
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 Name:      CorbaConnection.cpp
00003 Project:
00004 Copyright:, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
00005 Comment:   Helper to connect to xmlBlaster: for now a simplified version
00006            without caching and without failsafe mode.
00007 Author:    <Michele Laghi>
00008 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00009 /*
00010 #ifdef _WINDOWS
00011 #pragma warning(disable:4786)
00012 #endif
00013 */
00014 #include <client/protocol/corba/CorbaConnection.h>
00015 #include <util/Constants.h>
00016 #include <sys/types.h>
00017 #ifdef _WINDOWS
00018 #  include <winsock.h>
00019 #else
00020 #  if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__hpux__)
00021 #    include <netinet/in.h>
00022 #    include <sys/types.h>   /* Needed for __FreeBSD__ */
00023 #  endif
00024 #  include <sys/socket.h>
00025 #  include <netdb.h>
00026 #  include <arpa/inet.h>   // inet_addr()
00027 #  include <unistd.h>      // gethostname()
00028 #endif
00030 #include <util/XmlBlasterException.h>
00031 #include <util/Global.h>
00032 #include <client/protocol/corba/CorbaDriver.h>
00034 void closeSocket(int fd) {
00035 #ifdef _WINDOWS
00036    closesocket(fd);
00037 #else
00038    (void)close(fd);
00039 #endif
00040 }
00042 namespace org {
00043  namespace xmlBlaster {
00044   namespace client {
00045    namespace protocol {
00046     namespace corba {
00048 using namespace std;
00049 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util;
00050 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util::qos;
00051 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util::key;
00053 CorbaConnection::CorbaConnection(Global& global, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
00054   : orb_(0),
00055     poa_(0),
00056     /* loginQos_(), */
00057     connectReturnQos_((ConnectReturnQos*)0), 
00058     global_(global), 
00059     log_(global.getLog("org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba")),
00060     msgKeyFactory_(global),
00061     msgQosFactory_(global)
00062 {
00063   //global_.getProperty().loadPropertyFile();
00064, "Initializing CORBA ORB");
00065   if (, "CorbaConnection constructor ...");
00066 //  if (numOfSessions_ == 0) {
00067      if (orb) orb_ = orb;
00068      else {
00069         int args                 = global_.getArgs();
00070         const char * const* argc = global_.getArgc();
00071         orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init(args, const_cast<char **>(argc)); //, "XmlBlaster-C++-Client");
00072      }
00074 //  numOfSessions_++;
00075   nameServerControl_ = 0;
00076   numLogins_         = 0;
00077   xmlBlaster_        = 0;
00078   authServer_        = 0; // initAuthenticationService();
00079   callback_          = 0;
00080   defaultCallback_   = 0;
00081   sessionId_         = "";
00082   xmlBlasterIOR_     = "";
00083 }
00086 CorbaConnection::~CorbaConnection() 
00087 {
00088    if (, "destructor");
00090    delete nameServerControl_;
00092    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "destructor: invoking shutdown");
00093    shutdown();
00095    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "destructor: invoking shutdownCb");
00096    shutdownCb();
00097    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "destructor: deleting the defaultCallback");
00098    delete defaultCallback_;
00100    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "destructor: releasing the orb");
00101    if (!CORBA::is_nil(orb_)) CORBA::release(orb_);
00102    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "destructor: releasing the poa");
00103    if (!CORBA::is_nil(poa_)) CORBA::release(poa_);
00104    orb_ = 0;
00105    poa_ = 0;
00106 }
00108 string CorbaConnection::getAddress() const
00109 {
00110    return xmlBlasterIOR_;
00111 }
00113 string CorbaConnection::getCbAddress() const
00114 {
00115    return callbackIOR_;
00116 }
00118 void CorbaConnection::initNamingService() 
00119 {
00120   if (, "initNamingService() ...");
00121   if (orb_ == 0) log_.panic(me(), "orb==null, internal problem");
00122   if (nameServerControl_ == 0)
00123      nameServerControl_ = new NameServerControl(orb_);
00124 }
00127 void CorbaConnection::initAuthenticationService() 
00128 {
00129   if (, "initAuthenticationService() ...");
00130   if (!CORBA::is_nil(authServer_))
00131      return;
00133   // 1) check if argument -IOR at program startup is given
00134   string authServerIOR = /* -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString IOR string is directly given */
00135      global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("dispatch/callback/plugin/ior/iorString","");
00136   if (authServerIOR != "") {
00137      CORBA::Object_var
00138         obj = orb_->string_to_object(authServerIOR.c_str());
00139      authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(;
00140,"Accessing xmlBlaster using your given IOR string");
00141      return;
00142   }
00143   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "No -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString ...");
