xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use MsgInfo

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket declared as MsgInfo
private  MsgInfo WorkerThread.parser
          Contains the received message

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket with parameters of type MsgInfo
WorkerThread(Global glob, SocketCallbackImpl cbHandler, MsgInfo receiver)
          Creates the thread.

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email with parameters of type MsgInfo
 java.lang.String EmailDriver.getEmailSessionId(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Overwrites EmailExecutor as we are a singleton handling different clients.
 boolean EmailDriver.receiveReply(MsgInfo receiver, boolean udp)
          Handle connect/disconnect

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket with parameters of type MsgInfo
 void HandleClient.handleMessage(MsgInfo receiver, boolean udp)

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol with parameters of type MsgInfo
protected  void RequestReplyExecutor.executeException(MsgInfo receiver, XmlBlasterException e, boolean udp)
          Send a one way exception back to the other side
protected  void RequestReplyExecutor.executeResponse(MsgInfo receiver, java.lang.Object response, boolean udp)
          Send a one way response message back to the other side
 boolean RequestReplyExecutor.receiveReply(MsgInfo receiver, boolean udp)
          Handle common messages
 java.lang.Object RequestReplyExecutor.requestAndBlockForReply(MsgInfo msgInfo, boolean expectingResponse, boolean udp)
          Send a message and block until the response arrives.
protected abstract  void RequestReplyExecutor.sendMessage(MsgInfo msgInfo, java.lang.String requestId, MethodName methodName, boolean udp)
          Flush the data to the protocol layer (socket, email, ...).

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email with parameters of type MsgInfo
protected  java.lang.String EmailExecutor.createMessageId(MsgInfo msgInfo, java.lang.String requestId, MethodName methodName, java.sql.Timestamp expiryTimestamp)
 java.lang.String EmailExecutor.getEmailSessionId(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Is overwritten for example by EmailDriver.java singleton.
protected  boolean EmailExecutor.isLoopingMail(MsgInfo msgInfo, EmailData emailData)
          Some weak looping protection.
protected  void EmailExecutor.sendMessage(MsgInfo msgInfo, java.lang.String requestId, MethodName methodName, boolean udp)
          Extends RequestReplyExecutor.sendMessage

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket with parameters of type MsgInfo
protected  void SocketExecutor.sendMessage(MsgInfo msgInfo, java.lang.String requestId, MethodName methodName, boolean udp)
          Flush the data to the socket.

Uses of MsgInfo in org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat that return MsgInfo
 MsgInfo MsgInfo.createReturner(byte type)
          Creates a new instance with the meta info from source.
static MsgInfo[] MsgInfo.parse(Global glob, I_ProgressListener progressListener, byte[] rawMsg, java.lang.String className, I_PluginConfig pluginConfig)
          Convenience method.
static MsgInfo[] MsgInfo.parse(Global glob, I_ProgressListener progressListener, java.io.InputStream in, java.lang.String className, I_PluginConfig pluginConfig)
          Convenience method.
 MsgInfo[] XbfParser.parse(java.io.InputStream in)
          This parses the raw message from an InputStream (typically from a socket).
 MsgInfo[] XmlScriptParser.parse(java.io.InputStream in)
          This parses the raw message from an InputStream (typically from a email or a socket).
 MsgInfo[] I_MsgInfoParser.parse(java.io.InputStream in)
          Parses a serialized message from input stream

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.xbformat with parameters of type MsgInfo
 byte[] XbfParser.createRawMsg(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Returns a raw data string.
 byte[] XmlScriptParser.createRawMsg(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Returns a XML data string.
 byte[] I_MsgInfoParser.createRawMsg(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Dumps the given MsgInfo to a byte array
private  XbfParser.Buf XbfParser.readOneMsg(MsgInfo msgInfo, java.io.InputStream in)
          Blocks on socket until a complete message is read.
 java.lang.String XbfParser.toLiteral(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Get the raw messages as a string, for tests and for dumping only
 java.lang.String XmlScriptParser.toLiteral(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Get the raw messages as a string, for tests and for dumping only
 java.lang.String I_MsgInfoParser.toLiteral(MsgInfo msgInfo)
          Get the raw messages as a string, for tests and for dumping only.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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