIdl.BlasterCallbackPOA
- m_opsHash -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.ServerPOA
- m_selected -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_textNonSelectionColor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_textSelectionColor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.IconCellRenderer
- m_tree -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- MAC -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Execute
- MailUtil - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email
- Utilities to dump mail messages.
- MailUtil() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.MailUtil
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class http.applet.SystemInfoApplet
- Start outside of browser: java http.applet.SystemInfoApplet
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class http.applet.XmlScript
- java http.applet.XmlScript
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class http.dhtml.systemInfo.SystemInfoPublisher
- java html.systemInfo.SystemInfoPublisher
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.AllProtocols
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.ClientQuery
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.ClientSub
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.ClientSubDispatch
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.ClientXml
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldErase
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldGet
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldMime
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldNative
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldNative2
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldPublish
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldVolatile
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.HelloWorldVolatile2
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.Latency
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.LeaveServer
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javaclients.MultiThreadSequencer
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo.PluginGUI
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.HtPasswd
- org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.HtPasswd 11111
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.jcrypt
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.SecurityQos
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.SecurityQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.LdapGateway
- For testing only
java org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.LdapGateway -loginName tim -userPassword tim -logging FINE
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.SecurityQos
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.SecurityQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.SecurityQos
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.SecurityQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -c -k -q -m
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.DirectoryManager
- java org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.DirectoryManager -path /tmp/filepoller -filter "*.xml" -filterType simple
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcConnection
- For Testing.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos
- For testing invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetQos
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos
- For testing invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.PublishQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.SubscribeQos
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.SubscribeQos
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.GetMessage
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.GetMessage -loginName Tim -passwd secret -oid __cmd:?totalMem
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.SubscribeMessage
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.SubscribeMessage -loginName Tim -passwd secret -oid __cmd:?totalMem
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptClient
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptInterpreter
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
- For testing invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.AppTerm
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbPool
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbWaitingPool
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbupdate.JdbcShuffler
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbupdate.OneToThree
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.Base64
- java org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.Base64 -file MyFile.jpg
java org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.Base64 HelloWorld -> SGVsbG9Xb3JsZA==
java org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.Base64 -decode Q2lBOGEyVjVJRzlwWkQwblNHVnNiRzhuSUdOdmJuUmxiblJOYVcxbFBTZDBaWGgwTDNodGJDY2dZMjl1ZEdWdWRFMXBiV1ZGZUhSbGJtUmxaRDBuTVM0d0p6NEtJQ0E4YjNKbkxuaHRiRUpzWVhOMFpYSStQR1JsYlc4dE16NDhMMlJsYlc4dE16NDhMMjl5Wnk1NGJXeENiR0Z6ZEdWeVBnb2dQQzlyWlhrKw==
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.Example
- Example code.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.DbWatcherTester
- Example code.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.DbWriterExample
- Example code.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.info.SqlColumn
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.info.SqlDescription
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.info.SqlInfo
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.SqlInfoParser
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.SqlInfoStreamPublisher
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.StressGenerator
- Example code.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.DirectoryManager
- java org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.DirectoryManager -path /tmp/filewatcher -filter "*.xml" -filterType simple
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.FileWatcherPlugin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.SpecificDefault
- Example code.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.SpecificOracle
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationAgent
- Keys are the info objects and values are maps containing the used properties as key/value pairs.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.socketgetter.SocketGetter
- The main method.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.SubagentTest
- Calls SubagentTest subagent constructor.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.XmlBlasterTest
- Main program
- calls XmlBlasterTest subagent constructor.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.NodeParser
- For testing with JUnit: java org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.NodeParserTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.IsoDateJoda
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- Command line helper to test your XPath syntax.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
- java org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore.FileDriver
- Invoke: jaco org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.FileDriver
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.MsgFileDumper
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.MsgFileDumper
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ServerEntryFactory
- Measure performance for XML-ASCII versus java.io.Serializable persistence.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.TopicEntry
- Measure size for XML-ASCII versus java.io.Serializable persistence.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.PluginHolderSaxFactory
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMapMessage
- Main - Class in org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui
- Class that starts GUI
- Main() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.Main
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.Main
- Main - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Main class to invoke the xmlBlaster server.
- Main() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- You need to call init() after construction.
- Main(ServerScope, MainGUI) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- Main(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- Start xmlBlaster using the properties from utilGlob
without loading xmlBlaster.properties again
- Main(String[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- Start xmlBlaster using the given properties
and load xmlBlaster.properties.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.Main
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI
- Invoke:
- main -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.MainSvc
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.MainSvc
- Main Method
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool
- For testing only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi.RmiUrl
- java org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi.RmiUrl rmi://localhost:8080
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.SocketUrl
- java org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.SocketUrl stomp://localhost:7609
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcUrl
- java org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcUrl http://localhost:8080
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.admin.TestAdminGet
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestAdminGet
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogin
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLoginLogoutEvent
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLoginLogoutEvent
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogout
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogout
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestSession
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestSessionCb
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestSessionReconnect
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.C.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.C.TestC
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classloader.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classloader.XmlBlasterClassloaderTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.snmp.InsertTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ClientPropertyTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ClientPropertyTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.CommandWrapperTest
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestActivateDispatcher
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ConnectQosTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ConnectQosTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ContextNodeTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.ContextNodeTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.DisconnectQosTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.DisconnectQosTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.EventPluginTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.FileLocatorTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.MsgKeyFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.MsgKeyFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.QueryKeyFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.QueryKeyFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.I_MapTest
java -Dtrace=true org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.I_MapTest > test.log
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.MsgUnitWrapperTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.MsgUnitWrapperTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.PropertyTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.PropertyTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.AddressBaseTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.AddressBaseTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.ConnectQosFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.ConnectQosFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.QueryQosFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.QueryQosFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.StatusQosFactoryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.StatusQosFactoryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueDisconnectTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueDisconnectTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.DesignQueues2008InitialTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.EntrySize
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.EntrySize
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.I_QueueTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.I_QueueTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcQueueTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcQueueTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueExtendedTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueExtendedTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueServerEntryTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueServerEntryTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueThreadingTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueThreadingTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.RunLevelTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.RunLevelTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.SessionNameTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.SessionNameTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.SocketUrlTest
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.SocketUrlTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.Sql92SelectorTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.Sql92SelectorTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.StringPairTokenizerTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.StringPairTokenizerTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlBlasterAccessTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlBlasterAccessTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlBlasterExceptionTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlBlasterExceptionTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlMethodsTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlMethodsTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlScriptInterpreterTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlScriptInterpreterTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestCommand
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafe
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafe
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafeAsync
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafeAsync
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafePing
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafePing
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFilePollerPlugin
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFilePollerPlugin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestHistoryZero
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestHistoryZero
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestLocalProtocol
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPersistentSession
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPersistentSession
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPDispatch
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPDispatch
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPPersistent
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPPersistent
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestStreamMessages
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestStreamMessages
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestSynchronousCache
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestSynchronousCache -startEmbedded false
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestTailback
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestTailback
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestXmlBlasterAccessMultiThreaded
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestXmlBlasterAccessMultiThreaded
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.PtPTest
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.db.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.db.TestDbStorage
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwatcher.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwatcher.TestReplaceVariable
- java org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwatcher.TestReplaceVariable
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwatcher.TestResultSetToXmlConverter