00145   string authServerIORFile =
00146      global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile","");
00147   // -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile IOR string is given through a file
00148   if (authServerIORFile != "") {
00149      ifstream in(authServerIORFile.c_str());
00150      if ((!in) /* && (log_.PANIC) */ )
00151         log_.panic(me(), "Could not open the file");
00152      in >> authServerIOR;
00153      in.close();
00154      CORBA::Object_var
00155         obj = orb_->string_to_object(authServerIOR.c_str());
00156      authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(;
00157      string msg  = "Accessing xmlBlaster using your given IOR file ";
00158      msg += authServerIORFile;
00159, msg);
00160      return;
00161   }
00162   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "No -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile ...");
00164   // 3) Using builtin http IOR download ...
00165   {
00166      char myHostName[126];
00167      strcpy(myHostName, "localhost");
00168      gethostname(myHostName, 125);
00169      string iorHost = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("bootstrapHostname",myHostName);
00170      // Port may be a name from /etc/services: "xmlBlaster 3412/tcp"
00171      string iorPortStr = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("bootstrapPort","3412"); // default bootstrapPort=3412 (xmlblaster)
00172      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying -bootstrapHostname=" + iorHost + " and -bootstrapPort=" + iorPortStr + " ...");
00173      struct sockaddr_in xmlBlasterAddr;
00174      memset((char *)&xmlBlasterAddr, 0, sizeof(xmlBlasterAddr));
00175      xmlBlasterAddr.sin_family=AF_INET;
00176      struct hostent *hostP = gethostbyname(iorHost.c_str());
00177      struct servent *portP = getservbyname(iorPortStr.c_str(), "tcp");
00178      string authServerIOR;
00179      authServerIOR.reserve(520);
00180      if (hostP != NULL) {
00181         xmlBlasterAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(hostP->h_addr))->s_addr; //inet_addr("");
00182         if (portP != NULL)
00183            xmlBlasterAddr.sin_port = portP->s_port;
00184         else
00185            xmlBlasterAddr.sin_port = htons(global_.getProperty().getIntProperty("bootstrapPort",3412));
00186         int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
00187         if (s != -1) {
00188            if (::connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&xmlBlasterAddr, sizeof(xmlBlasterAddr)) != -1) {
00189               string req="GET /AuthenticationService.ior HTTP/1.0\r\n \n";
00190               int numSent = send(s, req.c_str(), req.size(), 0);
00191               if (numSent < (int)req.size()) {
00192                  log_.error(me(), "Problems sending request '" + req + "'");
00193               }
00194               else {
00195                  log_.trace(me(), "Sent IOR request '" + req + "'");
00196               }
00197               int numRead;
00198               char buf[10];
00199               while ((numRead = recv(s, buf, 10, 0)) > 0) {
00200                 authServerIOR.append(buf, numRead); 
00201               }
00202               if (log_.dump()) log_.dump(me(), "Received IOR data: '" + authServerIOR + "'");
00203               size_t pos = authServerIOR.find("IOR:");
00204 //              if (pos > 0)
00205               if (pos != authServerIOR.npos) authServerIOR = authServerIOR.substr(pos);
00206               else {
00207                  throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00208                                                       "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00209                                                       "can't access authentication Service", "", "", "", "", 
00210                                                       "", "");
00211               }
00212               if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Received IOR data: '" + authServerIOR + "'");
00213            }
00214            else {
00215               log_.warn(me(), "Connecting to -bootstrapHostname=" + iorHost + " failed"); // errno
00216            }
00217            ::shutdown(s, 2); // SHUT_RDWR
00218            ::closeSocket(s); // Added because of handle leak reported by James Cazier
00219         }
00220      }
00221      if (!authServerIOR.empty()) {
00222         CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->string_to_object(authServerIOR.c_str());
00223         if (!CORBA::is_nil( {
00224            if (!CORBA::is_nil(authServer_)) {
00225               CORBA::release(authServer_);
00226               authServer_ = 0;
00227            }
00228            authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(;
00229            string msg  = "Accessing xmlBlaster using -bootstrapHostname "+iorHost;
00230  , msg);
00231            return;
00232         }
00233      }
00234   }
