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Re: [xmlblaster] address.setXXXXX #2

Jones, Chris wrote:
I am playing around with HelloWorld6 and trying to set the hostname and
protocol type to what I need. So when I set the type to SOCKET it doesn't
seem to recognize the hostname setting.
address.setHostname( "some.internal.server" );
address.setType( "SOCKET" );

Hi Chris,

i have to correct myself, the setAddress() is not working
as described in the last email (we are reworking currently
the config-params setup for plugins).

Please use:

   String[] args = { "-protocol", "SOCKET",
                     "-socket.hostname", "noty",
                     "-socket.port", "7666",
                     "-socket.localHostname", "noty",
                     "-socket.localPort", "8888" };

which works fine.

Note that the ...local... variants are usually not necessary
as the operating system chooses it automatically.

Setting the protocol to "SOCKET" is possible as described
in the first mail (see below) as well.


========= ORIG MAIL: ======================

try ('noty' is my hosts name):

         Address address = new Address(glob);
         address.setType( "SOCKET" );


         CallbackAddress cbAddress = new CallbackAddress(glob);

NOTE 1: You need to use setAddress() as the setHostname() and setPort()
is reserved for the internal HttpIORServer implementation with
our registered port 3412. This will allow a future bootstrapping.
I'll update the Javadoc to explain this.

NOTE 2: You need to use SOCKET for the connection AND for the callback
server (we reuse with SOCKET the same TCP-socket for callback and
have no protocol mixing implemented here).
With other protocols you could mix, e.g. use IOR for connection and
XML-RPC for callback, or use XML-RPC for connection and RMI for callback.

Examples for setAddress (the server logs them on startup):

RMI:      "rmi://noty:1099/I_AuthServer"
XML-RPC:  "http://noty:8080/";
SOCKET:   "noty:7607"

with CORBA use setHostname() and setPort() to retrieve the IOR
(CORBA already uses our bootstrapping schema).



[Mar 28, 2003 1:32:17 PM ERROR HelloWorld6] Houston, we have a problem:
errorCode=communication.noConnection message=Socket client connection to
jbwbj11 on port 7607 failed, try options '-socket.hostname <ip> -socket.port
<port>' and check if the xmlBlaster server has loaded the socket driver in
xmlBlaster.properties : java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused:

where if I set the hostname and type like this it connects to the correct
server and address.setHostname( "some.internal.server" );
address.setType( "IOR" );

[Mar 28, 2003 1:39:45 PM INFO  CorbaConnection-joe] Accessing xmlBlaster
AuthServer IOR using builtin http connection to some.internal.server:3412

Thanks, Chris Jones (806) 349-5775 Atmos Energy Corporation Amarillo Call Center

"This is a faithful saying and worthy of all
acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I
am chief."  1 Tim 1:15