xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

Uses of Class

Packages that use KeyData
org.xmlBlaster.util Java helper classes for server and client programming. 

Uses of KeyData in org.xmlBlaster.util

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util that return KeyData
 KeyData MsgUnit.getKeyData()
          The parsed key.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util with parameters of type KeyData
 java.lang.String FileDumper.dumpMessage(KeyData keyData, byte[] content, QosData qosData)
 java.lang.String FileDumper.dumpMessage(KeyData keyData, byte[] content, QosData qosData, boolean verbose)
          Dump dead message to hard disk.

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util with parameters of type KeyData
MsgUnit(KeyData key, byte[] content, QosData qos)
          Create a MsgUnit with pre-parsed parameters.
MsgUnit(MsgUnit old, KeyData key, byte[] content, QosData qos)
          Clone this message unit (but not the content).

Uses of KeyData in org.xmlBlaster.util.key

Subclasses of KeyData in org.xmlBlaster.util.key
 class MsgKeyData
          This class encapsulates the Message meta data and unique identifier (key) of a publish()/update() or get()-return message.
 class QueryKeyData
          This class encapsulates the Message key information of query invocations.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.key with parameters of type KeyData
 boolean KeyData.equals(KeyData other)
          Check if same query is used

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

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