00235   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "No -bootstrapHostname and -bootstrapPort ...");
00238   // 4) asking Name Service CORBA compliant
00239   bool useNameService=global_.getProperty().getBoolProperty("dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/useNameService",true);
00240   // -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/useNameService default is to ask the naming service
00242   string text = "Can't access xmlBlaster Authentication Service";
00243   text += ", is the server running and ready?\n - try to specify ";
00244   text += "'-dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile <fileName>' if server is running on same host\n";
00245   text += " - try to specify '-bootstrapHostname <hostName>  -bootstrapPort 3412' to ";
00246   text += "locate xmlBlaster\n  - or contact your ";
00247   text += "system administrator to start a naming service";
00249   if (useNameService) {
00250      try {
00251         if (!nameServerControl_) initNamingService();
00253         string contextId = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("", "xmlBlaster");
00254         string contextKind = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("NameService.context.kind", "MOM");
00255         string clusterId = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("", global_.getStrippedId());
00256         string clusterKind = global_.getProperty().getStringProperty("NameService.node.kind", "MOM");
00258         CORBA::Object_var obj = nameServerControl_->resolve(contextId, contextKind);
00259         CosNaming::NamingContext_var relativeContext_obj = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(;
00260         NameServerControl relativeContext(relativeContext_obj);
00261, "Retrieved NameService context " + contextId + "." + contextKind);
00263          authenticateIdl::AuthServer_var authServerFirst;
00264          string tmpId = "";           // for logging only
00265          string tmpServerName = "";   // for logging only
00266          string firstServerName = ""; // for logging only
00267          int countServerFound = 0;    // for logging only
00268          string serverNameList = "";  // for logging only
00269          try {
00270             authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(relativeContext.resolve(clusterId, clusterKind));
00271          }
00272          catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
00273   , "Narrow AuthServer failed: " + ex.toString());
00274          }
00276          /*============================
00277           TestGet -ORBInitRef NameService=`cat /tmp/ns.ior` -trace true -call true
00278          =============================*/
00280          if ( CORBA::is_nil(authServer_) ) {
00281             if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Query NameServer to find a suitable xmlBlaster server for '" +
00282                      NameServerControl::getString(contextId, contextKind)+"/"+NameServerControl::getString(clusterId, clusterKind) +
00283                      "' failed, is nil");
00284             CosNaming::BindingList_var bl;
00285             CosNaming::BindingIterator_var bi;
00286             CosNaming::NamingContext_var tmp = relativeContext.getNamingService();
00287             tmp->list(0, bl, bi);
00289             // process the remaining bindings if an iterator exists:
00290             if (CORBA::is_nil(authServer_) && !CORBA::is_nil( {
00291                int i = 0;
00292                CORBA::Boolean more;
00293                do {
00294                   more = bi->next_n(1, bl);
00295                   if (bl->length() != 1) {
00296                      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "NameService entry id is nil");
00297                      break;
00298                   }
00299                   CORBA::ULong index = 0;
00300                   string id = lexical_cast<std::string>(bl[index].binding_name[0].id);
00301                   string kind = lexical_cast<std::string>(bl[index].binding_name[0].kind);
00302                   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "id=" + id + " kind=" + kind);
00304                   tmpId = id;
00305                   countServerFound++;
00306                   tmpServerName = NameServerControl::getString(contextId, contextKind)+"/"+NameServerControl::getString(id, kind);
00307                   if (i>0) serverNameList += ", ";
00308                   i++;
00309                   serverNameList += tmpServerName;
00311                   if (clusterId == id && clusterKind == kind) {
00312                      try {
00313                         if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying to resolve NameService entry '"+NameServerControl::getString(id, kind)+"'");
00314                         authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(relativeContext.resolve(id, kind));
00315                         if (! CORBA::is_nil(authServer_))
00316                            break; // found a matching server
00317                         else
