org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::AccessFilterQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::address::Address | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::address::AddressBase | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::address::AddressFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ArgsStruct | Data holder of Properties dumped to argc/argv command line arguments as passed to a main() |
authenticateIdl::AuthServer | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::bad_lexical_cast | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Base64 | Base64 encoding/decoding |
clientIdl::BlasterCallback | This interface needs to be implemented by the clients |
clientIdl::BlasterCallback_impl | This is the callback implementation |
BlasterCallback_impl | Callback implementation |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::BlobHolder | Holds arbitrary raw data and its length |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::CacheQueuePlugin | This class implements a very simple cache around the RAM and SQLite queue |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::address::CallbackAddress | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::CbQueueProperty | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::CbServerPluginManager | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Cleanup_Adaptor | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::ClientProperty | This class encapsulates one client property in a QoS |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::ClientQueueProperty | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::thread::Condition | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::dispatch::ConnectionsHandler | Interface for XmlBlaster, the supported methods on c++ client side |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::ConnectQosData | Holds the connect() QoS XML markup |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::ConnectQosFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::ConnectQueueEntry | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::corba::CorbaConnection | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::corba::CorbaDriver | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::corba::CorbaDriverFactory | Factory used to create instances of CorbaDriver objects |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::corba::DefaultCallback | Example for a callback implementation |
org::xmlBlaster::util::DefaultLogFactory | Default implementation of our log factory |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Destination | Holding destination address attributes |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::DisconnectQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::dispatch::DispatchManager | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::EmbeddedServer | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::EmbeddedServerRunner | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::EraseQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::EraseQueueEntry | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ErrorCode | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::GetQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::GetReturnKey | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::GetReturnQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Global | - Author:
- Michele Laghi
HelloWorld2 | This client connects to xmlBlaster and subscribes to a message |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::HistoryQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::HistoryQueueProperty | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::I_Callback | This is a little helper class wraps the CORBA BlasterCallback update(), and delivers the client a nicer update() method |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::I_CallbackServer | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::I_ConnectionProblems | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::dispatch::I_ConnectionsHandler | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::I_Log | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::I_LogFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::parser::I_Parser | Abstraction for the xml handling |
org::xmlBlaster::util::plugin::I_Plugin | Interface for all plugins |
org::xmlBlaster::util::dispatch::I_PostSendListener | Notify when a message is successfully send asynchronously |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::I_ProgressListener | This interface is used to register listeners about incoming data |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::I_Queue | Interface for queue implementations (RAM, JDBC or CACHE) |
I_QueueStruct | Interface for a queue implementation |
org::xmlBlaster::util::I_Timeout | Abstract class you need to implement to receive timeout notifications see the omonimous |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::I_XmlBlasterConnection | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::key::KeyData | This class encapsulates the Message meta data and unique identifier (key) of a publish()/update() or get()-return message |
Leak | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::lexical_stream< Target, Source > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::thread::Lock | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Log | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::LogManager | Manages the logging framework |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ManagedObject< TYPE > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::MessageUnit | Holding a message |
serverIdl::MessageUnit | This contains all informations about a Message and the Message itself |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::MsgKeyBase | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::key::MsgKeyData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::key::MsgKeyFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::MsgQosData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::MsgQosFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::MsgQueueEntry | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::MsgUnitStoreProperty | |
MultiConnectDemo | This client connects 5 times to xmlBlaster |
org::xmlBlaster::util::thread::MutexClass | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::corba::NameServerControl | Class NameServerControl is used to encapsulate methods to access a Name Server (like binding, unbinding, name resolving |
org::xmlBlaster::util::cluster::NodeId | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::cluster::NodeInfo | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Object_Lifetime_Manager | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Object_Lifetime_Manager_Base | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::parser::ParserFactory | Abstraction for the xml handling |
ProgressListener | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Prop< T > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Property | The class Property does handle properties in the java-way |
