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XmlBlaster Logo

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Topic A event plugin which catches for example logging errors and dispatches them to a given email address or another sink.

Event capture and forwarding overview

This is a configurable event capture plugin which has for example the characteristics of sending an email to a given address when an error is logged. But this plugins offers many more xmlBlaster internal events to capture and offers to send the events to other destinations like JMX notifications or send them as ordinary xmlBlaster messages.

This is useful for clients or administrators to be notified on certain core events.

JMX - xmlBlaster core events

Example setup

Here is an example setup configured in xmlBlasterPlugins.xml to give you a first idea about what you can do.

<plugin id='EventPlugin' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='7' sequence='11'
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='6' sequence='11'/>
   <attribute id='eventTypes'>
   <attribute id='destination.smtp'>

   <attribute id='destination.jmx'/>

The first two <action> tags just configure the plugin itself to be loaded by xmlBlaster on startup and to be removed again on shutdown

In the above example an email (see <attribute id='destination.smtp'/>) is send if any logging/severe/* (==log.error) or logging/warning/* occurs. Further an event is emitted on xmlBlaster startup in run level 8 (see service/RunlevelManager/event/startupRunlevel8) and if a new client logs in (see client/*/session/*/event/connect). Those events are send as JMX notifications as well (see <attribute id='destination.jmx'/>).
Adding <attribute id='destination.publish'/> would send the event as a xmlBlaster message as well, but take care to not send logging events as such messages will most certainly loop (if they log something they will trigger another message and so forth)!

List of supported event sources

Note that this plugin must be active on a runlevel early enough depending on the event you want to capture.

Those event types can be added to <attribute id='eventTypes'>...</attribute> markup as a comma separated list, like this you choose exactly the events you want.