00318                            log_.warn(me(), "Connecting to NameService entry '"+tmpServerName+"' failed, is_nil");
00319                      }
00320                      catch (const CORBA::Exception &exc) {
00321                         log_.warn(me(), "Connecting to NameService entry '"+tmpServerName+"' failed: " + to_string(exc));
00322                      }
00323                   }
00325                   if (CORBA::is_nil( {
00326                      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Remember the first server");
00327                      try {
00328                         firstServerName = tmpServerName;
00329                         if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Remember the first reachable xmlBlaster server from NameService entry '"+firstServerName+"'");
00330                         authServerFirst = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_narrow(relativeContext.resolve(id, kind));
00331                      }
00332                      catch (const CORBA::Exception &exc) {
00333                         log_.warn(me(), "Connecting to NameService entry '"+tmpServerName+"' failed: " + to_string(exc));
00334                      }
00335                   }
00336                } while ( more );
00337             }
00338             bi->destroy();  // Clean up server side iteration resources
00339          }
00341          if (CORBA::is_nil(authServer_)) {
00342             if (!CORBA::is_nil( {
00343                if (countServerFound > 1) {
00344                   string str = string("Can't choose one of ") + lexical_cast<std::string>(countServerFound) +
00345                                  " avalailable server in CORBA NameService: " + serverNameList +
00346                                  ". Please choose one with e.g. " + tmpId;
00347                   log_.warn(me(), str);
00348                   throw XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", "client", me(), "en", str);
00349                }
00350      , "Choosing only available server '" + firstServerName + "' in CORBA NameService");
00351                this->authServer_ = authenticateIdl::AuthServer::_duplicate(;
00352                return;
00353             }
00354             else {
00355                log_.trace(me(), "No usable xmlBlaster server found in NameService: " + serverNameList);
00356                throw XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", "client", me(), "en", text);
00357             }
00358          }
00360, "Accessing xmlBlaster using CORBA naming service entry '" +
00361                            NameServerControl::getString(contextId, contextKind) +
00362                            "/" + NameServerControl::getString(clusterId, clusterKind));
00364          return;
00365       }
00366       catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e ) {
00367          log_.trace(me() + ".NoAuthService", text);
00368          throw CorbaDriver::convertFromCorbaException(e);
00369       }
00370    } // if (useNameService)
00372    if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "No -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/useNameService ...");
00373    throw XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", "client", me(), "en", text);
00374 } // initAuthenticationService() 
00376 void CorbaConnection::createCallbackServer(POA_clientIdl::BlasterCallback *implObj) 
00377 {
00378   if (implObj) {
00379      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying resolve_initial_references ...");
00380      CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
00381      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying narrowing POA ...");
00382      poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(;
00383      PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_mgr = poa_->the_POAManager();
00384      // _this() incarnates with the servant ...
00385      callback_ = implObj->_this();
00386      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying object_to_string POA ...");
00387      CORBA::String_var tmp = orb_->object_to_string(callback_);
00388      callbackIOR_ = tmp;
00389      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying activate POA ...");
00390      poa_mgr->activate();
00391 #if  defined(XMLBLASTER_MICO) && defined(ORB_IS_THREAD_SAFE)
00392      // - multi threaded mico 2.3.11 sometimes blocked forever in work_pending()
00393      // - omniORB doesn't need perform_work() either but it doesn't harm
00394 #else
00395      // - TAO seems to need it (callback messages won't arrive without)
00396      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying orb.work_pending ...");
00397      while (orb_->work_pending()) {
00398         if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Entering perform_work ...");
00399         orb_->perform_work();
00400      }
00401      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying work_pending POA done ...");
00402 #endif
00403      return;
00404      // add exception handling here !!!!!
