1 package org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest;
  3 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  4 import org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch;
  5 import org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope;
  6 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
  7 import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
  8 import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.MethodName;
  9 import org.xmlBlaster.util.recorder.ram.RamRecorder;
 10 import org.xmlBlaster.util.recorder.file.FileRecorder;
 11 import org.xmlBlaster.util.recorder.I_InvocationRecorder;
 12 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.I_XmlBlaster;
 13 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishReturnQos;
 14 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.SubscribeReturnQos;
 15 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeReturnQos;
 16 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.EraseReturnQos;
 17 import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
 18 import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
 20 import junit.framework.*;
 22 /**
 23  * Test RamRecorder. 
 24  * <p />
 25  * Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.InvocationRecorderTest
 26  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.recorder.ram.RamRecorder
 27  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.recorder.file.FileRecorder
 28  */
 29 public class InvocationRecorderTest extends TestCase {
 30    private String ME = "InvocationRecorderTest";
 31    protected ServerScope glob;
 32    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InvocationRecorderTest.class.getName());
 33    private int numSubscribe, numUnSubscribe, numGet, numPublish, numPublishOneway, numPublishArr, numErase, numUpdate, numUpdateOneway;
 34    private StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
 35    private boolean testDiscardOldest = false;
 37    public InvocationRecorderTest(String name) {
 38       super(name);
 39    }
 41    protected void setUp() {
 42       glob = new ServerScope();
 44    }
 46    /*
 47    public void testMsgUnitWrapper() {
 48       try {
 49          org.xmlBlaster.engine.Global global = new org.xmlBlaster.engine.Global();
 50          MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='aaaa'/>", "Hi".getBytes(), "<qos/>");
 51          MsgUnitWrapper wr = new MsgUnitWrapper(global, global.getRequestBroker(),
 52                                                      new XmlKey(glob, msgUnit.getKey(), true),
 53                                                      msgUnit,
 54                                                      new PublishQos(glob, msgUnit.getQos())); 
 55       }
 56       catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
 57          fail("Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
 58       }
 59    }
 60    */
 62    public void testPlayback() {
 63       playback(new FileRecorder());
 64       playback(new RamRecorder());
 65    }
 67    private void playback(I_InvocationRecorder recorder) {
 68       ME = "InvocationRecorderTest.testPlayback()";
 69       System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testPlayback ...");
 70       try {
 71          Tester tester = new Tester();
 73          long maxEntries = 1000L;
 74          recorder.initialize(glob, "test.txt", maxEntries, tester); //, tester);
 76          {
 77             MethodName methodName = MethodName.SUBSCRIBE;
 78             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
 79             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
 80             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
 81                recorder.subscribe("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "<qos/>");
 82             }
 83             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
 84             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries));
 85             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numSubscribe);
 86             numSubscribe = 0;
 87          }
 89          {
 90             MethodName methodName = MethodName.GET;
 91             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
 92             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
 93             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
 94                recorder.get("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "<qos/>");
 95             }
 96             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
 97             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries));
 98             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numGet);
 99             numGet = 0;
100          }
102          {
103             MethodName methodName = MethodName.UNSUBSCRIBE;
104             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
105             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
106             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
107                recorder.unSubscribe("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "<qos/>");
108             }
109             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
110             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries));
111             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numUnSubscribe);
112             numUnSubscribe = 0;
113          }
115          {
116             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH;
117             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
118             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
119             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
120                MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ho-"+ii, "<qos/>");
121                recorder.publish(msgUnit);
122             }
123             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
124             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries));
125             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numPublish);
126             numPublish = 0;
127          }
129          {
130             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH_ONEWAY;
131             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
