1 package org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore;
  3 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  4 import java.util.logging.Level;
  5 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope;
  6 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
  7 import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
  8 import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.StorageId;
  9 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_MapEntry;
 10 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_Map;
 11 import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.MsgUnitStoreProperty;
 12 import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.storage.QueuePropertyBase;
 13 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.PublishQosServer;
 14 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.MsgUnitWrapper;
 16 import java.util.ArrayList;
 18 import junit.framework.*;
 19 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.StoragePluginManager;
 20 import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo;
 22 /**
 23  * Test I_Map e.g. MapPlugin which allows to store randomly messages. 
 24  * <p>
 25  * Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.I_MapTest
 26  * </p>
 27  * @see org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.I_Map
 28  * @see org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin
 29  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueuePlugin
 30  */
 31 public class I_MapTest extends TestCase {
 32    private String ME = "I_MapTest";
 33    protected ServerScope glob;
 34    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(I_MapTest.class.getName());
 36    private final boolean IS_DURABLE = true;
 37    private final boolean IS_TRANSIENT = false;
 39    private I_Map currMap;
 40    private int currImpl;
 41 /*
 42    static I_Map[] IMPL = {
 43                    new org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram.MapPlugin(),
 44                    new org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.JdbcQueuePlugin(),
 45                    new org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache.PersistenceCachePlugin()
 46                  };
 47 */
 48    static String[] PLUGIN_TYPES = { new String("RAM"),
 49                                     new String("JDBC"),
 50                                     new String("CACHE") };
 52    public I_MapTest(String name, int currImpl) {
 53       super(name);
 54       this.currImpl = currImpl;
 56       String[] args = { //configure the cache
 57          "-persistence.persistentQueue", "JDBC,1.0",
 58          "-persistence.transientQueue", "RAM,1.0" };
 60       this.glob = new ServerScope(args);
 62       //this.ME = "I_MapTest[" + this.currMap.getClass().getName() + "]";
 63    }
 65    protected void setUp() {
 66       try {
 67          glob.getProperty().set("topic.queue.persistent.tableNamePrefix", "TEST");
 69          String type = PLUGIN_TYPES[this.currImpl];
 70          StoragePluginManager pluginManager = this.glob.getStoragePluginManager();
 71          // Overwrite JDBC settings from xmlBlaster.properties
 72          PluginInfo pluginInfo = new PluginInfo(glob, pluginManager, "JDBC", "1.0");
 73          java.util.Properties prop = (java.util.Properties)pluginInfo.getParameters();
 74          prop.put("tableNamePrefix", "TEST");
 75          prop.put("entriesTableName", "_entries");
 76          this.glob.getProperty().set("QueuePlugin[JDBC][1.0]", pluginInfo.dumpPluginParameters());
 78          if (!"JDBC".equals(type))
 79             pluginInfo = new PluginInfo(glob, pluginManager, type, "1.0");
 81          MsgUnitStoreProperty storeProp = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
 82          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "SomeMapId");
 84          this.currMap = pluginManager.getPlugin(pluginInfo, queueId, storeProp);
 85          this.currMap.clear();
 86          this.currMap.shutdown(); // to allow to initialize again
 87       }
 88       catch (Exception ex) {
 89          log.severe("setUp: error when setting the property 'topic.queue.persistent.tableNamePrefix' to 'TEST': " + ex.getMessage());
 90       }
 92       // cleaning up the database from previous runs ...