00405   }
00406   return;
00407 }
00409 ConnectReturnQosRef CorbaConnection::connect(const ConnectQosRef& connectQos)
00410 {
00411    if ( !CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00412       string msg = "You are already logged in, returning cached handle";
00413       msg += " on xmlBlaster";
00414       log_.warn(me(), msg);
00415       return connectReturnQos_;
00416    }
00418    loginName_ = connectQos->getUserId();
00419    if (,"connect(" + loginName_ + ") ...");
00420    try {
00421       if (CORBA::is_nil(authServer_)) initAuthenticationService();
00422       ConnectQos help = *connectQos; // since it is a const
00423       string reqQos = help.toXml();
00424       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), string("connect req: ") + reqQos);
00425       // If using wstring in xmlBlaster.idl:
00426       //CORBA::WString_var ws1 = CORBA::wstring_dup(toWstring(reqQos).c_str());
00427       //CORBA::WString_var ws2 = authServer_->connect(ws1);
00428       //string retQos = toString(wstring(ws2));
00429       // or
00430       string retQos = corbaWStringToString(authServer_->connect(toCorbaWString(reqQos)));
00431       //string retQos = authServer_->connect(reqQos.c_str());
00432       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), string("connect ret: ") + retQos);
00433       ConnectQosFactory factory(global_);
00434       if (log_.dump()) log_.dump(me(), "connect: the connect return qos before parsing: " + retQos);
00435       connectReturnQos_ = factory.readObject(retQos);
00436       sessionId_ = connectReturnQos_->getSecretSessionId();
00437       xmlBlasterIOR_ = connectReturnQos_->getServerRef().getAddress();
00439       CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->string_to_object(xmlBlasterIOR_.c_str());
00440       xmlBlaster_ = serverIdl::Server::_narrow(;
00442       numLogins_++;
00443       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(),"Success, connect for "+loginName_);
00444       return connectReturnQos_;
00445    }
00446    catch(const XmlBlasterException &e) {
00447       string msg = "Connect failed for ";
00448       msg +=  loginName_; //  + ", numLogins=" + numLogins_;
00449       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), msg);
00450       throw e;
00451    }
00452 }
00454 bool CorbaConnection::shutdown()
00455 {
00456    bool ret = false;
00457    if (!CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00458       CORBA::release(xmlBlaster_);
00459       xmlBlaster_ = NULL;
00460       ret = true;
00461    }
00462    if (!CORBA::is_nil(authServer_)) {
00463       CORBA::release(authServer_);
00464       authServer_ = NULL;
00465       ret = true;
00466    }
00467    return ret;
00468 }
00470 bool CorbaConnection::shutdownCb()
00471 {
00472    if (!CORBA::is_nil(callback_)) {
00473       CORBA::release(callback_);
00474       callback_ = NULL;
00475       return true;
00476    }
00477    return false;
00478 }
00480 bool CorbaConnection::disconnect(const string& qos)
00481 {
00482    if (, "disconnect() ...");
00483    if (log_.dump()) log_.dump(me(), string("disconnect: the qos: ") + qos);
00485    try {
00486       if (!CORBA::is_nil(authServer_)) {
00487          if (sessionId_=="") authServer_->logout(xmlBlaster_);
00488          else authServer_->disconnect(sessionId_.c_str(), toCorbaWString(qos));
00489       }
00490       shutdown();
00491       return true;
00492    }
00493    catch (...) {
00494    }
00495    shutdown();
00496    return false;
00497 }
00505 string 
00506 CorbaConnection::subscribe(const string &xmlKey, const string &qos) 
00507 {
00508    if (, "subscribe() ...");
00509    if (log_.dump()) {
00510       log_.dump(me(), string("subscribe: the key: ") + xmlKey);
00511       log_.dump(me(), string("subscribe: the qos: ") + qos);
00512    }
00513    if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00514       string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00515       throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00516                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00517                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00518   }
00519   try {
00520      return corbaWStringToString(xmlBlaster_->subscribe(toCorbaWString(xmlKey), toCorbaWString(qos)));
00521      //CORBA::String_var ret = toString(xmlBlaster_->subscribe(xmlKey.c_str(), qos.c_str()));
00522      //return static_cast<const char *>(ret);
00523   } catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00524      throw e;
00525   }
00526   //return "";
00527 }
00530 vector<std::string> CorbaConnection::unSubscribe(const string &xmlKey,
00531                                   const string &qos) 
00532 {
00533   if (, "unSubscribe() ...");
00534   if (log_.dump()) {
00535      log_.dump(me(), string("unSubscribe: the key: ") + xmlKey);
00536      log_.dump(me(), string("unSubscribe: the qos: ") + qos);
00537   }
00539   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00540      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00541      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00542                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00543                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00544   }
00546   try {
00547      serverIdl::XmlTypeArr_var 
00548         retArr = xmlBlaster_->unSubscribe(toCorbaWString(xmlKey), toCorbaWString(qos));
