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[xmlblaster] yet another "Who is using xmlBlaster"

Hello xmlBlaster's users & coders,

here is a brief description of my (old) xmlBlaster project :
for page http://xmlblaster.org/referenceUsers.html

project :
 KProcManager. A Ktaland realisation for AFDAS (a French OPCA).

Description :
It is a remote job execution dispatcher between linux boxes (sun jdk1.3) and as400 mainframes (ibm jdk1.3). Each server can publish some job via xmlBlaster, then destination server execute job and send back a acquitement. Using protocols xml-rpc and corba. Security plugin is htpasswd.

history :
 development started on 2001-10-01
 in production version 1 since 2002-02-01
 in production version 2 since 2003-02-01

Contact :
 Ktaland <cyrille at ktaland.com>

shure this draft need :
 - some english syntax correction.
 - prehaps some precisions.

tell me what you would like to know more.