132             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
133             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
134                MsgUnit[] msgs = new MsgUnit[2];
135                msgs[0] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ha-"+ii, "<qos/>");
136                msgs[1] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Hu-"+ii, "<qos/>");
137                recorder.publishOneway(msgs);
138             }
139             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
140             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries*2));
141             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numPublishOneway);
142             numPublishOneway = 0;
143          }
145          {
146             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH; // PUBLISH_ARR
147             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
148             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
149             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
150                MsgUnit[] msgs = new MsgUnit[2];
151                msgs[0] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ha-"+ii, "<qos/>");
152                msgs[1] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Hu-"+ii, "<qos/>");
153                recorder.publishArr(msgs);
154             }
155             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
156             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries*2));
157             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numPublishArr);
158             numPublishArr = 0;
159          }
161          {
162             MethodName methodName = MethodName.ERASE;
163             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
164             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
165             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
166                recorder.erase("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "<qos/>");
167             }
168             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
169             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries));
170             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numErase);
171             numErase = 0;
172          }
174          /*
175          {
176             MethodName methodName = MethodName.UPDATE;
177             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
178             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
179             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
180                MsgUnit[] msgs = new MsgUnit[2];
181                msgs[0] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ha-"+ii, "<qos/>");
182                msgs[1] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Hu-"+ii, "<qos/>");
183                recorder.update("dummy", msgs);
184             }
185             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
186             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries*2));
187             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numUpdate);
188             numUpdate = 0;
189          }
191          {
192             MethodName methodName = MethodName.UPDATE_ONEWAY;
193             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
194             stopWatch = new StopWatch();
195             for (int ii=0; ii<maxEntries; ii++) {
196                MsgUnit[] msgs = new MsgUnit[2];
197                msgs[0] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ha-"+ii, "<qos/>");
198                msgs[1] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Hu-"+ii, "<qos/>");
199                recorder.updateOneway("dummy", msgs);
200             }
201             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
202             log.info(methodName + " round trip performance: " + stopWatch.nice(maxEntries*2));
203             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxEntries, numUpdateOneway);
204             numUpdateOneway = 0;
205          }
206          */
208          //assertEquals("XPath is different", xmlKey.getQueryString(), xpath);
209          System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testPlayback [SUCCESS]");
210       }
211       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
212          fail("Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
213       }
214       finally {
215          recorder.destroy();
216       }
217    }
219    public void testOnOverflowException() {
220       onOverflowException(new FileRecorder());
221       onOverflowException(new RamRecorder());
222    }
224    private void onOverflowException(I_InvocationRecorder recorder) {
225       ME = "InvocationRecorderTest.testOnOverflowException()";
226       System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowException ...");
227       try {
228          Tester tester = new Tester();
230          int maxInvoke = 4;
231          int maxQueueSize = maxInvoke/2;
232          recorder.initialize(glob, "testOverflow.txt", maxQueueSize, tester); //, tester);
234          {
235             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH;
236             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
237             for (int ii=0; ii<maxInvoke; ii++) {
238                MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ho-"+ii, "<qos/>");
239                try {
240                   log.info("Publish ii=" + ii);
241                   recorder.publish(msgUnit);
242                   if (ii >= maxQueueSize)
243                      fail(ME + " Expected exception because of full queue ii=" + ii);
244                }
245                catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
246                   if (ii >= maxQueueSize && e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_OVERFLOW_QUEUE_ENTRIES) {
247                      log.info("OK, expected exception ii=" + ii);
248                   }
249                   else {
250                      fail(ME + " ii=" + ii + " : " + e.toString());
251                   }
252                }
253             }
254             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
255             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxQueueSize, numPublish);
256             numPublish = 0;
257          }
259          {
