xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressBase

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.authentication

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.authentication with parameters of type AddressBase
 SessionInfo SubjectInfo.findSessionInfo(AddressBase addr)
          If you have a callback address and want to know to which session it belongs.
 boolean SessionInfo.hasAddress(AddressBase addr)
          Is the given address the same as our?

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
 DispatchConnection ClientDispatchConnectionsHandler.createDispatchConnection(AddressBase address)
private  void ClientDispatchManager.initDispatcherActive(AddressBase[] addrArr)
          Switch on/off the sending of messages.
 void ClientDispatchManager.setAddresses(AddressBase[] addr)
          Set new callback addresses, typically after a session login/logout

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.client.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
ClientDispatchConnection(Global glob, ClientDispatchConnectionsHandler connectionsHandler, AddressBase address)
ClientDispatchManager(Global glob, I_MsgErrorHandler failureListener, I_MsgSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor, I_Queue msgQueue, I_ConnectionStatusListener connectionStatusListener, AddressBase[] addrArr, SessionName sessionName)

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.client.qos

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.qos that return AddressBase
 AddressBase[] ConnectQos.getAddresses(boolean forceCbAddressCreation)
          The connection address and properties of the xmlBlaster server we want connect to.

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
 DispatchConnection CbDispatchConnectionsHandler.createDispatchConnection(AddressBase address)
private  void ServerDispatchManager.initDispatcherActive(AddressBase[] addrArr)
          Switch on/off the sending of messages.
 void CbDispatchConnection.setAddress(AddressBase address)
 void ServerDispatchManager.setAddresses(AddressBase[] addr)
          Set new callback addresses, typically after a session login/logout

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
CbDispatchConnection(Global glob, CbDispatchConnectionsHandler connectionsHandler, AddressBase address)
ServerDispatchManager(ServerScope glob, I_MsgErrorHandler failureListener, I_MsgSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor, I_Queue msgQueue, I_ConnectionStatusListener connectionStatusListener, AddressBase[] addrArr, SessionName sessionName)

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos

Subclasses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos
 class AddressServer
          Helper class holding address string, protocol string of server side protocol plugins.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos that return AddressBase
 AddressBase AddressServer.getClone()

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi with parameters of type AddressBase
RmiUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address)
          Extract "hostname" and "port" from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the default port 8080.
RmiUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address, boolean isLocal, int defaultServerPort)
          Extract hostname and port from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the given default port (usually RmiDriver.DEFAULT_REGISTRY_PORT=1099).

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp with parameters of type AddressBase
SocketUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address)
          Extract "hostname" and "port" from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the default port 61613.
SocketUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address, boolean isLocal, int defaultServerPort)
          Extract hostname and port from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the given default port (usually ExecutorBase.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT=61613).

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc declared as AddressBase
private  AddressBase XblWebServer.addressBase

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc with parameters of type AddressBase
XblWebServer(XmlRpcUrl xmlRpcUrl, SocketUrl socketUrl, AddressBase addressBase)
XmlRpcUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address)
          Extract "hostname" and "port" from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the default port 8080.
XmlRpcUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address, boolean isLocal, int defaultServerPort)
          Extract hostname and port from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the given default port (usually XmlRpcDriver.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT=8080).

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch declared as AddressBase
protected  AddressBase DispatchConnection.address

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch that return AddressBase
 AddressBase DispatchConnection.getAddress()
 AddressBase DispatchConnectionsHandler.getAliveAddress()
 AddressBase DispatchConnectionsHandler.getDeadAddress()

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
abstract  DispatchConnection DispatchConnectionsHandler.createDispatchConnection(AddressBase address)
          Create a DispatchConnection instance and load the protocol plugin.
 void DispatchConnectionsHandler.initialize(AddressBase[] cbAddr)
          Overwrite existing connections with new configuration
 void DispatchConnection.setAddress(AddressBase address)
 void I_DispatchManager.setAddresses(AddressBase[] addr)
          Set new callback addresses, typically after a session login/logout

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch with parameters of type AddressBase
DispatchConnection(Global glob, DispatchConnectionsHandler connectionsHandler, AddressBase address)
          Our loadPlugin() and initialize() needs to be called next.

