1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed.h
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 Comment:   This combines the sync xmlBlaster access (XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.h)
  6            with the pure callback implementation (CallbackServerUnparsed.h)
  7            and adds threading to allow simultaneous access and callbacks.
  9            Include this header in your client code.
 11            The returned strings are not parsed, we need another layer
 12            doing XML parsing with expat.
 13            This library is thread safe, multiple client connections may
 14            be established in parallel.
 15 Author:    "Marcel Ruff" <xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info>
 16 Date:      05/2003
 17 See:       http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.html
 18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 19 #ifndef _XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed_H
 20 #define _XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed_H
 22 #ifdef __cplusplus
 23 #ifndef XMLBLASTER_C_COMPILE_AS_CPP /* 'g++ -DXMLBLASTER_C_COMPILE_AS_CPP ...' allows to compile the lib as C++ code */
 24 extern "C" {
 25 #endif
 26 #endif
 28 #include <util/msgUtil.h>
 29 #include <util/Properties.h>
 30 #include <XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.h>
 31 #include <CallbackServerUnparsed.h>
 33 #ifdef XB_USE_PTHREADS
 34 #  ifdef _WINDOWS
 35 #    include <pthreads/pthread.h> /* Our pthreads.h: For logging output of thread ID, for Windows and WinCE downloaded from http://sources.redhat.com/pthreads-win32 */
 36 #  else
 37 #    include <pthread.h>      /* The original pthreads.h from the OS */
 38 #  endif
 39 #endif
 41 /* The following comment is used by doxygen for the main html page: */
 42 /*! \mainpage Hints about the C client library usage.
 43  *
 44  * \section intro_sec The C client library
 45  *
 46  * The xmlBlaster C client library supports access to xmlBlaster with asynchronous callbacks.
 47  * Details about compilation and its usage can be found in the 
 48  * http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/client.c.socket.html requirement.
 49  *
 50  * As a C developer your entry point to use is the struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed and
 51  * a complete overview demo code is HelloWorld3.c
 52  *
 53  * \section queue_sec The C persistent queue
 54  *
 55  * There is a C based persistent queue available. Currently this C client library and
 56  * the queue implementation are used in the C++ client library for easy xmlBlaster connection
 57  * and client side queuing.
 58  * As a C developer your entry point to use is the struct I_QueueStruct and a source code example
 59  * is TestQueue.c
 60  *
 61  * For details read the
 62  * http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/client.c.queue.html requirement.
 63  *
 64  * \section cpp_sec The C++ client library
 65  * The C++ client library offers many extended client side features compared to the C library.
 66  * If you need those additional features and the library size is not the primary concern
 67  * you should consider to use the C++ library.
 68  *
 69  * For details read the
 70  * http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/client.cpp.html requirement
 71  * and look at the API documentation at http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/doxygen/cpp/html/index.html
 72  */
 75 /*
 76  NOTE: The struct name and the later typedef name are identical, we need this
 77        to allow in C++ SocketDriver.h a forward declaration of the XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed*
 78        pointer (to avoid inclusion of this complete header)
 79 */
 80 struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed;
 82 typedef XMLBLASTER_C_bool (*UpdateFp)(MsgUnitArr *msg, void *userData, XmlBlasterException *xmlBlasterException);
 84 /* Declare function pointers to use in struct to simulate object oriented access */
 85 typedef char *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedConnect)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const qos, UpdateFp update, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 86 typedef bool  ( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedInitialize)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xa, UpdateFp update, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 87 typedef bool  ( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedDisconnect)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 88 typedef char *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublish)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, MsgUnit *msgUnit, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 89 typedef QosArr *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublishArr)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, MsgUnitArr *msgUnitArr, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 90 typedef void  ( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublishOneway)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, MsgUnitArr *msgUnitArr, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 91 typedef char *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedSubscribe)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const key, const char * qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 92 typedef QosArr *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedUnSubscribe)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const key, const char * qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 93 typedef QosArr *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedErase)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const key, const char * qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 94 typedef MsgUnitArr *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedGet)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const key, const char * qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 95 typedef char *( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPing)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb, const char * const qos, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 96 typedef bool  ( * XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedIsConnected)(struct XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xb);
 98 typedef void ( * XmlBlasterAccessGenericFp)();
100 /**
101  * All client access to xmlBlaster goes over this struct and its function pointers. 
