1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Antman, Teknik i Media  <peter.antman@tim.se>
  3  *
  4  * $Id: GlobalUtil.java 15205 2006-06-29 17:25:12Z ruff $
  5  *
  6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  9  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
 10  * 
 11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 15  * 
 16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 19  */
 20 package org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.util;
 21 import java.util.Properties;
 22 import java.io.InputStream;
 23 import java.io.IOException;
 24 import java.net.URL;
 25 import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
 27 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
 28 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
 29 import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
 30 import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Property;
 31 import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.Property.FileInfo;
 33 /**
 34  * A Global helper class to make it easier to work with Global in an embedded
 35  * J2EE environment.
 36  * <p>The helper may be used in two major ways: created standalone, or looked up through JNDI. When looked up trough JNDI it might be possible to have access to
 37  * the engine.Global if accessed in the same VM as the engine.</p>
 38  *
 39  * @author <a href="mailto:pra@tim.se">Peter Antman</a>
 40  * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
 41  */
 43 public class GlobalUtil implements java.io.Serializable {
 44    /**
 45     * 
 46     */
 47    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 48    private transient org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope engineGlobal;
 50    /**
 51     * Create a utility class without any engine global.
 52     */ 
 53    public GlobalUtil (){
 55    }
 57    /**
 58     * Create a utility class with access to engine global, use this to
 59     * bind into jndi.
 60     */
 61    public GlobalUtil(org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope engineGlobal) {
 62       this.engineGlobal = engineGlobal;
 63    }
 65    /**
 66     * Create a new Global without any automatic background loading of
 67     * xmlBlaster.properties.
 68     * <p>if engineGlobal is available, its set as a ServerNode.</p>
 69     * <p>This Global will be setup to be used in a server environment.</p>
 70     * <p>if an engine global exists, the properties from that one will be
 71     * set first in the created Global.</p>
 72     */
 73    public Global newGlobal(String propertyFileName, Properties args) throws IllegalStateException {
 74       Global glob = new Global(new String[]{},false,false);
 75       Global clone = getClone(glob);
 76       addEngineProperties(clone);
 77       addServerProperties(clone);
 78       loadPropertyFile(clone,propertyFileName);
 79       addArguments(clone,args);
 80       return clone;
 81    }
 83    /**
 84     * Set the properties from the serverside engine global in the given global if it exists.
 85     */
 86    public void addEngineProperties(Global glob) throws IllegalStateException{
 87       if ( engineGlobal != null) {
 88          Property p = glob.getProperty();
 89          String[] args = Property.propsToArgs(engineGlobal.getProperty().getProperties() );
 90          try {
 91             p.addArgs2Props( args != null ? args : new String[0] );
 92          } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
 93             IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not engine properties into global: " + e);
 94          throw x;
 95          } // end of try-catch
 97       } // end of if ()
 99    }
101    /**
102     * Clone the given Global, check if it contains a ServerNode, or set
103     * this engineGlobal if not null as ServerNode.
104     */
105    public Global getClone(Global global) {
106       Global g = global.getClone(null);
108       Object engine = global.getObjectEntry(Constants.OBJECT_ENTRY_ServerScope);
109       Object eg = engine != null ? engine : engineGlobal;
110       if ( eg != null) {
111          g.addObjectEntry(Constants.OBJECT_ENTRY_ServerScope, eg);
112       } // end of if ()
114       // Should we perhaps also clone POA???
116       return g;
117    }
119    /**
120     * Load properties from propertyFile into global.
121     * <p>The property file is first looked up the the context classpath, next the xmlBlaster lookup algorithm is used.</p>
122     * <p>The global is returned as is, that means that any properties found
123     * in propertyFile, such as logging, is ignored until a cloned copy of
124     * the global is retained.</p>
125     */
126    public void loadPropertyFile(Global glob, String propFile) throws IllegalStateException{
127       if (propFile== null )
128          return;
130       try { 
131          Property p = glob.getProperty();
132          URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(propFile);
133          InputStream is = null;
134          if ( url != null) {
135             try {
136                is= url.openStream();
138             }catch(java.io.IOException ex) {
139                is = null;
140             }
141          } // end of if ()
143          if ( is == null) {
144             // Use xmlBlaster way of searching
145             FileInfo i = p.findPath(propFile);
146             if ( i != null) {
147                is = i.getInputStream();
148             } // end of if ()
150          } // end of if ()
152          if ( is != null) {
153             Properties prop = new Properties();
154             prop.load(is);
155             addArguments(glob, prop);
156          } // end of if ()
158       } catch (IOException e) {
159          IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not load properties from file " + propFile + " :"+e);
160          throw x;
162       } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
163          IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not load properties into Property: " + e);
164          throw x;
165       } // end of try-catch
166    }
169    /**
170     * Ad arguments found in props to the global.
171     * <p>The global is returned as is, that means that any properties found
172     * in props, such as logging, is ignored until a cloned copy of
173     * the global is retained.</p>
174     */
175    public void addArguments(Global glob, Properties props) throws IllegalStateException{
176       if ( props == null) {
177          return; 
178       } // end of if ()
179       try {                
180          Property p = glob.getProperty();
181          String[] args = Property.propsToArgs(props);
182          p.addArgs2Props( args != null ? args : new String[0] );
183       } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
184          IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not load properties into Property: " + e);
185          throw x;
186       } // end of try-catch
187    }
189    /**
190     * Ad typical properties needed to run embedded in a J2EE/JBoss server.
191     */
192    public void addServerProperties(Global glob) throws IllegalStateException {
193       try {
194          glob.getProperty().set("classLoaderFactory","org.xmlBlaster.util.classloader.ContextClassLoaderFactory");
195          glob.getProperty().set("xmlBlaster.isEmbedded", "true");
196          glob.getProperty().set("useSignalCatcher","false");
197       } catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
198          IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not set serverside properties: " + e);
199          throw x;
200       } // end of try-catch
203    }
205    /**
206     * Check and possibly setup a security manager if an RMI driver is loaded.
207     */
208    public void setupSecurityManager(Global glob) throws SecurityException{
209       // This is really only interesting if we are loading an RMIDriver
210       if (glob.getProperty().get("ProtocolPlugin[RMI][1.0]",(String)null) == null) {
211          return;// We only care about this if the RMI driver should be loaded
213       } // end of if ()
216       if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
217          String exist = System.getProperty("java.security.policy");
218          if (exist == null) {
219             throw new SecurityException("You must specify a -Djava.security.policy when starting the server to be able to use the RMI driver");
220          }else {
221             System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
222          } // end of else
223       }
224    }
225 }// GlobalUtil

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