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol declared as AddressBase
protected  AddressBase RequestReplyExecutor.addressConfig

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol with parameters of type AddressBase
protected  void RequestReplyExecutor.initialize(Global glob, AddressBase addressConfig)
          Used by SocketCallbackImpl on client side, uses I_CallbackExtended to invoke client classes

Used by HandleClient on server side, uses I_XmlBlaster to invoke xmlBlaster core

This executor has mixed client and server specific code for two reasons:
- Possibly we can use the same socket between two xmlBlaster server (load balance)
- Everything is together

protected  void RequestReplyExecutor.initializeCb(AddressBase addressConfig)

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.corba

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.corba with parameters of type AddressBase
static org.omg.CORBA.ORB OrbInstanceFactory.createOrbInstance(Global glob, java.lang.String[] args, java.util.Properties props, AddressBase address)
 org.omg.CORBA.ORB OrbInstanceWrapper.getOrb(java.lang.String[] args, java.util.Properties props, AddressBase address)
          On first call an orb is created, further calls return the same orb instance.
private static java.util.Properties OrbInstanceFactory.initializeOrbEnv(Global glob, AddressBase address)
          Sets the environment for CORBA.

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email declared as AddressBase
private  AddressBase EmailExecutor.addressBase

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email with parameters of type AddressBase
 void EmailExecutor.init(Global glob, AddressBase addressBase, PluginInfo pluginConfig)
          This init() is called after the init(Global, PluginInfo)

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket with parameters of type AddressBase
 java.net.ServerSocket SocketUrl.createServerSocketSSL(int backlog, AddressBase address)
          Helper to create a server side SSL socket, uses reflection to compile with JDK 1.3 SSL support can't be used with a standard JDK 1.3


 javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory SocketUrl.createSocketFactorySSL(AddressBase address)
private  javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory SocketUrl.createSocketFactorySSLInternal(AddressBase address)
 java.net.Socket SocketUrl.createSocketSSL_OLD(SocketUrl localSocketUrl, AddressBase address)
          Helper to create a SSL socket, uses reflection to compile with JDK 1.3 SSL support can't be used with a standard JDK 1.3
 java.net.Socket SocketUrl.createSocketSSL(SocketUrl localSocketUrl, AddressBase address)
          Helper to create a SSL socket, uses reflection to compile with JDK 1.3 SSL support can't be used with a standard JDK 1.3
protected  void SocketExecutor.initialize(Global glob, AddressBase addressConfig, java.io.InputStream iStream, java.io.OutputStream oStream)
          Used by SocketCallbackImpl on client side, uses I_CallbackExtended to invoke client classes

Used by HandleClient on server side, uses I_XmlBlaster to invoke xmlBlaster core

This executor has mixed client and server specific code for two reasons:
- Possibly we can use the same socket between two xmlBlaster server (load balance)
- Everything is together


Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.socket with parameters of type AddressBase
SocketUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address)
          Extract "hostname" and "port" from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the default port 7607.
SocketUrl(Global glob, AddressBase address, boolean isLocal, int defaultServerPort)
          Extract hostname and port from environment, if not found use the local host for hostname and the given default port (usually ExecutorBase.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT=7607).

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.xmlrpc

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.xmlrpc with parameters of type AddressBase
static org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient XmlRpcClientFactory.getXmlRpcClient(Global glob, XmlRpcUrl xmlRpcUrl, AddressBase address, boolean useCDATA)

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address

Subclasses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address
 class Address
          Helper class holding address string, protocol string and client side connection properties.
 class CallbackAddress
          Helper class holding callback address string and protocol string.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address that return AddressBase
 AddressBase AddressBase.getClone()

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address with parameters of type AddressBase
 boolean AddressBase.isSameAddress(AddressBase other)
          Check if supplied address would connect to the address of this instance

Uses of AddressBase in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage declared as AddressBase
protected  AddressBase[] QueuePropertyBase.addressArr
          The corresponding callback address, is set by derived classes
static AddressBase[] QueuePropertyBase.EMPTY_ADDRESS_ARR

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage that return AddressBase
 AddressBase[] ClientQueueProperty.getAddresses()
 AddressBase[] QueuePropertyBase.getAddresses()

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.