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwatcher.TestTimestamp
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwriter.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwriter.TestInfoObjects
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.dbwriter.TestRecordParsing
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.FileWatcherFeeder
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.TestFileWatcherPlugin
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFilePollerPlugin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.TestFileWriter
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFileWriter
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestDbBasics
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestDbSpecific
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestHelperClasses
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestReplication
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestReplicationWriter
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestSqlPrePostStatement
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.replication.TestSyncPart
- Start the test.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.TestInfo
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.TestUtils
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.ConfigurationParserTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.ConfigurationParserTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchPlugin
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchWithLostCallback
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.distributor.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.distributor.TestConsumableQueue
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestConsumableQueue
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.MemContext
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.TestJ2eeServices
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.TestJmsAdmin
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestJmsAdmin
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.TestJmsSubscribe
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestJmsSubscribe
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.TestMessages
java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestMessages
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestRemoteMBeanServer
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestSerializer
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.Embedded
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.PublishErase
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.PublishSame
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.TestThreadLeak
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.Volatile
- Try
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetFilter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetRegexFilter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetSql92Filter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestPublishFilter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestSubscribeFilter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestXPathSubscribeFilter
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence2
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence2
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistenceXMLDB
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistenceXMLDB
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCallback
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCallbackConfig
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestClientProperty
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestClientProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCorbaThreads
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCorbaThreads
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestEmbeddedXmlBlaster
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestEmbeddedXmlBlaster
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestErase
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestErase
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestGet
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestGet
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtD
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtD
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueue
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueue
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueueRedeliver
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtPSubscribable
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtSession
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPub
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPub
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubBurstMode
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubBurstMode
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubForce
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubForce
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestReconnectSameClientOnly
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSub
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSub
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubDispatch
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubDispatch
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubExact
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubExact
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubGet
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubGet
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubId
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubId
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubLostClient
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubLostClient
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubManyClients
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubManyClients
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMulti
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMulti
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMultiSubscribe
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMultiSubscribe
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNewestOnly
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNewestOnly
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoDup
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoDup
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoInitial
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoInitial
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoLocal
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoLocal
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNotify
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNotify
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubOneway
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubOneway
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPath
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPath
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany
java -Dtrace=true -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany
java -Djava.compiler= org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany -logging FINE
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUnSub
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUnSub
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.snmp.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.snmp.InsertTest
java org.xmlBlaster.test.snmp.InsertTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.StopXmlBlaster
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.AllTests
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.BigMessage
- Invoke:
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.LoadTestSub
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.LoadTestSub
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTestOne
- An example of how to run it:
java -Xms18M -Xmx256M -classpath lib/junit.jar:lib/testsuite.jar:lib/xmlBlaster.jar -Dtrace=false org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTestOne -numSubscribers 2500 -maxSubPerCon 500 -protocol LOCAL -withEmbedded true > log 2>&1
tail -f log | egrep 'Threads created|messages updated'
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.RamTest
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.RamTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCount
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCount
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCountSwap
- Deprecated. Use the TestRunner from the testsuite to run it:
java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCountSwap
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestTopicHistory
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestTopicHistory -startEmbedded false
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestTopicLifeCycle
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestTopicLifeCycle -startEmbedded false
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.util.JndiDumper
- JNDI determines each property's value by merging the values from the following two sources, in order:
The first occurrence of the property from the constructor's environment parameter and (for appropriate properties) the applet parameters and system properties.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.LowMemoryDetector
- Tester: java -Xms2M -Xmx3M -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -DxmlBlaster/jmx/exitOnMemoryThreshold=true org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.LowMemoryDetector
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Base64
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.Base64 -file MyFile.jpg
java org.xmlBlaster.util.Base64 HelloWorld -> SGVsbG9Xb3JsZA==
java org.xmlBlaster.util.Base64 -decodeFile MyFile.base64
java org.xmlBlaster.util.Base64 -decode Q2lBOGEyVjVJRzlwWkQwblNHVnNiRzhuSUdOdmJuUmxiblJOYVcxbFBTZDBaWGgwTDNodGJDY2dZMjl1ZEdWdWRFMXBiV1ZGZUhSbGJtUmxaRDBuTVM0d0p6NEtJQ0E4YjNKbkxuaHRiRUpzWVhOMFpYSStQR1JsYlc4dE16NDhMMlJsYlc4dE16NDhMMjl5Wnk1NGJXeENiR0Z6ZEdWeVBnb2dQQzlyWlhrKw==
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode
- Method for testing only.
Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode
- Generate a requirement file for all error codes.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName
java org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.EmbeddedXmlBlaster
- Invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.util.EmbeddedXmlBlaster
instead of the JacORB ORB, which won't work.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.EncodableData
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Execute
- org.xmlBlaster.util.Execute ls -l
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator -pluginsFile http://www.xmlblaster.org/empty.html
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- To play with a profiling tool
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.IsoDateParser
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeySaxFactory
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeySaxFactory
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.LikeOpWrapper
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.log.XbFormatter
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.log.XbNotifyHandler
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Args
- For testing only
java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Args
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropBoolean
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropBoolean
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropDouble
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropDouble
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Property
- For testing only
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropInt
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropInt
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropLong
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropLong
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropString
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropString
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailData
- For manual tests.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.MailUtil
- Reading POP3 messages and dump them (for testing only).
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.Pop3Driver
- java -Dmail.pop3.url=pop3://blue:blue@localhost:110/INBOX
org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.Pop3Driver -receivePolling true -clearMessages false
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient
- Standalone usage example:
java -Dmail.debug=true -Dmail.smtp.url=smtp://xmlBlaster:xmlBlaster@localhost:25 org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient -from xmlBlaster@localhost -to xmlBlaster@localhost -expires +5000
The output is like
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ProtoConverter
- For testing ...
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketUrl
- java org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketUrl socket://localhost:7609
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Address
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Address
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.CallbackAddress
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.CallbackAddress
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination
- Only for testing
java org.xmlBlaster.engine.Destination
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.ServerRef
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.ServerRef
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosSaxFactory
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.CbQueueProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.engine.helper.CbQueueProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.ClientQueueProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.ClientQueueProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.HistoryQueueProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.engine.helper.HistoryQueueProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.MsgUnitStoreProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.MsgUnitStoreProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SessionStoreProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SessionStoreProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SubscribeStoreProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SubscribeStoreProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.TopicStoreProperty
- For testing: java org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.TopicStoreProperty
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- This main method can be used to delete all tables on the db which start
with a certain prefix.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable
- Method for testing only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName
- Method for testing only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SimpleXbQueue
- This method is for testing only.
To start this test type:
java org.xmlBlaster.util.SimpleXbQueue
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch
- Only for testing.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.StringPairTokenizer
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.ThreadLister
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.ThreadLister
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.ThreadUtility
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout
- Method for testing only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.TimeoutPooled
- Method for testing only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp
- Test only.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
java org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XmlScriptParser
TODO: Put into test suite with xmlunit
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XmlScriptParser
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XmlScriptParser
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XbUri
- main(String[]) -
Static method in exception org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException
- java org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBuffer
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlNotPortable
- MainFrame - Class in org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui
- MainFrame(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- MainGUI - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Start xmlBlaster with a GUI based control panel.
- MainGUI(ServerScope, Main) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI
- Construct the xmlBlaster GUI.
