xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Interface I_CallbackRaw

All Known Implementing Classes:
HelloWorld3, SystemInfoApplet, XmlScript

public interface I_CallbackRaw

Here you receive callbacks from xmlBlaster in your applet.

Marcel Ruff.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String update(java.lang.String cbSessionId, java.util.Hashtable updateKey, byte[] content, java.util.Hashtable updateQos)
          This is the callback method invoked from I_XmlBlasterRaw informing the client in an asynchronous mode about a new message.

Method Detail


java.lang.String update(java.lang.String cbSessionId,
                        java.util.Hashtable updateKey,
                        byte[] content,
                        java.util.Hashtable updateQos)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
This is the callback method invoked from I_XmlBlasterRaw informing the client in an asynchronous mode about a new message.

So you should implement in your applet the I_CallbackRaw interface - suppling the update() method where you can do with the message whatever you want.

cbSessionId - The session ID specified by the client which registered the callback
updateKey - The arrived key in a flattened JXPath representation.
   /key/@oid                 -> Rugby
   /key/@contentMime         -> text/plain
   /key/@contentMimeExtended -> Version-1.0
   /key/child::node()        -> <myTeam>Munich<numPlayers>6</numPlayers></myTeam>
content - The binary message pay load
updateQos - The arrived key in a flattened JXPath representation.
   /qos/rcvTimestamp/@nanos                  -> 1042815836675000001
   /qos/methodName/text()                    -> update
   /qos/clientProperty[@name='myAge']/text() -> 12
   /qos/state/@id                            -> OK
See Also:
Apache JXPath, MsgKeyData.toJXPath(), MsgQosData.toJXPath()

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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