xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Package org.xmlBlaster.test.qos

Class Summary
AllTests This test client starts all known tests in directory xmlBlaster/testsuite/src/java/org/xmlBlaster/qos these are remote tests between clients and a running xmlBlaster.
TestCallback This client test dead letter generation on callback problems.
TestCallbackConfig This client does test different callback configuration settings.
TestClientProperty * Invoke examples:
TestCorbaThreads This client tests the number of threads opened and cleaned up by JacORB corba library.
TestEmbeddedXmlBlaster This client tests to start an xmlBlaster server in a thread and stop it again.
TestErase This client tests if it receives message erase events.
TestGet This client tests the synchronous method get() with its different qos variants.
TestPtD This client tests the PtP (or PtD = point to destination) style.
TestPtDQueue This client tests the PtP (or PtD = point to destination) style, William sends to Averell a message.
TestPtDQueueRedeliver This client does test if a subscriber can reconnect to its session and its callback queue holded the messages during downtime.
TestPtPSubscribable Here we test how to make PtP messages invisible to subscribers using the subscribable QoS.
TestPtSession This client tests the engine.qos.publish.destination.PtPa href="http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.qos.publish.destination.PtP.html">engine.qos.publish.destination.PtP requirement

We login as a publisher for PtP messages and many receivers.

TestPub This client tests the method publish() with its different qos variants.
TestPubBurstMode This client tests the method publish() in burst mode, messages are collected and sent in one method call.
TestPubForce This client tests the method publish() with the forceUpdate QOS tag
TestReconnectSameClientOnly This client tests the client.configuration requirement and especially the -session.reconnectSameClientOnly true setting.
TestSub This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubDispatch This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubExact This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with EXACT oid.
TestSubGet This client tests the method subscribe() and get() with a later publish() with EXACT oid.
TestSubId This client tests the method subscribe() with a forced subscriptionId by the client
Invoke examples:
TestSubLostClient This client tests if a subscribe still works when an other subcriber on the same messages disappears.
TestSubManyClients This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubMulti This client tests multi subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubMultiSubscribe This client tests a subscribe() with multiSubscribe=false to avoid receiving duplicate updates from the same topic on multiple subscribes.
TestSubNewestOnly This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubNoDup This client tests multiple subscribe() on same message oid and setting duplicateUpdates=false (requirement engine.qos.subscribe.duplicate).
TestSubNoInitial This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubNoLocal This client tests a subscribe() with local=false to avoid receiving its own publishes.
TestSubNotify This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubOneway This client tests the oneway callback.
TestSubXPath This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestSubXPathMany This client tests the method subscribe() with a later publish() with XPath query.
TestUnSub This client tests the method subscribe() with XPath query and with a later unSubscribe().
TestUpdateClientException This client does test exceptions thrown in the update() method on client side.

XmlBlaster should only accept exceptions of type ErrorCode.USER_UPDATE* and send the lost messages as 'dead messages' and proceed.


xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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