102  *
103  * All function pointers expect a 'this' pointer of type #XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed
104  * and return XmlBlasterException#errorCode="communication.noConnection" if connection
105  * to xmlBlaster is lost.
106  *
107  * Create an instance of #XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed with a call to #getXmlBlasterAccessUnparsed()
108  * and you are ready to access xmlBlaster. Don't forget to free everything when you don't need
109  * xmlBlaster access anymore with a call to #freeXmlBlasterAccessUnparsed()
110  *
111  * See HelloWorld3.c for a complete usage example.
112  *
113  * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/client.c.socket.html
114  * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/protocol.socket.html
115  */
116 typedef struct Dll_Export XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed {
117   /* public: */
118    int argc;                  /**< The number of #argv entries */
119    const char * const *argv;  /**< Environment configuration, usually from the command line */
120    Properties *props;         /**< Further configuration parameters */
121    void *userObject;          /**< A client can use this pointer to point to any client specific information */
122    XmlBlasterAccessGenericFp userFp; /**< A client can use this function pointer to do any client specific handling */
123    /**
124     * Connect to the server. 
125     * @param xa The 'this' pointer
126     * @param qos The QoS xml markup string to connect, typically
127     * <pre>
128     * &lt;qos>
129     *  &lt;securityService type='htpasswd' version='1.0'>
130     *    &lt;user>fritz&lt;/user>
131     *    &lt;passwd>secret&lt;/passwd>
132     *  &lt;/securityService>
133     * &lt;queue relating='callback' maxEntries='100' maxEntriesCache='100'>
134     *   &lt;callback type='SOCKET' sessionId='%s'>
135     *     socket://myServer.myCompany.com:6645
136     *   &lt;/callback>
137     * &lt;/queue>
138     * &lt;/qos>
139     * </pre>
140     * @param clientUpdateFp The clients callback function pointer #UpdateFp, if NULL our default handler is used
141     *                       Is ignored if set by initialize already.
142     * @param The exception struct, exception->errorCode is filled on exception
143     * @return The ConnectReturnQos raw xml string, you need to free() it
144     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.connect.html
145     */
146    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedConnect connect;   
147    /**
148     * Creates client side connection object and the callback server and does the low level IP connection. 
149     * This method is automatically called by #connect() so you usually only
150     * call it explicitly if you are interested in the callback server settings.
151     * @param xa The 'this' pointer
152     * @param clientUpdateFp The clients callback handler function #UpdateFp. If NULL our default handler is used
153     * @return true on success
154     */
155    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedInitialize initialize;
156    /**
157     * Disconnect from server. 
158     * @param xa The 'this' pointer
159     * @param qos The QoS xml markup string to disconnect
160     * @param The exception struct, exception->errorCode is filled on exception
161     * @return false on exception
162     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.publish.html
163     */
164    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedDisconnect disconnect;   
165    /**
166     * Publish a message. 
167     *
168     * @param xa The 'this' pointer to simulate C++ classes
169     * @param msgUnit The message of type #MsgUnit you want to send.
170     * @param xmlBlasterException If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 this #XmlBlasterException
171     *        is filled with the exception details and you should ignore the returned QosArr.
172     * @return The QoS string with the response from xmlBlaster. You have to free it with a call to #xmlBlasterFree.
173     *         If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 you need to ignore the returned data and don't need to free it.
174     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.publish.html
175     */
176    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublish publish;
177    /**
178     * Publish an array of messages. 
179     *
180     * @param xa The 'this' pointer to simulate C++ classes
181     * @param msgUnitArr The messages of type #MsgUnitArr you want to send.
182     * @param xmlBlasterException If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 this #XmlBlasterException is filled with the exception details and
183     *        you should ignore the returned QosArr.
184     * @return The #QosArr struct with the response from xmlBlaster. You have to free it with a call to #freeQosArr.
185     *         If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 you need to ignore the returned data and don't need to free it.
186     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.publish.html
187     */
188    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublishArr publishArr;
189    /**
190     * Publish oneway an array of messages. 
191     *
192     * Oneway messages don't return something, the server does not acknowledge (ACK) them.
193     *
194     * @param xa The 'this' pointer to simulate C++ classes
195     * @param msgUnitArr The messages of type #MsgUnitArr you want to send.
196     * @param xmlBlasterException If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 this #XmlBlasterException is filled with the exception details and
197     *        you should ignore the returned QosArr.
198     * @return The #QosArr struct with the response from xmlBlaster. You have to free it with a call to #freeQosArr.