- mainGUI -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.PollingThread
- MainGUI.GuiQuery - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- A client accessing xmlBlaster to do some XPath query.
- MainGUI.GuiQuery(I_Authenticate, I_XmlBlaster) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.GuiQuery
- Login to xmlBlaster and get a sessionId.
- MainGUI.LogLevelListener - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Get the events when a Checkbox is selected with the mouse.
- MainGUI.LogLevelListener() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.LogLevelListener
- MainGUI.PollingThread - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Polls the state of xmlBlaster.
- MainGUI.PollingThread(MainGUI) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.PollingThread
- MainGUI.QueryHistory - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Implements a stack to hold the previous XPath queries.
- MainGUI.QueryHistory() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.QueryHistory
- Constructs a history stack.
- MainGUI.XPathKeyListener - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- Handles return key when a XPath query is entered into the TextField.
- MainGUI.XPathKeyListener() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI.XPathKeyListener
- MainSvc - Class in org.xmlBlaster
- MainSvc() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.MainSvc
- mainUsage() -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnectionMetaData
- majorJavaVersion -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.JdkCompatible
- makeWriteable() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBBytesMessage
- Manager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo
- This example pops up a GUI, and a user has to confirm
all logins and authorize messages manually.
- Manager() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo.Manager
- Manager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd
- This security manager just implements the necessary interfaces
and delegates login checks (authentication of a client) to LDAP.
- Manager() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.Manager
- Manager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap
- This security manager just implements the necessary interfaces
and delegates login checks (authentication of a client) to LDAP.
- Manager() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.Manager
- Manager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple
- This security manager just implements the necessary interfaces
and allows everything - everybody may login, and everybody
may do anything with the messages (publish, subscribe ...)
- Manager() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.Manager
- manager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- manager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.SnmpGateway
- manager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
- manager() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
- Tests peek() and peek(int num) and remove()
For a discussion of the sorting order see Javadoc of this class
- manager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin
- managerCount -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
- manyClients -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubLostClient
- manyClients -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubManyClients
- manyClients -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- manyConnections -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- MAP -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessage
- map -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.xmlrpc.XblRequestFactoryFactory
- map -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout
- Sorted map
- map -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.TimeoutPooled
- Sorted map
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode
- Use to mark a message store map
- MapEventHandler - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore
- MapEventHandler(ServerScope, I_EventDispatcher) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.MapEventHandler
- mapHasNewEntry -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout
- To avoid sync
- mapHasNewEntry -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.TimeoutPooled
- To avoid sync
- mapId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
- mapLevel(Level) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.log.Log4jToJavaLoggingAppender
- mapMsgToMasterIdMap -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.MapMsgToMasterPluginManager
- mapMsgToMasterPluginManager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterManager
- MapMsgToMasterPluginManager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster
- Loads the cluster plugin depending on message MIME type.
- MapMsgToMasterPluginManager(ServerScope, ClusterManager) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.MapMsgToMasterPluginManager
- mapper -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationDumper
- mapper -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationWriter
- mapping -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
- MapPlugin - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram
- Mapping messages in RAM only.
- MapPlugin() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
- MapPlugin.LruComparator - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram
- Sorts the entries in the the last recent added order (no real LRU).
- MapPlugin.LruComparator() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin.LruComparator
- mapToCSV(Map) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.StringPairTokenizer
- Counterpart to #CSVToMap(String)
- mapToCSV(Map, char, char) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.StringPairTokenizer
- A '=' in the key is escaped with "=".
- mapToCSV(Map, char, char, char) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.StringPairTokenizer
- markSupported() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZBlockInputStream
- markSupported() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZFlushInputStream
- MassiveSubTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.stress
- Test differents scenarios for a massive ammount of subscibers.
- MassiveSubTest(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- MassiveSubTest(Global, String, String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- MassiveSubTest.Client - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.stress
- MassiveSubTest.Client() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest.Client
- MassiveSubTestOne - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.stress
- Run massive with with only the one connection aproach read settings from env.
- MassiveSubTestOne(Global, String, String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTestOne
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConstants
- masterConn -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- masterInfoMap -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterNode
- Hold mapping informations to map a message to a master node.
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverable
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo.ContentLenFilter
- Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in interface org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.I_AccessFilter
- Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex.GnuRegexFilter
- Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92.Sql92Filter
- Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
- match(SessionInfo, MsgUnit, Query) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
- match(QueryKeyData) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey
- Allows to check if this xmlKey matches the given query.
- match(String) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey
- We need this to allow checking if an existing XPath subscription matches this new message type.
- match(String) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.LikeOpWrapper
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- matchAgainstQos -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- matchesRegex(String, String) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin
- matchManagedConnections(Set, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterManagedConnectionFactory
- Match a set of connections from the pool
- matchRelativeName(String) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName
- Check matching name, the subjectId or pubSessionId can be a wildcard "*"
(note: no blanks in the example below are allowed, we need to write it
like this to distinguish it from a java comment)
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.info.SqlInfo
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgErrorHandler
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBPropertyNames
- This property sets the maximum size of each chunk.
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketExecutor
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SimpleXbQueue
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConstants
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI
- To save memory consumption, limit number of logging lines to this value.
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Property
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketDriver.UDPListener
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram.RamQueuePlugin
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- The maximum priority of a message (9 or MAX).
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessorDelegate
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessorDelegate
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.OracleByEventsScheduler.SchedulerRunner
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XbfParser
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZBlockOutputStream
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZFlushOutputStream
- maxBufSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBStreamingMessage
- maxBytes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- The max.
- maxBytes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache.CacheControlParam
- The maximum size of the queue.
- maxBytesCache -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- The max.
- maxBytesDefault -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- maxCacheSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- maxChunkSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- maxChunkSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketExecutor
- maxClients -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.NodeEntry
- maxClients -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.NodeEntryImplPeer
- maxClients_OID -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.ClientTableThresholdOverflow
- maxCollectedMessages -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcher
- maxContentLength -
Variable in class javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe
- maxEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins.QueueQueryPlugin.WaitingQuery
- The maximum number of entries for which to wait.
- maxEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafeAsync
- TEST: Sendin 0-19 directly, sending 20-39 to recorder (no connection), sending 40-100 directly
- maxEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- The max.
- maxEntriesCache -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- The max.
- maxEntriesCacheDefault -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase
- maxFetchSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache.CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin
- maxFileDescriptorCount -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- The max number of file descriptors this JVM may use
Set by JmxWrappter.java, else 0
- maximumChunkSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.Publisher
- maximumFileSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.Publisher
- maximumFileSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.Publisher
- maximumPoolSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchWorkerPool
- maxInactiveInterval -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax.AjaxServlet
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.ClientTableObserver
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.ConnectionTableObserver
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.NodeTableObserver
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.SessionTableObserver
- maxInstances -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.PoolManager
- Default maximum pool size (number of resources)
- maxJvmMemory() -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.LowMemoryDetector
- Access the max available RAM for this JVM.
- maxLifeTime -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData
- A PubSub message lease lasts forever if not otherwise specified.
- maxMessageSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcher
- maxMimeCacheSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.PublishPluginManager
- To avoid huge caches if every message sends crazy different mime types
- maxMsgLength -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XbfParser
- maxNest -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable
- maxNumOfEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- maxNumOfEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- maxNumOfEntriesKey -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- maxNumStatements -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- maxNumStatements -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- maxProcLength -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbMetaHelper
- maxQueriesCached -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.SynchronousCache
- maxReadIndex -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZBlockInputStream
- maxReadIndex -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZFlushInputStream
- maxReplKey -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- maxResourceExhaustRetries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbPool
- If the pool is exhausted, we poll the given times
- maxResourceExhaustRetries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbWaitingPool
- If the pool is exhausted, we poll the given times
- maxResourceExhaustRetries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool.UnnamedConnectionPool
- If the pool is exhausted, we poll the given times
- maxResponseEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- maxRows -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.ResultSetToXmlConverter
- maxSelectLimit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- maxSelectLimit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- maxSessions -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo
- maxSessions -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.ClientEntry
- maxSessions -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.ClientEntryImplPeer
- maxSessions -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.SessionQos
- maxSessions_OID -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.SessionTableThresholdOverflow
- maxSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.AppTerm.AsyncWriter
- maxSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.AppTerm.PanelStream
- maxSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- maxSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins.QueueQueryPlugin.WaitingQuery
- The maximum number of bytes which need to be in the queue before
it will continue.
- maxStatementLength -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- maxStatementLength -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- maxSubPerCon -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- maxThreadDiff -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.TestThreadLeak
- maxUserSessions -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax.AjaxServlet
- We support additional admin sessions
- maxUserSessionsReached(HttpServletRequest) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax.AjaxServlet
- maxWaitingThreads -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
- MBean -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.plugins.infoPlugin.NodeInfoPanel
- MBean -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.plugins.logPlugin.LogPlugin
- mBean -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxMBeanHandle
- MBeanClass -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.plugins.infoPlugin.NodeInfoPanel
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.FilePollerPlugin
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.FileWatcherPlugin
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.SqlStatement
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterManager
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterNode
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.NodeMasterInfo
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo.PublishDelayer
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache.PersistenceCachePlugin
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.PluginConfig
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.RunlevelManager
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionInfo
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.CorbaDriver
- My JMX registration, can be done optionally by implementing classes
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax.AjaxServlet
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax.BlasterInstance
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketDriver
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.XbStompDriver
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcDriver
- My JMX registration, can be done optionally by implementing classes
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint.Checkpoint
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.Pop3Driver
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient
- My JMX registration
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.RequestReplyExecutor
- My JMX registration, can be done optionally by implementing classes
- mbeanHandle -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache.CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin
- My JMX registration
- mbeanMap -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxWrapper
- We hold an own map for mbeans registered to support renaming.
- mbeanServer -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.DefaultLowMemoryListener
- mbeanServer -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxWrapper
- mbeanServer -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.LowMemoryDetector
- mc -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterConnectionImpl
- mc -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterConnectionManager.ConnectionListener
- mc -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterMetaData
- mcf -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterConnectionFactoryImpl
- Blasters own factory
- mcf -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterManagedConnection
- mcf -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.TestJ2eeServices
- MD5ChangeDetector - Class in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector
- Check the database and compare the MD5 of the result set
to the previous one.
- MD5ChangeDetector() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.MD5ChangeDetector
- Default constructor, you need to call
MD5ChangeDetector.init(org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_Info, org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.I_ChangeListener, org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.I_DataConverter)
- MD5ChangeDetector(I_Info, I_ChangeListener, I_DataConverter) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.MD5ChangeDetector
- Convenience constructor which calls
MD5ChangeDetector.init(org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_Info, org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.I_ChangeListener, org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.I_DataConverter)
- md5Map -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.MD5ChangeDetector
- ME -
Static variable in class http.dhtml.systemInfo.SystemInfo
- ME -
Static variable in class http.dhtml.systemInfo.SystemInfoPublisher
- ME -
Variable in class javaclients.AllProtocols
- ME -
Static variable in class javaclients.ClientQuery
- ME -
Static variable in class javaclients.ClientSub
- ME -
Static variable in class javaclients.ClientSubDispatch
- ME -
Static variable in class javaclients.ClientXml
- ME -
Variable in class javaclients.HelloWorldErase
- ME -
Variable in class javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.Authenticate
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo.ClientPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo.Manager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.ClientPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.HtPasswd
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.Manager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.htpasswd.Session
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.ClientPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.LdapGateway
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.Manager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.SecurityQos
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.ldap.Session
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.PluginManager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.ClientPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.Manager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.simple.SecurityQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.ClientErrorHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch.ClientDispatchConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch.ClientDispatchConnectionsHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch.ClientDispatchManager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.DirectoryManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.FilePollerPlugin
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.Publisher
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.jmx.NotificationHandler
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.jmx.XmlBlasterCallback
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.jmx.XmlBlasterInvocationHandler
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.EraseKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.GetKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.GetReturnKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.SubscribeKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UnSubscribeKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.PluginLoader
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.AbstractCallbackExtended
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.CbServerPluginManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba.CorbaCallbackServer
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba.CorbaConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.email.EmailCallbackImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.email.EmailConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.local.LocalCallbackImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.local.LocalConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.ProtocolPluginManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.rmi.RmiCallbackServer
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.rmi.RmiConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket.SocketCallbackImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket.SocketConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket.WorkerThread
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCallbackImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCallbackServer
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcConnection
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectReturnQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.EraseQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetReturnQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeQos
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.ClientEntryFactory
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueGetEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.GetMessage
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.reader.SubscribeMessage
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.StreamCallback
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptClient
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptInterpreter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.SynchronousCache
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.UpdateDispatcher
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlDbMessageWrapper
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.info.SqlDescription
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.DirectoryManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.FileWatcherPlugin
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.Publisher
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewriter.FileWriter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverable
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationWriter
- me -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.SqlStatement
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.CommandManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.CommandWrapper
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.MomClientGateway
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.snmp.NodeScalarProxy
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.SnmpGateway
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.TelnetGateway
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern.CoreHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern.MsgHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern.PropertyHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.AvailabilityChecker
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterNode
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.MapMsgToMasterPluginManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.NodeConnectQos
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.NodeMasterInfo
- Unique name for logging
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.NodeParser
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain.DomainToMaster
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain.RoundRobin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.DeadMessageDumper
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.CbDispatchConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.CbDispatchConnectionsHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.ServerDispatchManager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins.ConsumableQueuePlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.AccessPluginManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo.ContentLenFilter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo.PublishDelayer
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo.PublishLenChecker
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.PublishPluginManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex.GnuRegexFilter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92.Sql92Filter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache.PersistenceCachePlugin
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore.FileDriver
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.MsgFileDumper
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.ConnectReturnQosServer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins.QueueQueryPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueHistoryEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ReferenceEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ServerEntryFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.TopicEntry
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.PluginConfigComparator
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.PluginConfigSaxFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.PluginHolderSaxFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.RunLevelActionSaxFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel.RunlevelManager
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.SessionPersistencePlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.StartupTasks
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubjectEntryShuffler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionInfo
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKeyDom
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.XmlBlasterImpl
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.jmx.XmlBlasterService
- me -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterManagedConnection
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.util.JacorbUtil
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBBytesMessage
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnection
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnectionFactory
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnectionMetaData
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBDestination
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessage
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessageConsumer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessageProducer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBTopicSubscriber
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.ComponentController
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.ConnectorClient
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.DataModel
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MyExpansionListener
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.SplashWindow
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.Main
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.AuthServerImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.CallbackCorbaDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.CorbaDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.ServerImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email.CallbackEmailDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email.EmailDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.appletproxy.PushHandler
