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Re: [xmlblaster] memory leak? FIXED

Hi 刘 文

thanks for reporting this bug.
It is fixed now and available with CVS.
Could you please confirm that the problem disappeared?

best regards,


PS: Remove all files in
after cvs update, they currently don't compile.

>I found the following question:
>The publisher send volatile messages( 1K size each) and the subscriber received it. When the publisher send about 30000 message, it got the OutOfMemory Exception.
>I used the OptimizeIt Profiler to debug the server. finding that every time a message is published,  A MessageUnitHandler and SubscribeInfo instance produced and they would never GCed even if the client loged out. 
>my publish code
>      String xmlKey = null;
>      PublishQosWrapper qw = new PublishQosWrapper();
>      qw.isVolatile(true);
>      System.out.println("qos = " + qw.toXml() );
>      byte[] b = new byte[1024];
>      while(true){
>        	synchronized(this){
>          		if ( _bQuit ) break;
>        	}
>        	lCount++;
>          	xmlKey =  "<key oid='" + lCount +
>                   	 "'> <topic id='aaaa'/>" +
>                   	 "</key>";
>          	_conn.publish(new MessageUnit(xmlKey,b,qw.toXml()));
>//          	System.out.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())+":"+lCount);
>            	Thread.currentThread().sleep(1);
>   }