 93 /*
 94       QueuePropertyBase prop = null;
 95       try {
 96          prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
 98          StorageId queueId = new StorageId("msgUnitStore", "SetupMap");
 99          JdbcMapPlugin jdbcMap = new JdbcMapPlugin();
100          jdbcMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
101          jdbcMap.destroy();
102       }
103       catch (Exception ex) {
104          log.severe("could not propertly set up the database: " + ex.getMessage());
105       }
106 */
107    }
109    private MsgUnit createMsgUnit(boolean persistent) {
110       return createMsgUnit(persistent, -1);
111    }
113    private MsgUnit createMsgUnit(boolean persistent, long contentLen_) {
114       try {
115          int contentLen = (int)contentLen_;
116          PublishQosServer publishQosServer = new PublishQosServer(glob, "<qos/>");
117          publishQosServer.getData().setPersistent(persistent);
118          String contentStr = "content";
119          if (contentLen >= 0) {
120             StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(contentLen);
121             for (int i=0; i<contentLen; i++) {
122                content.append("X");
123             }
124             contentStr = content.toString();
125          }
126          return new MsgUnit(glob, "<key oid='Hi'/>", contentStr.getBytes(), publishQosServer.toXml());
127       }
128       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
129          fail("msgUnit not constructed: " + ex.getMessage());
130       }
131       return null;
132    }
135    /**
136     * Tests QueuePropertyBase() and getStorageId()
137     * @param queueTypeList A space separated list of names for the
138     *        implementations to be tested. Valid names are:
139     *        RamMapPlugin JdbcMapPlugin
140     */
141    public void testConfig() {
142       config(this.currMap);
143    }
145    /**
146     * Tests initialize(), getProperties(), setProperties() and capacity()
147     * @param queue !!!Is not initialized in this case!!!!
148     */
149    private void config(I_Map i_map) {
150       ME = "I_MapTest.config(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
151       System.out.println("***" + ME);
153       QueuePropertyBase prop1 = null;
154       QueuePropertyBase prop = null;
155       try {
156          // test initialize()
157          prop1 = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
158          int max = 12;
159          prop1.setMaxEntries(max);
160          prop1.setMaxEntriesCache(max);
161          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong capacity", max, prop1.getMaxEntries());
162          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong cache capacity", max, prop1.getMaxEntriesCache());
163          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "SomeMapId");
165          i_map.initialize(queueId, prop1);
166          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong queue ID", queueId, i_map.getStorageId());
168          try {
169             prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
170             prop.setMaxEntries(99);
171             prop.setMaxEntriesCache(99);
172             i_map.setProperties(prop);
173          }
174          catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
175             fail("Changing properties failed: " + e.getMessage());
176          }
178       }
179       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
180          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
181       }
183       long len = prop.getMaxEntries();
184       assertEquals(ME+": Wrong capacity", prop.getMaxEntries(), i_map.getMaxNumOfEntries());
185       assertEquals(ME+": Wrong capacity", prop.getMaxEntries(), ((QueuePropertyBase)i_map.getProperties()).getMaxEntries());
186       assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", 0, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
188       try {
189          for (int ii=0; ii<len; ii++) {
190             i_map.put(new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId()));
191          }
192          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong total size", len, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
194          try {
195             MsgUnitWrapper queueEntry = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId());
196             i_map.put(queueEntry);
197             i_map.put(queueEntry);
198             fail("Did expect an exception on overflow getMaxNumOfEntries=" + i_map.getMaxNumOfEntries() + " size=" + i_map.getNumOfEntries());
199          }
200          catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
201             log.info("SUCCESS the exception is OK: " + e.getMessage());
202          }
204          log.info("toXml() test:" + i_map.toXml(""));
205          log.info("usage() test:" + i_map.usage());
207          assertEquals(ME+": should not be shutdown", false, i_map.isShutdown());
208          i_map.shutdown();
209          assertEquals(ME+": should be shutdown", true, i_map.isShutdown());
211          log.info("#2 Success, filled " + i_map.getNumOfEntries() + " messages into queue");
212          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
213          i_map.shutdown();
214       }
215       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
216          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
217       }
218    }
220 //------------------------------------
221    public void testPutMsg() {
222       String queueType = "unknown";
223       try {
224          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
225          queueType = this.currMap.toString();
226          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "MapPlugin/putMsg");
227          this.currMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
228          this.currMap.clear();
229          assertEquals(ME + "wrong size before starting ", 0L, this.currMap.getNumOfEntries());
230          putMsg(this.currMap);
231       }