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.BlasterHttpProxy
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.BrowserTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.HttpPushHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.Util
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.CallbackJdbcDriver
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.DBAdapterUtils
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.JdbcDriver
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool.UnnamedConnectionPool
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.XmlDBAdapter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.XmlDBAdapterWorker
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.local.CallbackLocalDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi.CallbackRmiDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi.RmiDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi.RmiUrl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.CallbackSocketDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.HandleClient
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketCbConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.SocketDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.SocketUrl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.XbStompDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.XbStompInOutBridge
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.AuthenticateImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.CallbackXmlRpcDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.CallbackXmlRpcDriverSingleChannel
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlBlasterImpl
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcDriver
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.XmlRpcUrl
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.admin.TestAdminGet
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestAuthenticationHtPassWd
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestHtpasswdAuthorization
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogout
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.CommandWrapperTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.MsgKeyFactoryTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.QueryKeyFactoryTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.I_MapTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.MsgUnitWrapperTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.AddressBaseTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.QueryQosFactoryTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.StatusQosFactoryTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueDisconnectTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.CacheQueueTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.DesignQueues2008InitialTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.I_QueueTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcManagerCommonTableTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcQueueTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueExtendedTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueServerEntryTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueThread
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.QueueThreadingTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.RunLevelTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.Sql92SelectorTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.StringPairTokenizerTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestPoolManager
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TimeoutTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TimestampTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlMethodsTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.XmlScriptInterpreterTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafe
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafeAsync
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafePing
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFilePollerPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestHistoryZero
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestLocalProtocol
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPersistentSession
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPDispatch
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestPtPPersistent
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestStreamMessages
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestTailback
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestXmlBlasterAccessMultiThreaded
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.DirtyReadTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.EraseTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.PtPTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.PublishTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.SubscribeTest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.cluster.SubscribeXPathTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.TestFileWatcherPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher.TestFileWriter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.TestJ2eeServices
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestConnector
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestRemoteMBeanServer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestSerializer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.Embedded
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.PublishErase
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.PublishSame
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.TestThreadLeak
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.memoryleak.Volatile
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetFilter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetRegexFilter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestGetSql92Filter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestPublishFilter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestSubscribeFilter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.mime.TestXPathSubscribeFilter
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistence2
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.persistence.TestPersistenceXMLDB
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCallback
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestCallbackConfig
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestClientProperty
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestEmbeddedXmlBlaster
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestErase
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestGet
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtD
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueue
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueueRedeliver
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtPSubscribable
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPub
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubBurstMode
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubForce
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestReconnectSameClientOnly
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSub
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubDispatch
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubExact
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubGet
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubId
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubLostClient
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubManyClients
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMulti
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMultiSubscribe
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNewestOnly
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoDup
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoInitial
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoLocal
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubOneway
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPath
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUnSub
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.BigMessage
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.LoadTestSub
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCount
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.topic.TestReferenceCountSwap
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.util.Client
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxProperties
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.JmxWrapper
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.SerializeHelper
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.AttributeSaxFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint.Checkpoint
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.classloader.StandaloneClassLoaderFactory
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.classloader.XmlBlasterClassLoader
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.cluster.NodeId
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchConnection
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchConnectionsHandler
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchWorker
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchWorkerPool
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio.ConfigurationParser
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio.DispatchManagerEntry
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio.PriorizedDispatchPlugin
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio.StatusConfiguration
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio.XmlBlasterNativeClient
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.EncodableData
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.FileDumper
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.http.HandleRequest
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.http.HttpIORServer
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.QueryKeyData
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.QueryKeySaxFactory
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.LikeOpWrapper
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.Sql92Parser
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.Sql92Scanner
- This must be filled to be determined
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginManagerBase
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.PoolManager
- Nice, unique name for logging output
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.ResourceWrapper
- Nice, unique name for logging output
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Args
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Property
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.corba.OrbInstanceWrapper
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailExecutor
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ProtoConverter
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.RequestReplyExecutor
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketExecutor
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketUrl
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Address
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.ServerRef
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ConnectQosData
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryRefinementQos
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.ClientQueueProperty
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.HistoryQueueProperty
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.MsgUnitStoreProperty
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SessionStoreProperty
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.SubscribeStoreProperty
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache.CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueue
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.PreparedQuery
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram.RamQueuePlugin
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SaxHandlerBase
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.servlet.ReqBaseServlet
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.servlet.ReqItemServlet
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.servlet.ReqListServlet
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.servlet.Util
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName
- Name for logging output
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout
- Name for logging output
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.TimeoutPooled
- Name for logging output
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XbfParser
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XmlScriptParser
- ME -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlNotPortable
- ME -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlToDom
- meat -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRef
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRefFactory
- meatFactory -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.DesignQueues2008InitialTest
- meatFactory -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- meatFactory -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRefFactory
- meatId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRef
xbrefid NUMBER(20) primary key,
xbstoreid NUMBER(20) not null,
xbmeatid NUMBER(20) ,
xbdurable char(1) default 'F' not null ,
xbbytesize NUMBER(10) ,
xbmetainfo clob default '',
xbflag1 varchar(32) default '',
xbmethodname varchar(32) default '',
xbprio NUMBER(10)
- meetingPoint -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbPool
- meetingPoint -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbWaitingPool
- meetingPoint -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool
- meetingPoint -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc.NamedConnectionPool.UnnamedConnectionPool
- meetingPoint -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.pool.PoolManager
- MemContext - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee
- A partial impl of JNDI context to test J2ee services.
- MemContext() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.MemContext
- MemContext(Hashtable, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.MemContext
- MemContext(Hashtable, String, Hashtable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.MemContext
- MemContext.NamingParser - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee
- MemContext.NamingParser() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.j2ee.MemContext.NamingParser
- menuBar -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- mergeChildTree(ContextNode) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode
- Merges the given child, it exists already nothing happens.
- mergeNode(Node) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKeyDom
- Adding a new <key> node to the xmlBlaster xmlKey tree.
- mergeNode(Node) -
Method in interface org.xmlBlaster.util.I_MergeDomNode
- mergeNode(Document, Node) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlNotPortable
- Merging a node into another document.
- mergeRemoteProperties(Map) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo
- Update properties send by our client.
- mergeRootNode(I_MergeDomNode) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey
- Should be called by publish() to merge the local XmlKey DOM into the big xmlBlaster DOM tree
- mergeRootNode(I_MergeDomNode) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlToDom
- Should be called by publish() to merge the local XmlKey DOM into the big xmlBlaster DOM tree
- message -
Variable in exception org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.XmlBlasterException
- message(String) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.HttpPushHandler
- Calls the message method in the parentframe of the callback frame.
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.PushDataItem
- To mark pushed messages
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConstants
- messageArrived -
Variable in class javaclients.Latency
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestClientProperty
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtDQueue
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPub
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubBurstMode
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPubForce
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSub
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubDispatch
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubExact
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubGet
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubId
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNewestOnly
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNoInitial
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUnSub
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.BigMessage
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.LoadTestSub
- messageArrived -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.stress.MassiveSubTest
- messageArrived1 -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany
- messageArrived2 -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany
- messageArrived3 -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubXPathMany
- messageErase(TopicHandler) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.BigXmlKeyDOM
- Invoked on message erase() invocation.
