First of all, XMLBlaster rocks!
Second of all, it looks like the bodies of keys don't get delivered
to subscribers, regardless of the subscribeQOS. I have seen reference
to the fact that "<meta>" and "<content>" tags in the subscribeQOS are
not implemented yet. Does this mean that contents of the <key> just
ever get delivered on updates? Is there some other way for the receiver
to get the <key> contents ?
Specifically, I am subscribing like this:
<key oid='' queryType='XPATH'>
Then, from a separate client, I am publishing this:
What I see in the subscriber (using updateKey.toXML()) is this:
<key oid='OID_MSEC_1025915075566' contentMime='text/plain'
Notice that we've lost the "<ObservationKey><Pow/></ObservationKey>"
Is there some way to avoid losing this?