Event Name Description
logging/severe/*Captures all errors logged, avoid to use this with the publish message sink as this could produce more logging/severe and loop
logging/warning/*Captures all warnings logged, never use this with the publish message sink as this could produce more logging/warning and loop
service/RunlevelManager/event/startupRunlevel9Captures event when startup runlevel reaches 9 (RUNNING), any other runlevel is possible as well (note that this plugin must be active beforehand)
service/RunlevelManager/event/shutdownRunlevel8Captures event when shutdown runlevel reaches 8 (RUNNING_RPE), any other runlevel is possible as well (note that this plugin must be active beforehand)
client/*/session/*/event/connectCaptures event on client login (all clients)
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/connectCaptures event on given client login, e.g. "client/joe/session/1/event/connect". The combination of publicSessionId=* and/or subjectId=* is supported.
client/*/session/*/event/disconnectCaptures event on client logout (all clients)
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/disconnectCaptures event on given client logout, e.g. "client/joe/session/1/event/disconnect". The combination of publicSessionId=* and/or subjectId=* is supported.
topic/*/event/subscribeCaptures if subscribe() is invoked (on all topics)
topic/[topicId]/event/subscribeCaptures if subscribe() on the specified topic is invoked
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/subscribeCaptures if the given client has invoked subscribe(), e.g. "client/joe/session/1/event/subscribe". The publicSessionId can be a wildcard "*".
topic/*/event/unSubscribeCaptures if unSubscribe() is invoked (on all topics)
topic/[topicId]/event/unSubscribeCaptures if unSubscribe() on the specified topic is invoked
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/unSubscribeCaptures if the given client has invoked unSubscribe(), e.g. "client/joe/session/1/event/unSubscribe". The publicSessionId can be a wildcard "*".
topic/*/event/aliveCaptures if a topic is created (on all topics)
topic/[topicId]/event/aliveCaptures event if the given topic is created, e.g. "topic/hello/event/alive"
topic/*/event/deadCaptures if a topic is destroyed (on all topics)
topic/[topicId]/event/deadCaptures event if the given topic is destroyed, e.g. "topic/hello/event/dead"
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/connectionStateCaptures event if cluster client connection status changes between ALIVE or POLLING or DEAD, e.g. "client/heron/session/1/event/connectionState". The subjectId and/or the publicSessionId can be a wildcard "*".
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/event/callbackStateCaptures event if the client callback server goes to ALIVE or POLLING, e.g. "client/joe/session/1/event/callbackState". Note that the status change to DEAD is currently not implemented (it is reported as POLLING). The subjectId and/or the publicSessionId can be a wildcard "*".
client/*/session/*/event/remotePropertiesCaptures event when the remote properties of a client change (all clients, triggered when a client publishes a message to topic __sys__remoteProperties)
lowMemoryDetectionThis is not directly supported. Note however that on JDK >= 1.5 the LowMemoryDetector does a logging/severe if the memory consumption of the JVM reaches 90% (see -xmlBlaster/jmx/memoryThresholdFactor setting). Please use 'logging/severe/*' to detect this.
heartbeat.360000Sends a heartbeat notification every given milli seconds. Setting heartbeat without millis specified defaults to one notification per day (86400000 millis).
client/[subjectId]/session/[publicSessionId]/queue/callback/event/threshold.90% Sends an event when the specified threshold for the given queue is reached. After the first event, additional increasing of the queue will only result in an event if the queue has first decreased under the threshold again. Only the main queues send events, i.e. if you have configured a CACHE having a RAM queue as its transient queue and a JDBC queue as its persistence, then only the CACHE queue itself will send an event. This can be sent for all types of destination (email, message, jmx ...). This behaviour is for all queue events (also topic and subject). As subjectId and publicSessionId you can either pass a specific value or a '*' (star) as wildcard. Specific values are always stronger than wildcards. A wildcard on the publicSessionId and a specific value on subjectId are stronger than the opposite. As a threshold you can either specify an absolute value or a percentage (values higher than the max value of the queue result in a warning and the threshold is set to the max value of the queue (100%).
client/[subjectId]/queue/subject/event/threshold.90% The behaviour described for the callback queues is also valid here. As subjectId you can either pass a specific value or a '*' (star) as wildcard. Specific values are always stronger than wildcards. As a threshold you can either specify an absolute value or a percentage (values higher than the max value of the queue result in a warning and the threshold is set to the max value of the queue (100%).
topic/[topicId]/queue/history/event/threshold.90% The behaviour described for the callback queues is also valid here. As topicId you can either pass a specific value or a '*' (star) as wildcard. Specific values are always stronger than wildcards. As a threshold you can either specify an absolute value or a percentage (values higher than the max value of the queue result in a warning and the threshold is set to the max value of the queue (100%).
topic/[topicId]/persistence/msgUnitStore/event/threshold.90% The behaviour described for the history queues is also valid here. As topicId you can either pass a specific value or a '*' (star) as wildcard. Specific values are always stronger than wildcards. As a threshold you can either specify an absolute value or a percentage (values higher than the max value of the queue result in a warning and the threshold is set to the max value of the queue (100%).

List of supported event sinks

Once an event occurs it is forwarded to one or multiple of the listed sinks described in the following table, see the configuration tags <attribute id='destination.XXX'>...</attribute>.