- MessageHelper - Class in org.xmlBlaster.jms
- MessageHelper.
- MessageHelper() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.jms.MessageHelper
- messageID -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.jmx.XmlBlasterInvocationHandler
- messageID -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessage
- messageId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp.RequestHolder
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailData
- Holding the relevant email meta info like a request identifier
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailData
- The root tag <messageId>
- messageIdFileName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailData
- messageIdFileName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailExecutor
- 'messageId.mid'
- messageIdFileName -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.Pop3Driver
- messageIdFileName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient.AsyncSender
- messageIdForceBase64 -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient
- Setting this to true we can force the messageId attachment to
always be base64 encoded.
- messageList -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptInterpreter
- used to accumulate all messages to be sent with publishArr
- messageSeq -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConverter
- messageSeq -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- messageSeq -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSourceEngine
- messageSeqPropertyName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConverter
- messageTimer -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- MessageUnit - Class in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl
- Generated from IDL definition of struct "MessageUnit"
- MessageUnit() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnit
- MessageUnit(String, byte[], String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnit
- messageUnit2Vector(boolean, MsgUnitRaw) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ProtoConverter
- Converts a single MsgUnitRaw to a Vector.
- messageUnitArray2Vector(boolean, MsgUnitRaw[]) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ProtoConverter
- Converts a MsgUnitRaw[] object into a Vector.
- MessageUnitArrHelper - Class in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl
- Generated from IDL definition of alias "MessageUnitArr"
- MessageUnitArrHelper() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitArrHelper
- MessageUnitArrHolder - Class in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl
- Generated from IDL definition of alias "MessageUnitArr"
- MessageUnitArrHolder() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitArrHolder
- MessageUnitArrHolder(MessageUnit[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitArrHolder
- MessageUnitHelper - Class in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl
- Generated from IDL definition of struct "MessageUnit"
- MessageUnitHelper() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitHelper
- MessageUnitHolder - Class in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl
- Generated from IDL definition of struct "MessageUnit"
- MessageUnitHolder() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitHolder
- MessageUnitHolder(MessageUnit) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba.serverIdl.MessageUnitHolder
- meta -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryQosData
- not yet supported
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBMeatFactory
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRefFactory
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.convert.I_DataConverter
- Possible settings for what argument of
#addInfo(ResultSet, int)
- metaData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnection
- metaData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnectionFactory
- metaInfo -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBMeat
- metaInfo -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRef
- method -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.UpdateEvent
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRefFactory
- method_newXPath -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlNotPortable
- MethodInvocation - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern
- MethodInvocation is wrapper for Invocation of Methods an the returning
TODO: Implment check before invoke if TargetHost is current Host!
- MethodInvocation() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.MethodInvocation
- MethodInvocation(Method) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.MethodInvocation
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.admin.extern.MethodInvocation
- MethodName - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.def
- This class holds all method names to access xmlBlaster.
- MethodName(String, int, int) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName.SerializedForm
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QosData
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRef
- methodName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- MethodName.SerializedForm - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.def
- MethodName.SerializedForm(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName.SerializedForm
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailData
- methodNameBytes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName
- mi -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.jmx.XmlBlasterCallback
- mi -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestConnector
- mi -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestSerializer
- MicroEditionTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest
- Test ConnectQos.
- MicroEditionTest(String, String[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
- MicroEditionTest(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
- MicroEditionTest.Receiver - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest
- MicroEditionTest.Receiver(int, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest.Receiver
- MicroEditionTest.Sender - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest
- MicroEditionTest.Sender(InetAddress, int, byte[], long) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest.Sender
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp
- millisToNice(long) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp
- Convert milliseconds to some more human readable representation.
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- Cascading Style Sheet
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- GIF Image
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- Hypertext Markup Language
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- Joint Photographic Experts Group
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- Javascript
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- Portable Network Graphics Format Image
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverable
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- The mime type for the xml.
- mimeCache -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.PublishPluginManager
- Cache for up to now arrived message mime types
- mimeType -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.http.HttpResponse
- mimeTypes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.htmlmonitor.HtmlMonitorPlugin
- mimeTypes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverable
- mimeTypes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime.DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly
- mimeTypes -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter
- min -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.CronData
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- The minimum priority of a message (1).
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- The minimum priority of a message (2).
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.SqlInfoStreamPublisher
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcConnectionPool
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum
- The minimum priority of a message (0 or MIN).
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.OracleByEventsScheduler.SchedulerRunner
- minCompress -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.ZBlockOutputStream
- minDelay -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter.SqlInfoStreamPublisher
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBConnectionMetaData
- minReplKey -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave
- minSize -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.AddressBase
- minSizeForCompression -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.RequestReplyExecutor
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.TimestampChangeDetector
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.Sql92Symbols
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants
- missingPongs -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.appletproxy.PushHandler
- mode -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.BrowserTest
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
- model2 -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.plugins.infoPlugin.NodeInfoPanel
- modificationMonitor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueue
- Monitor object used to synchronize the count of sizes
- modificationMonitor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin
- Monitor object used to synchronize the count of sizes
- modifyColumnsIfNecessary(String, String, String, SqlRow) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationWriter
- Returns the number of columns modified.
- modifyEntry(String, I_Entry, I_Entry) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessor
- modifies a row in the specified queue table
- modifyEntry(String, I_Entry, I_Entry) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.CommonTableDatabaseAccessorDelegate
- modifyEntry(XBStore, XBMeat, XBMeat, boolean) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessor
- modifies a row in the specified queue table
- modifyEntry(XBStore, XBMeat, XBMeat, boolean) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBDatabaseAccessorDelegate
- modifyMinStrIfDate(String, long) -
Static method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.TimestampChangeDetector
- modifyMinStrIfDateWithPersistence(String, long) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.detector.TimestampChangeDetector
- Modifies a string if it contains the special token '${currentDate}'.
- modifyProperty(ClientProperty) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbStorage
- Modifies an existing property.
- modifySql -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbStorage
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
Static variable in interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants
- momAdministered -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewriter.FileWriter
- MomClientGateway - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern
- The gateway allows to do administration with xmlBlaster messages.
- MomClientGateway() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern.MomClientGateway
- momClientGateway -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope
- MomEventEngine - Class in org.xmlBlaster.contrib
- MomEventEngine() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.MomEventEngine
- month -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.CronData
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin
- moveTo(File, String, File) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller.DirectoryManager
- moveTo(File, String, File) -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher.DirectoryManager
- MPE -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Execute
- Msg - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common
- Encapsulates the xmlKey, content and qos.
- Msg(Hashtable, byte[], Hashtable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.Msg
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin.Counter
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessageConsumer
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMsgEvent
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.TestJmsSubscribe
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jms.TestJmsSubscribe.PublisherThread
- msg -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx.TestConnector
- Msg - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test
- Helper for testsuite to store a received message with update()
- Msg(String, UpdateKey, byte[], UpdateQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.Msg
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBRef
- MsgComparator - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram
- Sorts the messages
- MsgComparator() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram.MsgComparator
- msgContent -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestStreamMessages
- msgContent -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.MsgInterceptor
- msgDistributor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.TopicProperty
- MsgDistributorPluginManager - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins
- MsgDistributorPluginManager
- MsgDistributorPluginManager(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins.MsgDistributorPluginManager
- msgDistributorPluginManager -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope
- msgErrorHandler -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo
- Do error recovery if message can't be delivered and we give it up
- msgErrorHandler -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo
- msgErrorHandler -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
- The object handling message delivery problems
- MsgErrorHandler - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine
- The default error recovery implementation for messages which are lost
in time and universe.