232       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
233          fail("Exception when testing PutMsg probably due to failed initialization of the queue of type " + queueType + ": " + ex.getMessage());
234       }
235    }
237    /**
238     * Tests put(MsgMapEntry[]) and put(MsgMapEntry) and clear()
239     */
240    private void putMsg(I_Map i_map) {
241       ME = "I_MapTest.putMsg(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
242       System.out.println("***" + ME);
243       try {
244          //========== Test 1: put(I_MapEntry[])
245          int numLoop = 10;
246          ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
247          for (int ii=0; ii<numLoop; ii++) {
248             MsgUnitWrapper[] queueEntries = {
249                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId()),
250                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId()),
251                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId())};
253             for(int i=0; i<queueEntries.length; i++)
254                i_map.put(queueEntries[i]);
256             for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) list.add(queueEntries[i]);
258             this.checkSizeAndEntries(" put(I_MapEntry[]) ", list, i_map);
259             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", (ii+1)*queueEntries.length, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
260          }
261          int total = numLoop*3;
262          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong total size", total, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
263          log.info("#1 Success, filled " + i_map.getNumOfEntries() + " messages into queue");
266          //========== Test 2: put(I_MapEntry)
267          for (int ii=0; ii<numLoop; ii++) {
268             MsgUnitWrapper queueEntry = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId());
269             list.add(queueEntry);
270             i_map.put(queueEntry);
271          }
272          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong total size", numLoop+total, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
273          this.checkSizeAndEntries(" put(I_MapEntry) ", list, i_map);
274          log.info("#2 Success, filled " + i_map.getNumOfEntries() + " messages into queue");
276          i_map.clear();
277          checkSizeAndEntries("Test 2 put()", new I_MapEntry[0], i_map);
278          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong empty size", 0L, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
280          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
281          i_map.shutdown();
282       }
283       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
284          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
285       }
286    }
289    /**
290     * Tests overflow of maxNumOfBytes() of a CACHE. 
291     */
292    public void testByteOverflow() {
293       I_Map i_map = this.currMap;
294       ME = "I_MapTest.testByteOverflow(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
295       System.out.println("***" + ME);
296       try {
297          StorageId storageId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "ByteOverflowMapId");
298          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
300          MsgUnitWrapper mu = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 0),  storageId);
301          long sizeEmpty = mu.getSizeInBytes();
303          MsgUnitWrapper[] queueEntries = {
304             new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 0),  storageId),
305             new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 0),  storageId),
306             new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 0),  storageId),
307             // Each above entry has 3,311 bytes = 9,922, the next one has 9,932 bytes
308             // so when it is entered two of the above need to be swapped away
309             // as maxBytes=13,244
310             new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 2*sizeEmpty-1), storageId),
311             new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false, 0),  storageId)};
313          final long maxBytesCache = 4*sizeEmpty;
314          prop.setMaxBytes(1000000);
315          prop.setMaxBytesCache(maxBytesCache);
316          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong capacity", 1000000, prop.getMaxBytes());
317          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong cache capacity", maxBytesCache, prop.getMaxBytesCache());
318          i_map.initialize(storageId, prop);
319          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong queue ID", storageId, i_map.getStorageId());
321          long numOfBytes = 0;
322          for(int i=0; i<queueEntries.length; i++) {
323             i_map.put(queueEntries[i]);
324             numOfBytes += queueEntries[i].getSizeInBytes();
325          }
327          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", queueEntries.length, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
328          assertEquals(ME+": Wrong bytes", numOfBytes, i_map.getNumOfBytes());
330          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
331          i_map.clear();
332          i_map.shutdown();
333       }
334       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
335          log.severe("Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
336          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
337       }
338    }
341 //------------------------------------
342    public void testGetMsg() {
344       String queueType = "unknown";
345       try {
346          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
347          queueType = this.currMap.toString();
348          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "MapPlugin/getMsg");
349          this.currMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
350          this.currMap.clear();
351          assertEquals(ME + "wrong size before starting ", 0, this.currMap.getNumOfEntries());
