zhang wrote:
Hello, sir!Yes, most methods have a return value and are therefor acknowledged.
The current corba dirver in xmlBlaster use synchronous CORBA method invocation to implement communication between client and xmlBlaster Server.
XMLBlaster is actually an asynchronous architecture for application integration in my opinion. But the asynchronous architecture is achieved through synchronous method invocation.
The CORBA Messaging provides asynchronous method invocation. I think we can use this asynchronous mechanism to implement xmlBlaster. Maybe performance can be achieved by usingIf you find a CORBA Messaging service with one of the CORBA vendors you are probably done
asynchronous mechanism to implement xmlBlaster CORBA driver.
I don't think that this makes sense, CORBA messaging is well specified and does a lot of things.My question is as follows: (1)Does this idea practically?
What is asynchronous in your opinion?(2) are there any MOM use asynchronous mechanism in their underware transprotation level?