199     *         If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 you need to ignore the returned data and don't need to free it.
200     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.publish.html
201     */
202    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPublishOneway publishOneway;
203    /**
204     * Subscribe to messages. 
205     *
206     * @param xa The 'this' pointer to simulate C++ classes
207     * @param key The key xml string
208     * @param qos The QoS xml string
209     * @param xmlBlasterException If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 this #XmlBlasterException is filled with the exception details and
210     *        you should ignore the returned QosArr.
211     * @return The QoS string with the response from xmlBlaster. You have to free it with a call to #xmlBlasterFree.
212     *         If *xmlBlasterException.errorCode!=0 you need to ignore the returned data and don't need to free it.
213     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.subscribe.html
214     */
215    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedSubscribe subscribe;
216    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedUnSubscribe unSubscribe;
217    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedErase erase;
218    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedGet get;
219    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedPing ping;
220    /**
221     * Check if we are connected to xmlBlaster. 
222     * @param xa The 'this' pointer
223     * @return #bool true or false
224     */
225    XmlBlasterAccessUnparsedIsConnected isConnected;
227    XmlBlasterLogging log;
228    void *logUserP;                /**< For outside users to pass a user object back to the logging implementation */
229   /* private: */
230    XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed *connectionP;
231    CallbackServerUnparsed *callbackP;
232    bool isInitialized;
233    bool isShutdown;
234    /**
235     * Here we asynchronously receive the callback from xmlBlaster. 
236     *
237     * NOTE: After this call the memory of #MsgUnitArr is freed immediately by #CallbackServerUnparsed.
238     *       So you need to take a copy of all message members if needed out of the scope of this function.
239     *
240     * @param msgUnitArr The messages of type #MsgUnitArr from the server, use MsgUnit#responseQos to transport the return value.
241     *        If responseQos is not NULL it will be free()'d as well by us.
242     * @param userData An optional pointer from the client with client specific data which is delivered back.
243     *        Here userData is always the '#XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *' pointer
244     * @param xmlBlasterException This points on a valid struct of type #XmlBlasterException,
245     *                            so you only need to fill errorCode with #strcpy
246     *        and the returned pointer is ignored and the exception is thrown to xmlBlaster.
247     * @return Return #bool true if everything is OK
248     *         Return false if you want to throw an exception, please fill #XmlBlasterException in such a case.
249     *         If false and *xmlBlasterException.errorCode==0 we don't send a return message
250     *         (useful for update dispatcher thread to do it later)
251     * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.update.html
252     * @todo Return void instead of #bool
253     */
254    UpdateFp clientsUpdateFp;
256    bool callbackMultiThreaded;    /**< Shall update messages be transported to the client code in a thread per request? */
257    bool lowLevelAutoAck;
258    long responseTimeout;
259    pthread_t callbackThreadId;
260    char threadCounter;
261    pthread_mutex_t writenMutex;   /**< Protect writing n bytes to the socket */
262    pthread_mutex_t readnMutex;   /**< Protect reading n bytes from the socket */
263 } XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed;
265 /**
266  * Create an instance to access xmlBlaster. 
267  * This is usually the first call of a client. 
268  *
269  * Every call creates a new and independent client access instance to xmlBlaster
270  *
271  * Our properties point on the passed argv memory, so you should
272  * not free the original argv memory before you free #XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed.
273  *
274  * @param argc The number of argv properties
275  * @param argv The command line properties, see #createProperties() for a specification, can be NULL for argc==0
276  * @return NULL if bootstrapping failed. If not NULL you need to free memory when you are done
277  * usually by calling #freeXmlBlasterAccessUnparsed().
278  */
279 Dll_Export extern XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *getXmlBlasterAccessUnparsed(int argc, const char* const* argv);
281 /**
282  * Free your instance after accessing xmlBlaster. 
283  */
284 Dll_Export extern void freeXmlBlasterAccessUnparsed(XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed *xmlBlasterAccess);
286 /**
287  * Help usage
288  * @param usage Please pass a string with at least XMLBLASTER_MAX_USAGE_LEN chars allocated (or on stack)
289  * @return Your usage pointer filled with informations
290  */
291 Dll_Export extern const char *xmlBlasterAccessUnparsedUsage(char *usage);
293 #ifdef __cplusplus
295 }
296 #endif
297 #endif
299 #endif /* _XmlBlasterAccessUnparsed_H */

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