Sink Name Description
destination.smtp Sends an email about the occurred event. Collects multiple events to one mail depending on configuration. You need to configure at least the email address parameters mail.stmp.from and mail.smtp.to and activate the SmtpClient plugin in xmlBlasterPlugins.xml. If you have a reasonable email provider you can configure it to forward the mail as an SMS (my provider offers this feature).
The email is send asynchronously by another thread decoupled over a RAM based producer/consumer queue. This is to protect the xmlBlaster core against blocking or bad performing smtp servers. You can change this to synchronous mail delivery with mail.sendAsync=false. The configuration of the queue size is done as described in the requirement protocol.email with the asyncSendQueueSizeMax parameter.
destination.publish Publishes an xmlBlaster message which contains the occurred event, currently all messages are published into a topic named '__sys__Event'. On demand, you can configure the PublishKey and PublishQos as in this example:
<attribute id='destination.publish'>
   "publish.key=<key oid='__sys__Logout'/>",
   "publish.qos=<qos><expiration lifeTime='0'/><topic destroyDelay='30000'>
                        <persistence relating='msgUnitStore' type='RAM'/>
                        <queue relating='history' type='RAM'/></topic></qos>",
The separator between the properties publish.key, publish.qos, publish.content is a comma ','. If you have a comma in your markup, you can escape it with double quotes '"'.
destination.jmx Emits an JMX notification for the occurred event. Open 'jconsole' and 'MBeans->org.xmlBlaster->node->xxx->service->EventPlugin[yyy]' there choose the 'Notifications[0]' tabulator and click the 'Subscribe' button. Now you receive the configured events.
destination.exec Executes the given shell command. You can specifiy parameters as such:
<attribute id='destination.exec'>
   command=/bin/bash /home/jack/bin/restartFromEventPlugin.sh 10 20,
   logSevereText=Log this text additionally,
The given command ist executed (with arguments 10 and 20) in the given dir path. The envp variables are available as environment variables inside the shell script. The waitFor defaults to false, so the executing thread continues during shell execution. You can delay the activation of the EventPlugin with activationDelayAfterStartupSec, like this after the plugin is created (during startup of xmlBlaster) it will not actively do actions until the given seconds have elapsed.
The separator between the properties command, envp etc is a comma ','. See xmlBlaster/config/xmlBlasterPlugins.xml.template for a complete example and how to use the variables in the shell script.

Additional notes

We access the xmlBlaster core directly to register the supported internal events, hence this plugin works only if it is in the same virtual machine (JVM) as the xmlBlaster server.

All events don't throw any exceptions as this plugin should have no influence on the regular work-flow of xmlBlaster.

Email sink features

A delay can be defined to let the dispatcher wait between sent messages, this way, in case of many errors, several errors can be dispatched in the same email, avoiding unnecessary noise. In other words, if an error occurs an email is sent immediately, but after this email until the next email is sent the dispatcher sleeps.


Example sending client login/logout events

Here is an example how to setup xmlBlasterPlugins.xml with an JMX and publish data sink. They all will receive events on coming and going clients.

<plugin id='messageEvents' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='8' sequence='4'/>
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='7' sequence='4'/>
   <attribute id='eventTypes'>client/*/session/*/event/connect,client/*/session/*/event/disconnect</attribute>
   <attribute id='destination.publish'/>
   <attribute id='destination.jmx'/>

JMX Jconsole screenshot

The following screen shot shows the JMX events received by jconsole when a client logs in and logs out again

JMX - xmlBlaster jconsole notification screenshot

Received messages

A client subscribing to __sys__Event receives messages similar to the following.

 <key oid='__sys__Event' contentMimeExtended='1.0'>

 <content size='33'>client/Publisher/-3/event/connect</content>
  <clientProperty name='_nodeId'>heron</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_subjectId'>Publisher</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_publicSessionId' type='long'>-3</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_absoluteName'>/node/heron/client/Publisher/-3</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_eventType'>client/Publisher/-3/event/connect</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_summary'>Login of client /node/heron/client/Publisher/-3</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_description'>Login of client /node/heron/client/Publisher/-3</clientProperty>

The content carries the eventType which was the original reason for the message.

If you want to receive the login/logout events like done in xmlBlaster before version 1.3, please read the engine.LoginLogoutEvent requirement. In the example section is a configuration which can be used to simulate the old behaviour


Example sending small emails capable for SMS

Here is an example how to setup xmlBlasterPlugins.xml to send tiny emails which are useful to be forwarded as SMS on your mobile phone. You will be notified when an error occurs or when xmlBlaster is shutdown.

To send emails you also need to configure the SmtpClient plugin as shown below, please set the mail.smtp.url variable to find your mail transfer agent (MTA). Additionally please adjust all email addresses to valid ones in your environment.

