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Re: [xmlblaster] Ldbc

Marcel Ruff wrote:
Peter Bennett wrote:


Have uploaded the Ldbc stuff...

I ran a few more tests yesterday and today...
I think I have a problem with one topic test.

I have no doubt it will need some more work...

I already need to add a couple of notes to the ldbc requirement...

(1) JDK 1.4 only.

Hu, does this mean that xmlBlaster is not compiling / running
with JDK 1.3 / 1.2 anymore?

No... Just the ldbc driver is compiled under 1.4. I just read the ldbc howto again and I missed something... It can be compiled under JDK1.3. I better redo the jar under 1.3. Should I upload a set of docs for ldbc?

(2) No Oracle support in ldbc.jar

Well, we still have the native Oracle support.

Ldbc does support Oracle... I don't however. Its scary.
From the ldbc howto... The Oracle JDBC driver needs to be in the build class path. I don't have a recent Oracle jdbc driver. Oracle users need to roll there own. Or somebody in the team download and build ldbc.

I think I need some Oracle files to compile Oracle support into the ldbc driver.

As you will see the code is virtually identical to the commontable plugin. The part I am not 100% sure of is the routine to delete stuff.

diff JdbcConnectionPool.java LdbcConnectionPool.java
diff JdbcManagerCommonTable.java LdbcManagerCommonTable.java
diff JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin.java LdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin.java
diff PreparedQuery.java LdbcPreparedQuery.java

It seems that only JdbcManagerCommonTable is replaced by LdbcManagerCommonTable,
only LdbcManagerCommonTable.java has two places with additional code.

We should somehow merge the files to avoid having duplicate code
and duplicate errors, probably having a common interface class
and having a factory to create with or without ldbc. Any idea?

Yes... I am sure Michele could look at the diffs and figure something out... But. Its just I hate getting him to make changes to support Ldbc/MySQL or whatever. I can put watches on the relevant files and do the diffs.

We need to discuss if we really want to drop JDK 1.3 and 1.2 support.

From the ldbc howto... Most likely JDK 1.2 also works.

I have no problems if it goes no further at present. It is just a go at abstraction. I will continue to work with it to see if I can improve and develop it. It is most certainly less strain on me if the development code is in the repository and it opens up the chance for others to look at it and test on there platforms if they are brave enough.





ldbc does not support cascade delete so I added some code and am not sure I am deleting enough...