352          getMsg(this.currMap);
353       }
354       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
355          log.severe("Exception when testing getMsg probably due to failed initialization of the queue " + queueType + ": " + ex.getMessage());
356       }
358    }
360    /**
361     * Tests get() and get(int num) and remove()
362     * For a discussion of the sorting order see Javadoc of this class
363     */
364    private void getMsg(I_Map i_map) {
365       ME = "I_MapTest.getMsg(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
366       System.out.println("***" + ME);
367       try {
368          //========== Test 1: get()
369          {
370             MsgUnitWrapper[] queueEntries = {
371                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId()),
372                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(true), i_map.getStorageId()),
373                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(true), i_map.getStorageId())
374                                         };
375             for(int i=0; i<queueEntries.length; i++) {
376                i_map.put(queueEntries[i]);
377                log.info("#" + i + " id=" + queueEntries[i].getUniqueId() + " numSizeBytes()=" + queueEntries[i].getSizeInBytes());
378             }
379             log.info("storage bytes sum=" + i_map.getNumOfBytes() + " with persistent bytes=" + i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes());
381             assertEquals("", 3, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
382             assertEquals("", 2, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
384             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
385                I_MapEntry result = i_map.get(queueEntries[0].getUniqueId());
386                assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
387                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[0].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
389                result = i_map.get(queueEntries[1].getUniqueId());
390                assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
391                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
393                result = i_map.get(queueEntries[2].getUniqueId());
394                assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
395                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
396             }
397             assertEquals("", 3, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
398             assertEquals("", 2, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
400             log.info("storage before remove [0], bytes sum=" + i_map.getNumOfBytes() + " with persistent bytes=" + i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes());
401             i_map.remove(queueEntries[0]); // Remove one
402             log.info("storage after remove [0], bytes sum=" + i_map.getNumOfBytes() + " with persistent bytes=" + i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes());
403             ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
404             list.add(queueEntries[1]);
405             list.add(queueEntries[2]);
406             this.checkSizeAndEntries(" getMsg() ", list, i_map);
408             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
409                I_MapEntry result = i_map.get(queueEntries[1].getUniqueId());
410                assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
411                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
412             }
413             i_map.remove(queueEntries[1].getUniqueId()); // Remove one
414             assertEquals("", 1, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
415             assertEquals("", 1, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
417             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
418                I_MapEntry result = i_map.get(queueEntries[2].getUniqueId());
419                assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
420                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
421             }
422             i_map.remove(queueEntries[2]); // Remove one
423             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
424                I_MapEntry result = i_map.get(queueEntries[0].getUniqueId());
425                assertTrue("Unexpected entry", result == null);
426             }
427             assertEquals("", 0, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
428             assertEquals("", 0, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
429             log.info("#1 Success, get()");
430          }
432          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
433          i_map.clear();
434          i_map.shutdown();
435       }
436       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
437          e.printStackTrace();
438          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
439       }
440    }
444 //------------------------------------
445    public void testGetAllMsgs() {
447       String queueType = "unknown";
448       try {
449          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
450          queueType = this.currMap.toString();
451          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "MapPlugin/getAllMsgs");
452          this.currMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
453          this.currMap.clear();
454          assertEquals(ME + "wrong size before starting ", 0, this.currMap.getNumOfEntries());
455          getAllMsgs(this.currMap);
456       }
457       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
458          log.severe("Exception when testing getAllMsgs probably due to failed initialization of the queue " + queueType + ": " + ex.getMessage());
459       }
461    }
463    /**
464     * Tests get() and get(int num) and remove()
465     * NOTE: Currently the MapPlugin returns getAll() sorted (it uses a TreeMap)
466     *       But we haven't yet forced this in the I_Map#getAll() Javadoc!