00550      vector<std::string> vecArr;
00551      for (CORBA::ULong ii=0; ii<retArr->length(); ii++) {
00552         vecArr.push_back(corbaWStringToString(retArr[ii].inout()));
00553      }
00554      return vecArr;
00555   }
00556   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException e) {
00557      throw e;
00558   }
00559 }
00569 string CorbaConnection::publish(const util::MessageUnit &msgUnitUtil) {
00570   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Publishing the STL way ...");
00571   if (log_.dump()) {
00572      log_.dump(me(), string("publish: the msgUnit: ") + msgUnitUtil.toXml());
00573   }
00575   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00576      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00577      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00578                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00579                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00580   }
00582   try {
00583      serverIdl::MessageUnit msgUnit;
00584      // serverIdl::MessageUnit_var msgUnit;
00585      copyToCorba(msgUnit, msgUnitUtil);
00586      return corbaWStringToString(xmlBlaster_->publish(msgUnit));
00587      //CORBA::String_var ret = xmlBlaster_->publish(msgUnit);
00588      //return static_cast<char *>(ret);
00589   }
00590   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00591      string msg = "XmlBlasterException: ";
00592      msg += e.message;
00593      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), msg);
00594      throw e;
00595   }
00596 //        catch(CORBA::Exception &ex1) {
00597 //       throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException(me().c_str(),to_string(ex1));
00598 //        }
00599 }
00604 string 
00605 CorbaConnection::publish(const serverIdl::MessageUnit &msgUnit) 
00606 {
00607   if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Publishing ...");
00609   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00610      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00611      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00612                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00613                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00614  }
00616   try {
00617      return corbaWStringToString(xmlBlaster_->publish(msgUnit));
00618      //CORBA::String_var ret = xmlBlaster_->publish(msgUnit);
00619      //return static_cast<char *>(ret);
00620   }
00621   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00622      string msg = "XmlBlasterException: ";
00623      msg += e.message;
00624      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), msg);
00625      throw e;
00626   }
00627 //        catch(CORBA::Exception &ex1) {
00628 //       throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException(me().c_str(),to_string(ex1));
00629 //        }
00630 }
00641 vector<std::string> 
00642 CorbaConnection::publishArr(const vector<util::MessageUnit> &msgVec) 
00643 {
00644   if (, "publishArr() ...");
00646   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00647      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00648      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00649                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00650                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00651   }
00653   try {
00654      serverIdl::MessageUnitArr_var msgUnitArr = new serverIdl::MessageUnitArr;
00655      copyToCorba(msgUnitArr, msgVec);
00656      serverIdl::XmlTypeArr_var retArr = xmlBlaster_->publishArr(msgUnitArr);
00657      vector<std::string> vecArr;
00658      for (CORBA::ULong ii=0; ii<retArr->length(); ii++) {
00659         vecArr.push_back(corbaWStringToString(retArr[ii].inout()));
00660         //vecArr.push_back(static_cast<char *>(retArr[ii].inout()));
00661      }
00662      return vecArr;
00663   }
00664   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00665      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "XmlBlasterException: "
00666                                 + string(e.message) );
00667      throw e;
00668   }
00669 }
00674 serverIdl::XmlTypeArr* 
00675 CorbaConnection::publishArr(const serverIdl::MessageUnitArr& msgUnitArr)
00676 {
00677   if (, "publishArr() ...");
00679   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00680      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00681      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00682                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00683                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00684   }
00686   try {
00687      return xmlBlaster_->publishArr(msgUnitArr);
00688   }
00689   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00690      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "XmlBlasterException: "
00691                                 + string(e.message) );
00692      throw e;
00693   }
00694   return 0;
00695 }
00705 void 
00706 CorbaConnection::publishOneway(const vector<util::MessageUnit>& msgVec)
00707 {
00708   if (, "publishOneway() ...");
00710   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00711      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00712      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00713                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00714                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00715   }