260             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH; // PUBLISH_ARR;
261             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
262             for (int ii=0; ii<maxInvoke; ii++) {
263                MsgUnit[] msgs = new MsgUnit[2];
264                msgs[0] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ha-"+ii, "<qos/>");
265                msgs[1] = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Hu-"+ii, "<qos/>");
266                try {
267                   recorder.publishArr(msgs);
268                   if (ii >= maxQueueSize)
269                      fail(ME + " Expected exception because of full queue ii=" + ii);
270                }
271                catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
272                   if (ii >= maxQueueSize && e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_OVERFLOW_QUEUE_ENTRIES) {
273                      log.info("OK, expected exception ii=" + ii);
274                   }
275                   else {
276                      fail(ME + " ii=" + ii + " : " + e.toString());
277                   }
278                }
279             }
280             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
281             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxQueueSize, numPublishArr);
282             numPublishArr = 0;
283          }
285          System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowException [SUCCESS]");
286       }
287       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
288          fail("Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
289       }
290       finally {
291          recorder.destroy();
292       }
293    }
295    public void testOnOverflowDiscardOldest() {
296       onOverflowDiscardOldest(new FileRecorder());
297       onOverflowDiscardOldest(new RamRecorder());
298    }
300    private void onOverflowDiscardOldest(I_InvocationRecorder recorder) {
301       ME = "InvocationRecorderTest.testOnOverflowDiscardOldest()";
302       System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowDiscardOldest ...");
304       testDiscardOldest = true;
306       try {
307          Tester tester = new Tester();
309          int maxInvoke = 4;
310          int maxQueueSize = maxInvoke/2;
311          recorder.initialize(glob, (String)null, maxQueueSize, tester); //, tester);
312          recorder.setMode(Constants.ONOVERFLOW_DISCARDOLDEST);
314          {
315             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH;
316             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
317             for (int ii=0; ii<maxInvoke; ii++) {
318                MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ho-"+ii, "<qos/>");
319                try {
320                   recorder.publish(msgUnit);
321                }
322                catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
323                   fail(ME + " ii=" + ii + " : " + e.toString());
324                }
325             }
326             assertEquals("Wrong number of lost messages in "+methodName, maxInvoke-maxQueueSize, recorder.getNumLost());
327             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
328             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxQueueSize, numPublish);
329             numPublish = 0;
330          }
332          System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowDiscardOldest [SUCCESS]");
333       }
334       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
335          fail("Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
336       }
337       finally {
338          recorder.destroy();
339       }
340    }
342    public void testOnOverflowDiscard() {
343       onOverflowDiscard(new FileRecorder());
344       onOverflowDiscard(new RamRecorder());
345    }
347    private void onOverflowDiscard(I_InvocationRecorder recorder) {
348       ME = "InvocationRecorderTest.testOnOverflowDiscard()";
349       System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowDiscard ...");
351       try {
352          Tester tester = new Tester();
354          int maxInvoke = 4;
355          int maxQueueSize = maxInvoke/2;
356          recorder.initialize(glob, (String)null, maxQueueSize, tester); //, tester);
357          recorder.setMode(Constants.ONOVERFLOW_DISCARD);
359          {
360             MethodName methodName = MethodName.PUBLISH;
361             log.info("Testing '" + methodName + "' ...");
362             for (int ii=0; ii<maxInvoke; ii++) {
363                MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='"+methodName+"'/>", "Ho-"+ii, "<qos/>");
364                try {
365                   recorder.publish(msgUnit);
366                }
367                catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
368                   fail(ME + " ii=" + ii + " : " + e.toString());
369                }
370             }
371             assertEquals("Wrong number of lost messages in "+methodName, maxInvoke-maxQueueSize, recorder.getNumLost());
372             recorder.pullback(0, 0, 0);
373             assertEquals("Wrong number of "+methodName, maxQueueSize, numPublish);
374             numPublish = 0;
375          }
377          System.out.println("***InvocationRecorderTest: testOnOverflowDiscard [SUCCESS]");
378       }
379       catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
380          fail("Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
381       }
382       finally {
383          recorder.destroy();
384       }
385    }
387    /**
388     * This plays the role of a user of the recoder
389     */
390    class Tester implements I_XmlBlaster//, I_CallbackRaw
391    {
392       public SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
393          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='subscribe'/>", xmlKey);
394          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", qos);
395          numSubscribe++;
396          return null;
397       }
399       public org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[] get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
400          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='get'/>", xmlKey);
401          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", qos);
402          numGet++;
403          return new org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[0];