- MsgErrorHandler(ServerScope, SessionInfo) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgErrorHandler
- MsgErrorInfo - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.error
- Encapsulates all necessary information to allow error handling
of a lost message.
- MsgErrorInfo(Global, SessionName, MsgUnitRaw, Throwable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- Called for raw messages e.g.
- MsgErrorInfo(Global, SessionName, MsgUnit, Throwable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- Creates an error info instance from server side XmlBlasterImpl.publish failure (remote method invokation)
without a queue involved
- MsgErrorInfo(Global, MsgQueueEntry, I_DispatchManager, Throwable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- Creates an error info instance with errorCode="internal.unknown"
- MsgErrorInfo(Global, MsgQueueEntry[], I_DispatchManager, Throwable) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- Creates an error info instance for an array of message queue entries
- MsgFileDumper - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence
- A very simple, file based dump of a message.
- MsgFileDumper() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.MsgFileDumper
- msgFileDumper -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope
- MsgHandler - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern
- Implementation of administrative access to xmlBlaster messages.
- MsgHandler() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern.MsgHandler
- MsgHolder - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common
- MsgHolder is a placeholder for the messages to be sent to xmlBlaster, i.e.
- MsgHolder(String, String, String, byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.MsgHolder
- MsgInfo - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat
- Holds MsgUnits from socket or email protocol drivers with additional tranport
- MsgInfo(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- The same instance object may be reused.
- MsgInfo(Global, I_ProgressListener) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- Ctor to parse messages with msgInfo.parse(iStream);
- MsgInfo(Global, byte, MethodName, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- Create a raw message.
- MsgInfo(Global, byte, MethodName, String, I_ProgressListener, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- MsgInfo(Global, byte, MethodName, String, I_ProgressListener) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- MsgInfo(Global, byte, String, MethodName, String, I_ProgressListener) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- msgInfoParsed -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.XmlScriptParser
- msgInfoParser -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- msgInfoParserClassName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket.CallbackSocketDriver
- msgInfoParserClassName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.EmailExecutor
- Which message format parser to use
- msgInfoParserClassName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket.SocketExecutor
- Which message format parser to use
- MsgInfoParserFactory - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat
- Creates a parser instance to serialize xmlBlaster messages.
- MsgInfoParserFactory() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfoParserFactory
- msgInterceptor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch.ClientDispatchManager
- msgInterceptor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.ServerDispatchManager
- MsgInterceptor - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test
- Intercepts incoming message in update() and collects them in a Vector for nice handling.
- MsgInterceptor(Global, Logger, I_Callback, I_StreamingCallback) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.MsgInterceptor
- MsgInterceptor(Global, Logger, I_Callback, I_Update) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.MsgInterceptor
- MsgInterceptor(Global, Logger, I_Callback) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.MsgInterceptor
- msgInterceptor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubNotify
- msgInterceptor -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubOneway
- msgKeyData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.GetReturnKey
- msgKeyData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey
- msgKeyData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UpdateKey
- msgKeyData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- This holds the quick parsed key information, if you need the DOM use xmlKey instead
- MsgKeyData - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.key
- This class encapsulates the Message meta data and unique identifier (key)
of a publish()/update() or get()-return message.
- MsgKeyData(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- Minimal constructor.
- MsgKeyData(Global, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- Constructor to parse a message.
- MsgKeyData(Global, I_MsgKeyFactory, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData
- Constructor to parse a message.
- msgKeyData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeySaxFactory
- msgKeyFactory -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- MsgKeyFactoryTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key
- Test I_MsgKeyFactory implementations.
- MsgKeyFactoryTest(Global, String, int) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.key.MsgKeyFactoryTest
- MsgKeySaxFactory - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.key
- Parsing xml Key (quality of service) of publish() and update().
- MsgKeySaxFactory(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeySaxFactory
- Can be used as singleton.
- msgListener -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessageConsumer
- msgListener -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMsgEvent
- msgListener -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
- msgOid -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchPlugin
- msgOid -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchWithLostCallback
- msgOid -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtSession
- msgOidNormal -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- msgOidWantException -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- msgOidWantIllegalException -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- msgOidWantNPE -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestUpdateClientException
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.GetReturnQos
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UpdateQos
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.GetReturnQosServer
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.PublishQosServer
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.UpdateQosServer
- MsgQosData - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos
- Data container handling of publish() and update() quality of services.
- MsgQosData(Global, MethodName) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData
- Constructs the specialized quality of service object for a publish() or update() call.
- MsgQosData(Global, I_MsgQosFactory, MethodName) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData
- Constructs the specialized quality of service object for a publish() or update() call.
- MsgQosData(Global, I_MsgQosFactory, String, MethodName) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData
- Constructs the specialized quality of service object for a publish() call.
- msgQosData -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosSaxFactory
- msgQosFactory -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.Global
- MsgQosFactoryTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos
- Test MsgQosSaxFactory.
- MsgQosFactoryTest(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosFactoryTest
- MsgQosSaxFactory - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos
- Parsing xml QoS (quality of service) of publish() and update().
- MsgQosSaxFactory(Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosSaxFactory
- Can be used as singleton.
- MsgQosTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos
- Test MsgQosSaxFactory.
- MsgQosTest(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosTest
- msgQueue -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch.ClientDispatchManager
- msgQueue -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.ServerDispatchManager
- msgQueue -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchWorker
- MsgQueueConnectEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an connect() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueConnectEntry(Global, StorageId, ConnectQosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueConnectEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method connect().
- MsgQueueConnectEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, ConnectQosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueConnectEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueueDisconnectEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an disconnect() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueDisconnectEntry(Global, StorageId, DisconnectQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueDisconnectEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method disconnect().
- MsgQueueDisconnectEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, DisconnectQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueDisconnectEntry
- For persistence recovery
- msgQueueEntries -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- MsgQueueEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg
- Base class to enter xmlBlaster method invocations (messages) into an ordered queue.
- MsgQueueEntry(Global, MethodName, PriorityEnum, StorageId, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry
- MsgQueueEntry(Global, String, PriorityEnum, StorageId, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry
- Creates a new queue entry object.
- MsgQueueEntry(Global, String, PriorityEnum, Timestamp, StorageId, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.MsgQueueEntry
- This constructor is for internal creation from persistence only.
- MsgQueueEraseEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an erase() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueEraseEntry(Global, StorageId, EraseKey, EraseQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueEraseEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method erase().
- MsgQueueEraseEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, EraseKey, EraseQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueEraseEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueueGetEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an get() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueGetEntry(Global, StorageId, GetKey, GetQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueGetEntry
- Use this constructor for a get() request.
- MsgQueueGetEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, GetKey, GetQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueGetEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueueHistoryEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg
- Wraps an publish() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueHistoryEntry(ServerScope, MsgUnitWrapper, StorageId) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueHistoryEntry
- A new message object is fed by method publish().