00717   try {
00718      serverIdl::MessageUnitArr_var msgUnitArr = new serverIdl::MessageUnitArr;
00719      copyToCorba(msgUnitArr, msgVec);
00720      xmlBlaster_->publishOneway(msgUnitArr);
00721   }
00722   catch (const exception& e) {
00723      log_.error(me(), string("Exception caught in publishOneway, it is not transferred to client: ") + e.what());
00724   }
00725   catch(...) {
00726      log_.error(me(), "Exception caught in publishOneway, it is not transferred to client");
00727   }
00728 }
00730 /*
00731 * Please use the STL based variant
00732 * @param The MessageUnit array as a CORBA datatype
00733 * @deprecated Use the vector<util::MessageUnit> variant
00734 */
00735 void 
00736 CorbaConnection::publishOneway(const serverIdl::MessageUnitArr& msgUnitArr)
00737 {
00738   if (, "publishOneway() ...");
00740   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00741      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00742      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00743                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00744                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00745   }
00747   try {
00748      xmlBlaster_->publishOneway(msgUnitArr);
00749   }
00750   catch (const exception& e) {
00751      log_.error(me(), string("Exception caught in publishOneway, it is not transferred to client: ") + e.what());
00752   }
00753   catch(...) {
00754      log_.error(me(), "Exception caught in publishOneway, it is not transferred to client");
00755   }
00756 }
00763 vector<std::string> 
00764 CorbaConnection::erase(const string &xmlKey, const string &qos) 
00765 {
00766   if (, "erase() ...");
00767   if (log_.dump()) {
00768      log_.dump(me(), string("erase: the key: ") + xmlKey);
00769      log_.dump(me(), string("erase: the qos: ") + qos);
00770   }
00772   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00773      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00774      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00775                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00776                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00777   }
00779   try {
00780      serverIdl::XmlTypeArr_var retArr = xmlBlaster_->erase(toCorbaWString(xmlKey), toCorbaWString(qos));
00781      vector<std::string> vecArr;
00782      for (CORBA::ULong ii=0; ii<retArr->length(); ii++) {
00783         vecArr.push_back(corbaWStringToString(retArr[ii]));
00784         //vecArr.push_back(static_cast<const char *>(retArr[ii]));
00785      }
00786      return vecArr;
00787   }
00788   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException e) {
00789      throw e;
00790   }
00791 }
00801 vector<util::MessageUnit>
00802 CorbaConnection::get(const string &xmlKey, const string &qos) 
00803 {
00805   serverIdl::MessageUnitArr_var units;
00806   if (, "get() ...");
00807   if (log_.dump()) {
00808      log_.dump(me(), string("get: the key: ") + xmlKey);
00809      log_.dump(me(), string("get: the qos: ") + qos);
00810   }
00812   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00813      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00814      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00815                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00816                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00817   }
00819   try {
00820      units = xmlBlaster_->get(toCorbaWString(xmlKey), toCorbaWString(qos));
00821      /*
00822      string subId = xmlBlaster_->subscribe(xmlKey.c_str(),
00823                                            qos.c_str());
00824,"New Entry in Cache created (subId="+subId+")");
00825      */
00826      vector<util::MessageUnit> msgVec;
00827      copyFromCorba(msgVec, units);
00828      return msgVec;
00829   }
00830   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00831      throw e;
00832   }
00833 }
00835 string 
00836 CorbaConnection::ping(const string &qos) 
00837 {
00838   if (, "ping(" + qos + ") ...");
00840   if (CORBA::is_nil(xmlBlaster_)) {
00841      string txt = "no auth.Server, you must login first";
00842      throw serverIdl::XmlBlasterException("communication.noConnection", 
00843                                           "client", me().c_str(), "en",
00844                                           txt.c_str(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
00845   }
00847   try {
00848      CORBA::String_var ret = xmlBlaster_->ping("");
00849      return static_cast<char *>(ret);
00850   }
00851   catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &e) {
00852      throw e;
00853   }
00854 }
00859 void 
00860 CorbaConnection::copyToCorba(serverIdl::MessageUnit &dest,
00861                              const util::MessageUnit &src) const 
00862 {
00863   dest.xmlKey = toCorbaWString(src.getKey().toXml());
00864   serverIdl::ContentType content(src.getContentLen(),
00865                                  src.getContentLen(),
00866                                  (CORBA::Octet*)src.getContent(),
00867                                  false); // our src does memory management itself
00868   dest.content = content;  // dest.content and content point to same memory? memory leak?