<plugin id='smtp' className='org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='4' sequence='7' 
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='4' sequence='9'/>   
   <attribute id='mail.smtp.url'>smtp://xmlBlaster:xmlBlaster@localhost:25</attribute>

<plugin id='smallEmergencyEvents' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='8' sequence='9'/>
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='7' sequence='9'/>

   <attribute id='eventTypes'>logging/severe/*,service/RunlevelManager/event/shutdownRunlevel8</attribute>
   <attribute id='destination.smtp'>
      mail.subject=xmlBlaster $_{eventType},
      mail.content=$_{datetime} $_{id} $_{errorCode} $_{summary},

Email GUI screenshot

The following screen shot shows the email received when xmlBlaster shuts down:

JMX - xmlBlaster jconsole notification screenshot

The mail send is very small and could be forwarded as an SMS to your mobile phone.


Example sending heartbeat status messages

Here is an example how to setup xmlBlasterPlugins.xml to send a heartbeat email every 12 hours. It contains some important status information about the xmlBlaster server with XML markup.

To send emails you also need to configure the SmtpClient plugin as shown below, please set the mail.smtp.url variable to find your mail transfer agent (MTA). Additionally please adjust all email addresses to valid ones in your environment.

<plugin id='smtp' className='org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='4' sequence='7' 
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='4' sequence='9'/>   
   <attribute id='mail.smtp.url'>smtp://xmlBlaster:xmlBlaster@localhost:25</attribute>

<plugin create='true' id='heartbeatEmail' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='8' sequence='14'/>
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='7' sequence='14'/>
   <attribute id='eventTypes'>
   <attribute id='destination.smtp'>

The value 43200000 are milliseconds (== 12 hours). Additionally we have configured to send a heartbeat if a severe logging occurs. The email subject is [XmlBlaster event: heartbeat.43200000] heron and here is an example message which is transported in the body of the email, it replaces the $_{xml} placeholder:

 <node id='heron'>
  <serverTimestamp>2006-01-11 12:55:03.59</serverTimestamp>
  <client id='joe'>
   <session id='1'>
    <remoteProperty name='logging/error'>Some severe problem occurred</remoteProperty>
  <lastWarning>[HtPasswd] Security risk, no access control:
        The passwd file is switched off with 'Security.Server.Plugin.htpasswd.secretfile=NONE'
                  java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.,java.vm.version=1.5.0_05-b05,os.arch=i386,
                  build.timestamp=01/11/2006 12:52 PM,build.java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.,

Note that the markup is similar to that described in the admin.commands requirement.


Examples of published messages

The following list shows typical messages send by this plugin. Note the clientProperty names used.

 <key oid='__sys__Event' contentMimeExtended='1.0'>
 <content size='23'>topic/*/event/subscribe</content>
  <clientProperty name='_subscriptionId'>__subId:heron-1136812798913000000</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_nodeId'>heron</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_description' encoding='base64'>...</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_eventType'>topic/*/event/subscribe</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_summary'>New subscription of client /node/heron/client/joe/1 
              on topic airport</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_publicSessionId' type='long'>1</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_subjectId'>joe</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_absoluteName'>/node/heron/client/joe/1</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_topicId'>airport</clientProperty>

 <key oid='__sys__Event' contentMimeExtended='1.0'>
 <content size='47'>service/RunlevelManager/event/shutdownRunlevel8</content>
  <clientProperty name='_nodeId'>heron</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_description'>shutdown from RUNNING to RUNNING_PRE</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_eventType'>service/RunlevelManager/event/shutdownRunlevel8</clientProperty>
  <clientProperty name='_summary'>Shutdown to RUNNING_PRE (8)</clientProperty>

Observing the remote status of connected clients

Clients can publish their status to xmlBlaster and this status can be observed by the EventPlugin framework. For example a client can choose to send its error logging to xmlBlaster or other fatal situations like low memory or lost database connections. The remoteProperties are available with JMX, so you can easily observe or manipulate them with the jconsole.

