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Re: [xmlblaster-devel] get, qos/history/ at numEntries=1 returns 2!

Brad Clements wrote:
Maybe I misunderstand how this is supposed to work but ..

my server publishes a message unit via xpath key with lifetime=60000

I really only want one such message to exist at any given time. The server keeps publishing the same message every 15 seconds or so, like a watchdog timer.

I can't find the publish qos setting that makes sure there's only one such message unit in xmlblaster at any given time.

The publishOneway Qos looks like this:

<qos><expiration lifeTime="60000" /></qos>
At least the first publish could send additionally

     <queue relating='history' maxEntries='1'/>

anyway, I'm hooking up a nagios script to check to see if this key exists, so I do a get, with this qos:

<history newestFirst="true" numEntries="1"/>

But I get back 2 entries every time, and they come back
oldest first, not newestFirst.
strange, what if you remove the <history> tag?

(that is, the one with the lowest remainingLife comes first)

1. What qos setting do I use to make sure there's only one message unit pending at any given time?

2. why is the history portion of the qos in the get request being ignored?