467     *       This test assumes sorting order and needs to be changed if we once
468     *       decide to specify the exact behaviour in I_Map#getAll() javadoc
469     */
470    private void getAllMsgs(I_Map i_map) {
471       ME = "I_MapTest.getAllMsgs(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
472       System.out.println("***" + ME);
473       try {
474          //========== Test 1: getAll()
475          {
476             MsgUnitWrapper[] queueEntries = {
477                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_TRANSIENT), i_map.getStorageId()),
478                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_DURABLE), i_map.getStorageId()),
479                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_DURABLE), i_map.getStorageId())
480                                         };
481             for(int i=0; i<queueEntries.length; i++) {
482                i_map.put(queueEntries[i]);
483                log.info("#" + i + " id=" + queueEntries[i].getUniqueId() + " numSizeBytes()=" + queueEntries[i].getSizeInBytes());
484             }
485             log.info("storage bytes sum=" + i_map.getNumOfBytes() + " with persistent bytes=" + i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes());
487             assertEquals("", 3, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
488             assertEquals("", 2, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
490             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
491                I_MapEntry[] results = i_map.getAll(null);
492                assertEquals("Missing entry", queueEntries.length, results.length);
493                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[0].getUniqueId(), results[0].getUniqueId());
494                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), results[1].getUniqueId());
495                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), results[2].getUniqueId());
496             }
497             assertEquals("", 3, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
498             assertEquals("", 2, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
499             /*
500             I_MapEntry[] results = i_map.getAll(new I_EntryFilter() {
501                public I_Entry intercept(I_Entry entry, I_Storage storage) {
502                   assertTrue("NULL storage", storage!=null);
503                   if (!storage.isTransient()) return entry;
504                   entryCounter++;
505                   if (entryCounter == 2)
506                      return null;
507                   return entry;
508                }
509             });
510             assertEquals("Missing entry", queueEntries.length-1, results.length);
511             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[0].getUniqueId(), results[0].getUniqueId());
512             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), results[1].getUniqueId());
513             */
514             i_map.clear();
515             log.info("#1 Success, getAll()");
516          }
518          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
519       }
520       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
521          e.printStackTrace();
522          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
523       }
524       finally {
525          try {
526             i_map.clear();
527             i_map.shutdown();
528          }
529          catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
530             e.printStackTrace();
531             fail(ME + ": Exception thrown in cleanup: " + e.getMessage());
532          }
533       }
534    }
537 //------------------------------------
538    public void testGetAllSwappedMsgs() {
540       String queueType = "unknown";
541       try {
542          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
543          queueType = this.currMap.toString();
544          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "MapPlugin/getAllSwappedMsgs");
545          prop.setMaxEntries(10);      // Overall size (RAM or JDBC or CACHE)
546          prop.setMaxEntriesCache(2);  // Is only interpreted for cache implementations (-> the size of the RAM map)
547          this.currMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
548          this.currMap.clear();
549          assertEquals(ME + "wrong size before starting ", 0, this.currMap.getNumOfEntries());
550          getAllSwappedMsgs(this.currMap);
551       }
552       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
553          log.severe("Exception when testing getAllSwappedMsgs probably due to failed initialization of the queue " + queueType + ": " + ex.getMessage());
554       }
556    }
558    /**
559     * Tests getAll() and the entries are swapped as the RAM size is only 2
560     * NOTE: see NOTE of getAllMsgs(I_Map)
561     */
562    private void getAllSwappedMsgs(I_Map i_map) {
563       ME = "I_MapTest.getAllSwappedMsgs(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
564       System.out.println("***" + ME);
566       QueuePropertyBase prop = (QueuePropertyBase)i_map.getProperties();
567       assertEquals(ME+": Wrong capacity", 10, prop.getMaxEntries());
568       assertEquals(ME+": Wrong cache capacity", 2, prop.getMaxEntriesCache());
