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Re: How to perform the following Request-Response Messaging

Juan Carlos Coruña wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm testing xmlBlaster to integrate it with Zope (http://www.zope.org). I'm developing a Zope Product to interface with xmlBlaster.
> My question is the following:
> A customer logged in the web. And he request a product web page. To display the price the web must ask Navision (ERP) the price. The "web" sends a message to Navision through xmlBlaster asking for the price of the product. Then Navision responds to the web with a message containing the price.
> I will try it the following way:
> web sends a message to the oid key "Navision.Request" with the content:
> <request sender='customer-28456'>
>    <question type='Product.Price'>
>       GS-34M
>    </question>
> </request>
> customer-28456 = loginName of the customer logged in the web
> GS-34M = product reference
> Navision reads the message with the asyncronous method get. And then Navision responds with:
> <response>
>    <result type='Product.Price'>
>       1900
>    </result>
> </response>
> <qos>
>    <destination queryType='EXACT'>
>       customer-28456
>       <ForceQueuing />
>    </destination>
> </qos>
> Navision obtains the requester from the attribute "sender" of the tag "request" and use it for the destination tag.
> Anybody knows a better way to accomplish this?
> Juan Carlos Coruña
> jcoruna at ibdosnorte.com

What you describe is possible.
But why don't you try this:

  +------+  PtP     +------+
  | Cust | -------> | ERP  |
  +------+ Question +------+

  +------+  PtP     +------+
  | Cust | <------- | ERP  |
  +------+ Response +------+

Customer and ERP both have a Callback
server running, allowing instant delivery
of messages.

You don't use publish/subscribe, but only
Point-to-Point (PtP) messages (since others
are not interested in this communication).

The sender of a message is available
automatically in the <qos>, so
you don't need to pass it in the content.

For an example of this scenario see


and especially updateQoS.getSender();



Marcel Ruff
mailto:ruff at swand.lake.de