- MsgQueueHistoryEntry(ServerScope, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, String, long, boolean, long) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueHistoryEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueuePublishEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an publish() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global, MsgUnit, StorageId) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method publish() (not oneway).
- MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global, MsgUnit, StorageId, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global, MethodName, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, MsgUnit) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueueSubscribeEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an subscribe() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueSubscribeEntry(Global, StorageId, QueryKeyData, QueryQosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueSubscribeEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method subscribe().
- MsgQueueSubscribeEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, QueryKeyData, QueryQosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueSubscribeEntry
- For persistence recovery
- MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg
- Wraps an unSubscribe() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry(Global, StorageId, UnSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry
- Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method unSubscribe().
- MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry(Global, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, long, UnSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry
- For persistence recovery
- msgQueueUpdateEntry -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.CbDispatchConnection.Holder
- MsgQueueUpdateEntry - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg
- Wraps an publish() message into an entry for a sorted queue.
- MsgQueueUpdateEntry(ServerScope, MsgUnitWrapper, StorageId, SessionName, String, boolean, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry
- A new message object is fed by method publish().
- MsgQueueUpdateEntry(ServerScope, MsgUnitWrapper, Timestamp, StorageId, SessionName, String, boolean, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry
- convenience constructor to allow passing an already given uniqueId (the timestamp)
- MsgQueueUpdateEntry(ServerScope, PriorityEnum, StorageId, Timestamp, String, long, boolean, long, SessionName, String, String, int, String, String, byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry
- For persistence recovery
The params qos, key, content can be null (the unparsed raw message)
- MsgQueueUpdateEntry(MsgQueueUpdateEntry, StorageId) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.MsgQueueUpdateEntry
- Copy constructor, used to get a shallow clone, we still reference the original MsgUnitWrapper.
- msgSelector -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessageConsumer
- msgSelector -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBQueueBrowser
- msgSelectorDefault -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBSession
- msgSequenceNumber -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchPlugin
- msgSequenceNumber -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.dispatch.TestPriorizedDispatchWithLostCallback
- msgSequenceNumber -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestPtSession
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.DataHolder
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg.MsgQueuePublishEntry
- The MsgUnit with key/content/qos (raw struct)
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.TopicEntry
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc.UpdateEvent
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication.TestLogin
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classloader.XmlBlasterClassloaderTest
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestErase
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- MsgUnit - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util
- Encapsulates the parsed xmlKey and QoS, and the raw content.
- MsgUnit(String, byte[], String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Uses the default global and assumes a PUBLISH.
- MsgUnit(Global, String, byte[], String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Assumes a PUBLISH.
- MsgUnit(Global, MsgUnitRaw, MethodName) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- MsgUnit(Global, String, byte[], String, MethodName) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- The normal constructor.
- MsgUnit(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Uses the default global and assumes a PUBLISH.
- MsgUnit(Global, String, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Assumes a PUBLISH.
- MsgUnit(PublishKey, String, PublishQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- This is a constructor suitable for clients.
- MsgUnit(PublishKey, byte[], PublishQos) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- This is a constructor suitable for clients.
- MsgUnit(KeyData, byte[], QosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Create a MsgUnit with pre-parsed parameters.
- MsgUnit(MsgUnit, KeyData, byte[], QosData) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit
- Clone this message unit (but not the content).
- msgUnit -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- msgUnitArr -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.client.TestFailSafePing
- msgUnitCache -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- msgUnitCb -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.script.XmlScriptClient
- msgUnitRaw -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.CryptDataHolder
- msgUnitRaw -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch.CbDispatchConnection.Holder
- msgUnitRaw -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.error.MsgErrorInfo
- MsgUnitRaw - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util
- Encapsulates the xmlKey, content and qos.
- MsgUnitRaw(Object, String, byte[], String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- Deprecated. provided only for backwards compatibility, this will be removed in
later releases. The byte array variant will be used.
- MsgUnitRaw(String, EncodableData, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- Deprecated. provided only for backwards compatibility, this will be removed in
later releases. The byte array variant will be used.
- MsgUnitRaw(Object, byte[], byte[], byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- MsgUnitRaw(String, byte[], String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- MsgUnitRaw(byte[], EncodableData, byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnitRaw
- msgUnits -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.admin.TestAdminGet.PublisherThread
- MsgUnitStoreProperty - Class in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage
- Helper class holding properties of the MsgUnit storage.
- MsgUnitStoreProperty(Global, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.MsgUnitStoreProperty
- Increases the default bytes in the storage to 25 MB for each topic
- msgUnitStoreProperty -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.TopicProperty
- MsgUnitWrapper - Class in org.xmlBlaster.engine
- Wraps a publish() message into an entry for a persistence cache.
- MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope, MsgUnit, StorageId) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper
- Testsuite
- MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope, MsgUnit, I_Map, int, int, long) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper
- Used when message is created from TopicHandler.publish
- MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope, MsgUnit, StorageId, int, int, long) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper
- Used when message comes from persistence, the owning I_Map is unknown
- MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope, MsgUnit, I_Map, StorageId, int, int, String, long) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper
- Used when message comes from persistence, the owning I_Map is unknown
- msgUnitWrapperEntry() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.EntrySize
- Object creation RAM without payload (the payload here is additional 78 bytes):
- MsgUnitWrapperTest - Class in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore
- Tests (de)serialize of MsgUnitWrapper.
- MsgUnitWrapperTest(String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.MsgUnitWrapperTest
- msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.TopicHandler
- msgUnitWrapperUniqueId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg.ReferenceEntry
- msgVec -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat.MsgInfo
- Holding MsgUnitRaw objects which acts as a holder for the method arguments
- multiplePut() -
Method in class org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue.JdbcQueueTest
- multiSubscribe -
Variable in class javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe
- multiSubscribe -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QueryQosData
- allow duplicate identical subscriptions
- MultiThreadSequencer - Class in javaclients
- MultiThreadSequencer
- MultiThreadSequencer(boolean, long, String[]) -
Constructor for class javaclients.MultiThreadSequencer
- mutex -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.StreamingCallback
- mutex -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins.ConsumableQueuePlugin
- mutexer -
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.XmlBlasterAccessRawBase
- MX4JAdaptor - Class in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx
- MX4JAdaptor
- MX4JAdaptor() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx.MX4JAdaptor
- MX4JAdaptor.ContribXsltProcessor - Class in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx
- MX4JAdaptor.ContribXsltProcessor(Map, String) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx.MX4JAdaptor.ContribXsltProcessor
- MX4JAdaptor.XblHttpAdaptor - Class in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx
- MX4JAdaptor.XblHttpAdaptor() -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx.MX4JAdaptor.XblHttpAdaptor
- myClusterNode -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.ClusterManager
- Info about myself
- myDomain -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.test.qos.TestSubMultiSubscribe
- MyExpansionListener - Class in org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui
- Listener for TreeSelectionEvents:
If another leaf of the Tree is selected, the class that is associated with
the current leaf, is loaded and displayed in the right Pane - MyExpansionListener(MainFrame, Global) -
Constructor for class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MyExpansionListener
- myId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchConnection
- For logging only
- myModel -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MainFrame
- myName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.BlasterManagedConnectionFactory
- myPanel -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.jmxgui.MyExpansionListener
- myselfLoginName -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker
Static variable in class org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBFactoryBase
- myStrippedClusterNodeId -
Variable in class org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.CommandWrapper