PublishDemo | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::PublishKey | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::PublishQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::PublishQueueEntry | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::PublishReturnQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::QosData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::Query | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::key::QueryKeyData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::QueryQosData | |
QueueEntry | A struct holding the necessary queue entry informations used by I_Queue |
QueueEntryStructArr | Holds an array of Messages |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::QueueFactory | Abstraction for the queue implementations |
QueueProperties | The QueueProperty struct holds all configuration parameters of the queue to create |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::QueuePropertyBase | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::storage::QueuePropertyFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::RamQueuePlugin | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ReferenceCounterBase | Reference counter class to be used as a base class for such classes which you need to have a reference counter on |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ReferenceHolder< T > | Normally stl containers store values, i.e |
org::xmlBlaster::util::cluster::RouteInfo | This class holds the information about a route node which the message passed |
org::xmlBlaster::util::parser::Sax2Parser | Default xmlBlaster handling of Sax callbacks and errors |
org::xmlBlaster::authentication::SecurityQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::authentication::SecurityQosFactory | |
serverIdl::Server | This is an easy to use, message based, communication middleware interface |
org::xmlBlaster::util::ServerRef | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::SessionName | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::SessionQosData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::SessionQosFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::socket::SocketDriver | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol::socket::SocketDriverFactory | Factory used to create instances of SocketDriver objects |
org::xmlBlaster::test::SpecificCallback | This client tests the method sendAdministrativeCommand() |
SpecificCallback | Helper class to receive the connection specific callback messages |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::SQLiteQueuePlugin | Implements a persistent queue using SQLite as a base |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::StatusQosData | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::StatusQosFactory | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::StopParseException | Throw this exception to stop SAX parsing |
org::xmlBlaster::util::StopWatch | Measure the elapsed time |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::stream_char< Type > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::stream_char< std::wstring > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::stream_char< wchar_t * > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::stream_char< wchar_t > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::StringStripper | Class StringStripper is used to strip a std::string with separators into a std::vector of (separated) std::strings |
org::xmlBlaster::util::StringStripper2 | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::StringTrim | This template class is used to trim a std::string the same way the String.trim java method does |
SubscribeDemo | This subscriber subscribes on the topic 'Hello' and dumps the received messages |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::SubscribeKey | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::SubscribeQos | This class encapsulates the QoS (quality of service) of a subscribe() request |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::SubscribeQueueEntry | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::SubscribeReturnQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestClientProperty | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestCommand | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestConnect | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestConnectQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestDoubleGlobal | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestEmbeddedServer | |
TestEmptyContent | This client connects to xmlBlaster and subscribes to a message |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestFailsafe | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestGet | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestKeys | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestLeaveServer | This client tests the method leaveServer() |
org::xmlBlaster::TestLogin | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestProperty | Tests the property class |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestQueue | Tests the queue entry and queue functionality |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestRam | Constructs the TestRam object |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestStringTrim | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestSub | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestSubXPath | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestSuite | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestThread | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestTimeout | |
org::xmlBlaster::test::TestTimestamp | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::thread::Thread | Little framework for the abstraction of threads and thread related stuff |
org::xmlBlaster::util::thread::ThreadRunner | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::Timeout | Allows you be called back after a given delay |
org::xmlBlaster::util::TimestampFactory | High performing timestamp class, time elapsed since 1970, the nanos are simulated as a unique counter |
org::xmlBlaster::util::qos::TopicProperty | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::UnSubscribeKey | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::UnSubscribeQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::queue::UnSubscribeQueueEntry | |
std::UpdateException | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::key::UpdateKey | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::UpdateQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::qos::UpdateReturnQos | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::widest_char< TargetChar, SourceChar > | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::detail::widest_char< char, wchar_t > | |
org::xmlBlaster::client::XmlBlasterAccess | This is the main entry point for programmers to the C++ client library |
XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed | All client access to xmlBlaster goes over this struct and its function pointers |
serverIdl::XmlBlasterException | Exception class for xmlBlaster interface |
org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlBlasterException | |
org::xmlBlaster::util::parser::XmlBlasterPanicHandler | Xerces panic handler |
org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlHandlerBase | Abstraction for the xml handling |
org::xmlBlaster::util::parser::XmlHandlerBase | Abstraction for the xml handling |
org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlQoSBase | In good old C days this would have been named a 'flag' (with bit wise setting)
But this allows to specify QoS (quality of service) in XML syntax |