xmlBlaster 2.2.0 contributions API

Class DefaultMapper

  extended by org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.DefaultMapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
I_ContribPlugin, I_Mapper
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DefaultMapper
extends java.lang.Object
implements I_Mapper

DefaultMapper makes a one to one mapping unless for tables in which case it is read from the property 'replication.mapper.tables'. This property will follow the syntax: table1=tableOne,table2=tableTwo,... All tables not found the the configuration are mapped one to one.

Michele Laghi

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map columnMap
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> excludeColumns
protected  java.util.Map schemaMap
protected  java.util.Map tableMap
Fields inherited from interface org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.I_Mapper
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void doInit(I_Info info, DbMetaHelper dbHelper)
 java.lang.String getMappedCatalog(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String def)
          Returns the mapped catalog or null.
 java.lang.String getMappedColumn(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String def)
          Gets the mapped column.
 java.lang.String getMappedSchema(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String def)
          Table and column are ignored here.
 java.lang.String getMappedTable(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String def)
          Columns are ignored here.
 java.lang.String getMappedType(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String Schema, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String def)
          This method is currently unused, and is here for future releases.
 java.util.Set getUsedPropertyKeys()
          Gets all property keys which may be used by this object.
 void init(I_Info info)
 void shutdown()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Map columnMap


protected java.util.Map tableMap


protected java.util.Map schemaMap


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> excludeColumns
Constructor Detail


public DefaultMapper()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getMappedCatalog(java.lang.String catalog,
                                         java.lang.String schema,
                                         java.lang.String table,
                                         java.lang.String column,
                                         java.lang.String def)
Description copied from interface: I_Mapper
Returns the mapped catalog or null.

Specified by:
getMappedCatalog in interface I_Mapper
catalog - The catalog name of the source (the master catalog). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
schema - The schema name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
table - The table name of the source. On null it is considered a default.
column - The column name of the source. On null it is considered a default.
def - the default value if no entry has been found.
the catalog name of the destination (the slave catalog), or null which means that catalog info will not be used on the destination.


public java.lang.String getMappedSchema(java.lang.String catalog,
                                        java.lang.String schema,
                                        java.lang.String table,
                                        java.lang.String column,
                                        java.lang.String def)
Table and column are ignored here. Schema must be specified. If no schema, then null is returned.

Specified by:
getMappedSchema in interface I_Mapper
catalog - The catalog name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
schema - The schema name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
table - The table name of the source. On null it is considered a default.
column - The column name of the source. On null it is considered a default.
def - the default value if no entry has been found.
the schema name of the destination (the slave), or null which means that schema info will not be used on the destination.


public java.lang.String getMappedTable(java.lang.String catalog,
                                       java.lang.String schema,
                                       java.lang.String table,
                                       java.lang.String column,
                                       java.lang.String def)
Columns are ignored here.

Specified by:
getMappedTable in interface I_Mapper
catalog - The catalog name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
schema - The schema name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
table - The table name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
column - The column name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
def - the default value if no entry has been found.
the table name to be used on the slave. If null it means that this table is not further processed.


public java.lang.String getMappedColumn(java.lang.String catalog,
                                        java.lang.String schema,
                                        java.lang.String table,
                                        java.lang.String column,
                                        java.lang.String def)
Description copied from interface: I_Mapper
Gets the mapped column.

Specified by:
getMappedColumn in interface I_Mapper
catalog - The catalog name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
table - The table name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
column - The column name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
def - the default value if no entry has been found.
the table name to be used on the slave. If null it means that this table is not further processed.


public java.lang.String getMappedType(java.lang.String catalog,
                                      java.lang.String Schema,
                                      java.lang.String table,
                                      java.lang.String column,
                                      java.lang.String type,
                                      java.lang.String def)
Description copied from interface: I_Mapper
This method is currently unused, and is here for future releases.

Specified by:
getMappedType in interface I_Mapper
catalog - The catalog name of the source (the master). Null is allowed and means unspecified.
table - The table name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
column - The column name of the source. On null the behaviour is unspecified and implementation dependant.
def - the default value if no entry has been found.


public java.util.Set getUsedPropertyKeys()
Description copied from interface: I_ContribPlugin
Gets all property keys which may be used by this object.

Specified by:
getUsedPropertyKeys in interface I_ContribPlugin
See Also:


public void init(I_Info info)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Specified by:
init in interface I_ContribPlugin


protected void doInit(I_Info info,
                      DbMetaHelper dbHelper)
               throws java.lang.Exception


public void shutdown()
              throws java.lang.Exception
Specified by:
shutdown in interface I_ContribPlugin
See Also:

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 contributions API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.