569       log.info("Current settings: " + prop.toXml());
571       try {
572          //========== Test 1: getAllSwapped()
573          {
574             MsgUnitWrapper[] queueEntries = {
575                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_TRANSIENT), i_map.getStorageId()),
576                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_TRANSIENT), i_map.getStorageId()),
577                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_TRANSIENT), i_map.getStorageId()),
578                          new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(IS_TRANSIENT), i_map.getStorageId())
579                                         };
580             for(int i=0; i<queueEntries.length; i++) {
581                i_map.put(queueEntries[i]);
582                log.info("#" + i + " id=" + queueEntries[i].getUniqueId() + " numSizeBytes()=" + queueEntries[i].getSizeInBytes());
583             }
584             //log.info("storage bytes sum=" + i_map.getNumOfBytes() + " with persistent bytes=" + i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes());
585             log.info("storage state=" + i_map.toXml(""));
587             assertEquals("", queueEntries.length, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
589             for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
590                I_MapEntry[] results = i_map.getAll(null);
591                for(int jj=0; jj<results.length; jj++) {
592                   log.info("#" + jj + ": " + results[jj].getUniqueId());
593                }
594                assertEquals("Missing entry", queueEntries.length, results.length);
595                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[0].getUniqueId(), results[0].getUniqueId());
596                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), results[1].getUniqueId());
597                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), results[2].getUniqueId());
598                assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[3].getUniqueId(), results[3].getUniqueId());
599             }
600             assertEquals("", 4, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
601             assertEquals("", 0, i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries());
602             log.info("#1 Success, getAllSwapped()");
603          }
605          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
606       }
607       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
608          e.printStackTrace();
609          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
610       }
611       finally {
612          try {
613             i_map.clear();
614             i_map.shutdown();
615          }
616          catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
617             e.printStackTrace();
618             fail(ME + ": Exception thrown in cleanup: " + e.getMessage());
619          }
620       }
621    }
625    public void testPutEntriesTwice() {
626       String queueType = "unknown";
627       try {
628          QueuePropertyBase prop = new MsgUnitStoreProperty(glob, "/node/test");
629          queueType = this.currMap.toString();
630          StorageId queueId = new StorageId(glob, "msgUnitStore", "MapPlugin/putEntriesTwice");
631          this.currMap.initialize(queueId, prop);
632          this.currMap.clear();
633          assertEquals(ME + " wrong size before starting ", 0, this.currMap.getNumOfEntries());
634          putEntriesTwice(this.currMap);
635       }
636       catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {
637          log.severe("Exception when testing putEntriesTwice probably due to failed initialization of the queue " + queueType + ": " + ex.getMessage());
638       }
639    }
641    private void putEntriesTwice(I_Map i_map) {
642       ME = "I_MapTest.putEntriesTwice(" + i_map.getStorageId() + ")[" + i_map.getClass().getName() + "]";
643       System.out.println("***" + ME);
644       try {
645          //========== Test 1: checks if entries are returned in the correct
646          // order even if they are inserted in the wrong order
647          {
648             log.fine("putEntriesTwice test 1");
649             int imax = 5;
650             long size = 0L;
652             MsgUnitWrapper[] entries = new MsgUnitWrapper[imax];
653             for (int i=0; i < entries.length; i++) {
654                entries[i] = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, createMsgUnit(false), i_map.getStorageId());
655                size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();
656             }
658             for(int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
659                int numPut = i_map.put(entries[i]);
660                assertEquals("Putting first entry should be OK", 1, numPut);
661                numPut = i_map.put(entries[i]);
662                assertEquals("Putting entries twices should fail", 0, numPut);
663             }
665             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries after putting same entries twice", entries.length, i_map.getNumOfEntries());
666             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size after putting same entries twice", size, i_map.getNumOfBytes());
667             i_map.clear();
668             assertEquals(ME+": Wrong num entries after cleaning", i_map.getNumOfEntries(), 0);