To do this the steps are as follows:

  1. The client publishes a message to the topic __sys__remoteProperties
  2. The PublishQos of the messages contains any number of client properties
  3. Those client properties are kept in RAM by the xmlBlaster SessionInfo instance to this client, they are named remoteProperties
  4. If configured, a heartbeat EventPlugin will send those properties to any configured sink
  5. Note: You can use the jconsole GUI to see the current remote properties in the running server and manipulate them manually (add another, remove all). Access over telnet works as well.
  6. Note: Access over telnet works as well. Start a telnet session (see requirement admin.telnet) and type (with the connected 'publish' client from below): get client/publish/1/?remoteProperties or set client/publish/1/?addRemoteProperty=someKey&someValue or get client/publish/1/?clearRemoteProperties
  7. Note: On xmlBlaster restart those properties are lost, the client needs to resend them if desired

Here is a simple java client sending remote properties to xmlBlaster, use this to start playing with the feature:

Start xmlBlaster with this xmlBlasterPlugins.xml setting

<plugin create='true' id='heartbeatPropertyEvent' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
   <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='8' sequence='14'/>
   <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='7' sequence='14'/>
   <attribute id='eventTypes'>
   <attribute id='destination.publish'>
   <attribute id='destination.smtp'>
   <attribute id='destination.jmx'>

With the above configuration a heartbeat message is send every 12 hours (43200000 msec) and additionally an event is send when the remote properties are changed. The events are send to any JMX destination, additionally with email to blue8@localhost and finally to the topic __sys__Event

Start a subscriber to receive the events:

java javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe -session.name subscribe/1 -oid __sys__Event -maxContentLength 3000

And now publish three remote properties:

java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -session.name publish/1 -oid __sys__remoteProperties -clientProperty[logging/error] "Some severe problem occurred" -clientProperty[myDatabase] "postgres@" -clientProperty[someStrangeProperty] "(<|@>?"

The event received by the above subscriber may look similar to this:

<node id='heron'>
  <client id='publish'>
   <session id='1'>
    <remoteProperty name='myDatabase'>postgres@</remoteProperty>
    <remoteProperty name='someStrangeProperty' encoding='base64'>KDx8QD4/</remoteProperty>
    <remoteProperty name='logging/error'>Some severe problem occurred</remoteProperty>

It is possible to send remoteProperties on login with the ConnectQos clientProperties, for details please consult the interface.connect requirement.

Remote properties can be administrated by messages send to topic '__sys__remoteProperties'. They are routed in a cluster environment to the destination given in PublishQos. This example clears all remote properties of client 'joe' from cluster node 'avalon':

java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish \
   -dispatch/connection/plugin/socket/hostname heron \
   -dispatch/connection/plugin/socket/port 7607 \
   -queue/connection/defaultPlugin RAM,1.0 \
   -plugin/socket/compress/type zlib:stream \
   -Security.Client.DefaultPlugin "htpasswd,1.0" \
   -session.name _remotePropResetter \
   -passwd secret \
   -oid __sys__remoteProperties \
   -destination /node/avalon/client/joe/session/1 \
   -content clear

The message content contains the command, in this case 'clear'. The destination routes the message to cluster node 'avalon', looks up the session name 'joe/1' and removes its remote properties.

Other supported commands are 'set' to set all delivered client properties from this PublishQos, 'clearLastError' and 'clearLastWarning' to clear the last log of the xmlBlaster server itself (as seen in jconsole).