404       }
406       public UnSubscribeReturnQos[] unSubscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
407          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='unSubscribe'/>", xmlKey);
408          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", qos);
409          numUnSubscribe++;
410          return null;
411       }
413       public PublishReturnQos publish(org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit msgUnit) throws XmlBlasterException {
414          //log.severe("Received '" + msgUnit.getKey().trim() + "' from\n" + msgUnit.toXml() );
415          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='publish'/>", msgUnit.getKey().trim());
416          if (testDiscardOldest)
417             assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ho-"+(numPublish+2), msgUnit.getContentStr());
418          else
419             assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ho-"+numPublish, msgUnit.getContentStr());
420          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnit.getQos());
421          numPublish++;
422          return null;
423       }
425       public void publishOneway(org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr) {
426          assertEquals("Wrong message array length", 2, msgUnitArr.length);
428          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='publishOneway'/>", msgUnitArr[0].getKey().trim());
429          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ha-"+numPublishOneway, msgUnitArr[0].getContentStr());
430          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[0].getQos());
432          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='publishOneway'/>", msgUnitArr[1].getKey().trim());
433          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Hu-"+numPublishOneway, msgUnitArr[1].getContentStr());
434          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[1].getQos());
436          numPublishOneway++;
437       }
439       public PublishReturnQos[] publishArr(org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr) throws XmlBlasterException {
440          assertEquals("Wrong message array length", 2, msgUnitArr.length);
442          //log.severe("Received '" + msgUnitArr[0].getKey().trim() + "' from\n" + msgUnitArr[0].toXml() );
443          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='"+ MethodName.PUBLISH + "'/>", msgUnitArr[0].getKey().trim()); // PUBLISH_ARR
444          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ha-"+numPublishArr, msgUnitArr[0].getContentStr());
445          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[0].getQos());
447          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='"+ MethodName.PUBLISH + "'/>", msgUnitArr[1].getKey().trim());  // PUBLISH_ARR
448          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Hu-"+numPublishArr, msgUnitArr[1].getContentStr());
449          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[1].getQos());
451          numPublishArr++;
452          return new PublishReturnQos[0];
453       }
455       public EraseReturnQos[] erase(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos) throws XmlBlasterException {
456          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='erase'/>", xmlKey);
457          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", qos);
459          numErase++;
460          return new EraseReturnQos[0];
461       }
463       /*
464       public String[] update(String cbSessionId, org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr) throws XmlBlasterException {
465          assertEquals("Wrong message array length", 2, msgUnitArr.length);
466          assertEquals("Wrong cbSessionId", "dummy", cbSessionId);
468          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='update'/>", msgUnitArr[0].getKey().trim());
469          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ha-"+numUpdate, msgUnitArr[0].getContentStr());
470          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[0].getQos());
472          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='update'/>", msgUnitArr[1].getKey().trim());
473          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Hu-"+numUpdate, msgUnitArr[1].getContentStr());
474          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[1].getQos());
476          numUpdate++;
477          return new String[0];
478       }
480       public void updateOneway(String cbSessionId, org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr) {
481          assertEquals("Wrong message array length", 2, msgUnitArr.length);
482          assertEquals("Wrong cbSessionId", "dummy", cbSessionId);
484          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='updateOneway'/>", msgUnitArr[0].getKey().trim());
485          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Ha-"+numUpdateOneway, msgUnitArr[0].getContentStr());
486          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[0].getQos());
488          assertEquals("Wrong message key", "<key oid='updateOneway'/>", msgUnitArr[1].getKey().trim());
489          assertEquals("Wrong message content", "Hu-"+numUpdateOneway, msgUnitArr[1].getContentStr());
490          assertEquals("Wrong message qos", "<qos/>", msgUnitArr[1].getQos());
492          numUpdateOneway++;
493       }
494       */
495    }
497    protected void tearDown() {
498    }
500    /**
501     * For debugging, invoke: 
502     * <pre>
503     *  java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.InvocationRecorderTest -logging/org.xmlBlaster.engine.dispatch FINE -logging/org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch FINE -logging/org.xmlBlaster.engine FINEST
504     *  java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner -noloading org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.InvocationRecorderTest
505     * <pre>
506     */
507    public static void main(String args[]) {
508       ServerScope glob = new ServerScope();
509       if (glob.init(args) != 0) {
510          System.exit(0);
511       }
512       InvocationRecorderTest testSub = new InvocationRecorderTest("InvocationRecorderTest");
513       testSub.setUp();
514       testSub.onOverflowDiscard(new FileRecorder());
515       testSub.tearDown();
516    }
517 }

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