669          }
670          System.out.println("***" + ME + " [SUCCESS]");
671       }
672       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
673          fail(ME + ": Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
674       }
675    }
677    public void tearDown() {
678       try {
679          this.currMap.destroy();
680       }
681       catch (Exception ex) {
682          ex.printStackTrace();
683          log.severe("error when tearing down " + ex.getMessage());
684       }
685    }
687    /**
688     * @see checkSizeAndEntries(String, I_MapEntry[], I_Map)
689     */
690    private void checkSizeAndEntries(String txt, ArrayList queueEntries, I_Map map) {
691       checkSizeAndEntries(txt, (I_MapEntry[])queueEntries.toArray(new I_MapEntry[queueEntries.size()]), map);
692    }
694    /**
695     * Helper method to do a generic size check (size and number of entries)
696     */
697    private void checkSizeAndEntries(String txt, I_MapEntry[] queueEntries, I_Map i_map) {
698       long sizeOfTransients = 0L;
699       long numOfPersistents = 0;
700       long numOfTransients = 0;
701       long sizeOfPersistents = 0L;
702       for (int i=0; i < queueEntries.length; i++) {
703          I_MapEntry entry = queueEntries[i];
704          if (entry.isPersistent()) {
705             sizeOfPersistents += entry.getSizeInBytes();
706             numOfPersistents++;
707          }
708          else {
709             sizeOfTransients += entry.getSizeInBytes();
710             numOfTransients++;
711          }
712       }
714       long queueNumOfPersistents = i_map.getNumOfPersistentEntries();
715       long queueNumOfTransients = i_map.getNumOfEntries() - queueNumOfPersistents;
716       long queueSizeOfPersistents = i_map.getNumOfPersistentBytes();
717       long queueSizeOfTransients = i_map.getNumOfBytes() - queueSizeOfPersistents;
719       txt += " getNumOfPersistentEntries=" + queueNumOfPersistents + " NumOfTransients=" + queueNumOfTransients; 
720       txt += " getNumOfPersistentBytes=" + queueSizeOfPersistents + " SizeOfTransients=" + queueSizeOfTransients;
722       assertEquals(ME + ": " + txt + " wrong number of persistents   ", numOfPersistents, queueNumOfPersistents);
723       assertEquals(ME + ": " + txt + " wrong number of transients ", numOfTransients, queueNumOfTransients);
724       assertEquals(ME + ": " + txt + " wrong size of persistents     ", sizeOfPersistents, queueSizeOfPersistents);
725       assertEquals(ME + ": " + txt + " wrong size of transients   ", sizeOfTransients, queueSizeOfTransients);
726    }
728    /**
729     * Method is used by TestRunner to load these tests
730     */
731    public static Test suite()
732    {
733       TestSuite suite= new TestSuite();
734       ServerScope glob = new ServerScope();
735       suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testByteOverflow", 2)); // For CACHE only
736       for (int i=0; i<PLUGIN_TYPES.length; i++) {
737          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testConfig", i));
738          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testPutMsg", i));
739          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testGetMsg", i));
740          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testGetAllMsgs", i));
741          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testGetAllSwappedMsgs", i));
742          suite.addTest(new I_MapTest("testPutEntriesTwice", i));
743       }
744       return suite;
745    }
747    /**
748     * <pre>
749     *  java -Dtrace=true org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore.I_MapTest  > test.log
750     * </pre>
751     */
752    public static void main(String args[]) {
754       ServerScope glob = new ServerScope(args);
756       I_MapTest testSub = new I_MapTest("I_MapTest", 1); // JDBC check
757       //I_MapTest testSub = new I_MapTest("I_MapTest", 2); // CACHE check
758       long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
759       testSub.setUp();
760       testSub.testGetAllMsgs();
761       testSub.tearDown();
762       long usedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
763       testSub.log.info("time used for tests: " + usedTime/1000 + " seconds");
765       for (int i=0; i < PLUGIN_TYPES.length; i++) {
766          testSub = new I_MapTest("I_MapTest", i);
768          startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
770          testSub.setUp();
771          testSub.testConfig();
772          testSub.tearDown();
774          testSub.setUp();
775          testSub.testPutMsg();
776          testSub.tearDown();
778          testSub.setUp();
779          testSub.testGetMsg();
780          testSub.tearDown();
782          // already tested outside
783          // testSub.setUp();
784          // testSub.testGetAllMsgs();
785          // testSub.tearDown();
787          testSub.setUp();
788          testSub.testGetAllSwappedMsgs();
789          testSub.tearDown();
790          testSub.setUp();
791          testSub.testPutEntriesTwice();
792          testSub.tearDown();
794          usedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
795          testSub.log.info("time used for tests: " + usedTime/1000 + " seconds");
796       }
797    }
798 }

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