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RE: [xmlblaster] xmlBlasterClient.pl: SessionId '' is invalid + p atch
Hi, thanks for all the help, and quick replies.
I'm still a little confused about some of this documentation on sending the
connection message. Your example message has this parameter:
<queue relating='callback' maxEntries='1000' maxBytes='4000000'
<callback type='IOR' sessionId='4e56890ghdFzj0' pingInterval='10000'
retries='-1' delay='10000' oneway='false' dispatchPlugin='undef'>
<burstMode collectTime='400' />
<compress type='gzip' minSize='3000'/>
and the return message has all of this information except the compress type
and the ptp fields, and no additional information. Is the sessionID
'4e56890ghdFzj0' listed here the secret sessionID ? Is the client supposed
to randomly generate this ID before it makes the connection?
Thanks again for your patience and assistance.
-Forrest Osterman
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcel Ruff [mailto:mr at marcelruff.info]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:30 PM
To: xmlblaster at server.xmlblaster.org
Subject: Re: [xmlblaster] xmlBlasterClient.pl: SessionId '' is invalid + p
Madere, Colin wrote:
>He's using the Java socket libs. Working on a simple applet that doesn't
>require the xmlBlaster jar files and such.
A successful connect() returns the secret sessionId which must be used
in any subsequent call.
You need to extract it from the ConnectReturnQos by using our parser and:
this.sessionId = connectReturnQos.getSecretSessionId();
of grepping it yourself.
how the xml markup looks like.
(In xmlBlaster/src/c/socket/xmlBlasterAccessUnparsed.c:432 i do it
if you use the current cvs version)
best regards
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marcel Ruff [mailto:mr at marcelruff.info]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:32 PM
>To: xmlblaster at server.xmlblaster.org
>Subject: Re: [xmlblaster] xmlBlasterClient.pl: SessionId '' is invalid + p
>Osterman, Forrest wrote:
>>Could this be related to the error I am getting?
>>I am trying to send a subscribe message to xmlBlaster over a socket,
>>without using the libraries. The message I get is "Your secretSessionId
>>is invalid, no access to http_(my machine IP)
>>The message I sent was:
>> 63**I**13465*subscribe***<qos></qos>*<key oid='metinfo'/>*
>msgLen[10] flag[6] requestId methodName sessionId lenUnzipped userData
>The sessionId is empty, without a secrest session ID there is no access to
>xmlBlaster (it should be directly after "subscribe*".
>Do you use the Java client lib or your own SOCKET C/C++ library?
>>I have gotten the latest version from CVS, and built it, but I still
>>get this error.
>>-Forrest Osterman