00869   dest.qos = toCorbaWString(src.getQos().toXml());
00870 }
00876 void 
00877 CorbaConnection::copyToCorba(serverIdl::MessageUnitArr_var &units,
00878                              const vector<util::MessageUnit> &msgVec) const 
00879 {
00880   unsigned int len = msgVec.size();
00881   units->length(len);
00882   for (CORBA::ULong ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
00883      util::MessageUnit src = msgVec[ii];
00884      serverIdl::MessageUnit dest;
00885      copyToCorba(dest, src);
00886      units[ii] = dest;
00887   }
00888 }
00894 void 
00895 CorbaConnection::copyFromCorba(vector<util::MessageUnit> &msgVec,
00896                                serverIdl::MessageUnitArr_var &units)
00897 {
00898   unsigned int len = units->length();
00899   msgVec.reserve(len);
00900   for (CORBA::ULong ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
00901      const serverIdl::MessageUnit &msgUnit = static_cast<const serverIdl::MessageUnit>(units[ii]);
00902      unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(msgUnit.content.length());
00903      const unsigned char * blob = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(&msgUnit.content[0]);
00904      if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "copyFromCorba() '" + string((const char *)blob) + "' len=" + lexical_cast<std::string>(len));
00905      MsgKeyData key = msgKeyFactory_.readObject(corbaWStringToString(msgUnit.xmlKey));
00906      MsgQosData qos = msgQosFactory_.readObject(corbaWStringToString(msgUnit.qos)); 
00907      const util::MessageUnit msg(key, len, blob, qos);
00908      msgVec.push_back(msg);
00909   }
00910 }
00927 std::string CorbaConnection::usage() 
00928 {
00929    std::string text = string("");
00930    //text += string("\n");
00931    text += string("\nThe CORBA plugin configuration:");
00932    text += string("\n   -bootstrapHostname <host>");
00933    text += string("\n                       The host where to find xmlBlaster [localhost]");
00934    text += string("\n   -bootstrapPort     <port>");
00935    text += string("\n                       The bootstrap port where xmlBlaster publishes its IOR [3412]");
00936    text += string("\n   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorString <IOR:00...>");
00937    text += string("\n                       The IOR string of the xmlBlaster-authentication server.");
00938    text += string("\n   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/iorFile <file>");
00939    text += string("\n                       A file with the xmlBlaster-authentication server IOR.");
00940    text += string("\n   -dispatch/connection/plugin/ior/useNameService <true/false>");
00941    text += string("\n                       Try to access xmlBlaster through a naming service [true]");
00942    text += string("\n");
00943    return text;
00944 }
00946 // CORBA::ORB_ptr CorbaConnection::orb_           = 0;
00947 // unsigned short CorbaConnection::numOfSessions_ = 0;
00948 // PortableServer::POA_ptr CorbaConnection::poa_  = 0;
00950 }}}}} // end of namespace