Examples for filling up a queue and get threshold alarm

The xmlBlasterPlugins.xml.template contains a more complete plugin configuration but for this test this is enough:

   <plugin create='false' id='thresholdEventsCbQueue' className='org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin'>
      <action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='8' sequence='4'/>
      <action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='7' sequence='4'/>
      <attribute id='eventTypes'>client/*/session/*/queue/callback/event/threshold.90%</attribute>
      <attribute id='destination.publish'>
         "publish.key=<key oid='__queueFillingUp'/>"

And try it on command line:

# Start the server:
java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote org.xmlBlaster.Main

# Publish messages:
java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -session.name Publisher/1 -numPublish 1000

# All in one line:
java javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe  -session.name Subscriber/1 -persistentSubscribe true
      -dispatch/callback/retries -1 -interactiveUpdate true -queue/callback/maxEntries 10

# Watch the messages:
java javaclients.simplereader.SimpleReaderGui -xpath "//key" -session.name sniffer

The subscriber has configured the callback queue to max 10 messages and it will block on first update message. Hit ten times enter for the publisher and the sniffer will show the alarm message.


These parameters allow to configure the plugin.

Email data sink specific settings

Property Default / Example Description Impl
mail.smtp.from xmlBlaster@localhost The email address used by the xmlBlaster server. yes
mail.smtp.to demo@localhost The user to receive the emails. yes
mail.smtp.cc "admin@localhost,joe@localhost" Other users to receive the emails. If you use multiple email addresses separate them with a comma and protect it with double quotes. yes
mail.smtp.bcc "admin@localhost,joe@localhost" Other users to receive the emails. If you use multiple email addresses separate them with a comma and protect it with double quotes. yes
mail.subject [XmlBlaster event: $_{eventType}] $_{nodeId} The template to generate the email subject line. yes
mail.content eventType: $_{eventType}\ninstanceId: $_{instanceId}\n\nsummary: $_{summary}\ndescription: $_{description}\n\neventDate: $_{datetime}\nversionInfo: $_{versionInfo}\n\n--\n http://www.xmlblaster.org/ xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.events.html The template to generate the email content of the email.
Please replace '\n' with ${line.separator} to enforce a new line.
mail.contentSeparator \n\n========== NEXT ============\n\n The separator to use if many events are collected into one email.
Please replace '\n' with ${line.separator} to enforce a new line.
mail.collectMillis 43200000 If given > 0 the mails after the first one will be collected the given milli seconds. It defaults to 12 hours. yes
mail.sendAsync true The email is send asynchronously by another thread decoupled over a RAM based producer/consumer queue. This is to protect the xmlBlaster core against blocking or bad performing smtp servers. You can change this to synchronous mail delivery with mail.sendAsync=false. The configuration of the queue size and overflow behaviour is done as described in the requirement protocol.email with the asyncSendQueueSizeMax parameter. yes

Valid variables to be replaced in the above templates are all configuration variables like ${user.home} and additionally the following context specific variables:

$_{datetime} $_{summary} $_{description} $_{instanceId} $_{nodeId} $_{eventType} $_{errorCode} $_{versionInfo} $_{loginName} $_{pubSessionId} $_{xml}

The $_{xml} creates a xml dump of the current situation, containing the current users, sessions, topics and some more detail data.

Publish message specific settings

Property Default / Example Description Impl
publish.key <key oid='__sys__Event'/> You can optionally choose another topic name. yes
publish.qos <qos>...</qos> You can optionally choose another publish qos. The default qos is transient and has a history depth of 2. The messages have a unlimited life time and forceUpdate is set to true. yes
publish.content $_{eventType} The template to generate the content of the message.
Use ${line.separator} instead of '\n' to enforce a new line.

JMX specific settings

Property Default / Example Description Impl
jmx.content $_{eventType}: $_{summary} The template to generate the content of the message field of JMX.
Use ${line.separator} instead of '\n' to enforce a new line.

NOTE: Configuration parameters are specified on command line (-someValue 17) or in the xmlBlaster.properties file (someValue=17). See requirement "util.property" for details.
Columns named Impl tells you if the feature is implemented.
Columns named Hot tells you if the configuration is changeable in hot operation.

See API org.xmlBlaster.engine.EventPlugin
See API org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email.SmtpClient
See REQ admin
See REQ admin.jmx
See REQ admin.telnet
See REQ engine.LoginLogoutEvent
See REQ util.log.plugin

This page is generated from the requirement XML file xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.events.xml

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