xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Package org.xmlBlaster.engine

The core implementation.


Interface Summary
EventPluginMBean JMX control for the native EventPlugin.
I_RemotePropertiesListener Listens on remote properties send from clients.
I_SessionPersistencePlugin I_SessionPersitencePlugin provides the interface for the storage for both sessions and subscriptions.
I_SubscriptionListener Listens on subscriptionRemove and subscriptionAdded events.
I_TopicListener Listens on subscriptionRemove and subscriptionAdded events.
RequestBrokerMBean Export methods for JMX on cluster node level.
SubscriptionInfoMBean Export subscription specific methods for JMX.
TopicHandlerMBean Export methods for JMX on cluster node level.

Class Summary
AvailabilityChecker This checks depending on the run level to accept or deny messages from outside.
BigXmlKeyDOM Building a huge DOM tree for all known MsgUnit.xmlKeys.
ClientSubscriptions Handling subscriptions, collected for each session of each client.
DeadMessageDumper Subscribes to the "__sys__deadMessage" topic and dumps the dead messages to the hard disk.
EventPlugin Registers for events from the xmlBlaster core and forwards them as configured.
IsoDateJoda Some Joda time utitility methods, depends on lib/joda-time.jar http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/NOTE-datetime-19980827
MsgErrorHandler The default error recovery implementation for messages which are lost in time and universe.
MsgUnitWrapper Wraps a publish() message into an entry for a persistence cache.
RequestBroker This is the central message broker, all requests are routed through this singleton.
ServerScope This holds global needed data of one xmlBlaster instance.
SessionPersistencePlugin SessionPersistencePlugin provides the persistent storage for both sessions and subscriptions.
StartupTasks This plugin is loaded on xmlBlaster startup and executes the script file xmlBlasterStartup.xml.
SubjectEntryShuffler SubjectEntryShuffler
SubscriptionEvent An event which indicates that a new subscription or unsubscribe occurred.
SubscriptionInfo This is a container to hold references on all interesting data concerning a subscription of exactly one topic from exactly one client.
TopicAccessor Singleton in ServerScope to access a TopicHandler instance.
TopicEvent An event which indicates that a new TopicHandler is created or destroyed.
TopicHandler A topic handles all MsgUnit entries of same oid and its subscribers.
XmlBlasterImpl This is the native implementation of the xmlBlaster interface.

Package org.xmlBlaster.engine Description

The core implementation.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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