1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      CallbackServerUnparsed.h
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 Comment:   Include this header in your client code if you want to establish
  6            a client side callback server.
  7            We will call the update() method when messages arrive.
  8            The received message key and QoS is not parsed, we need another
  9            layer doing XML parsing with expat.
 10            This library is thread safe, multiple client callback servers may
 11            be established in parallel.
 12 Author:    "Marcel Ruff" <xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info>
 13 Date:      05/2003
 14 See:       http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.html
 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 16 #ifndef XMLBLASTER_CallbackServerUnparsed_H
 17 #define XMLBLASTER_CallbackServerUnparsed_H
 19 #ifdef __cplusplus
 20 #ifndef XMLBLASTER_C_COMPILE_AS_CPP /* 'g++ -DXMLBLASTER_C_COMPILE_AS_CPP ...' allows to compile the lib as C++ code */
 21 extern "C" {
 22 #endif
 23 #endif
 25 #include <util/msgUtil.h>
 26 #include <util/Properties.h>
 27 #include "socket/xmlBlasterSocket.h"
 31 /* Forward declarations */
 32 struct SocketDataHolder;
 33 struct CallbackServerUnparsedStruct;
 34 typedef struct CallbackServerUnparsedStruct CallbackServerUnparsed;
 36 /* Define function pointers */
 38 /**
 39  * Use this function directly after creation of the callback server
 40  * if you want to force to reuse the given socket for callbacks.
 41  *
 42  * @param socketToUse Usually pass -1 so that we establish a callback server, else
 43  *               pass an opened socket (e.g. from XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed->socketToXmlBlaster)
 44  * @param socketToUseUdp Usually pass -1 so that we establish a callback server, else
 45  *               pass an opened socket (e.g. from XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed->socketToXmlBlaster)
 46  * @return true on success
 47  */
 48 typedef bool (* UseThisSocket)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, int socketToUse, int socketToUseUdp);
 50 typedef int (* InitCallbackServer)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb);
 52 /**
 53  * @return true if the socket is open and waits for callback messages
 54  */
 55 typedef bool (* IsListening)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb);
 57 /**
 58  * Only in pthread_detach() mode
 59  */
 60 typedef bool (* WaitOnCallbackThreadTermination)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, long millis);
 61 typedef bool (* WaitOnCallbackThreadAlive)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, long millis);
 63 /**
 64  * Here we asynchronously receive the callback from xmlBlaster.
 65  *
 66  * NOTE: After this call the memory of #MsgUnitArr is freed immediately by #CallbackServerUnparsed
 67  *       So you need to take a copy of all message members if needed out of the scope of this function.
 68  *
 69  * @param msgUnitArr The messages from the server, use MgsUnit#responseQos to transport the return value
 70  * @param userData An optional pointer from the client with client specific data which is delivered back
 71  * @param xmlBlasterException This points on a valid #XmlBlasterException struct, so you only need to fill errorCode with strcpy()
 72  *        and the returned pointer is ignored and the exception is thrown to xmlBlaster.
 73  * @param socketDataHolder #SocketDataHolder containing socket specific informations, please handle as readonly
 74  * @return Return true if everything is OK
 75  *         Return false if you want to throw an exception, please fill xmlBlasterException in such a case.
 76  *         If false and *xmlBlasterException.errorCode==0 we don't send a return message (useful for update dispatcher thread to do it later)
 77  * @see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.update.html
 78  */
 79 typedef void (*UpdateCbFp)(MsgUnitArr *msg, void *userData, XmlBlasterException *xmlBlasterException, void/*SocketDataHolder*/ *socketDataHolder);
 81 typedef void (* ShutdownCallbackServerRaw)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb);
 83 typedef void ( * CallbackServerUnparsedSendResponse)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, void/*SocketDataHolder*/ *socketDataHolder, MsgUnitArr *msgUnitArr);
 84 typedef void ( * CallbackServerUnparsedSendXmlBlasterException)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, void/*SocketDataHolder*/ *socketDataHolder, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 85 typedef void ( * CallbackServerUnparsedDoRespond)(XMLBLASTER_C_bool success, CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, void/*SocketDataHolder*/ *socketDataHolder, MsgUnitArr *msgUnitArrP, XmlBlasterException *exception);
 89 typedef void (* ResponseFp)(MsgRequestInfo *msgRequestInfoP, void /*SocketDataHolder*/ *socketDataHolder); /* using void * to avoid including the socket specific header */
 91 typedef struct ResponseListenerStruct {
 92    MsgRequestInfo *msgRequestInfoP;
 93    /*void *userP;
 94    const char *requestId;*/
 95    ResponseFp responseEventFp;
 96 } ResponseListener;
 98 typedef bool ( * AddResponseListener)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, MsgRequestInfo *msgRequestInfoP, ResponseFp responseEventFp);
 99 typedef ResponseListener * ( * RemoveResponseListener)(CallbackServerUnparsed *cb, const char *requestId);
101 typedef void  ( * CallbackServerUnparsedLogging)(void *logUserP, XMLBLASTER_LOG_LEVEL currLevel, XMLBLASTER_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *location, const char *fmt, ...);
103 /**
104  * This structure holds a complete callback server instance.
105  *
106  * The function pointers like #isListening() allow you to
107  * invoke methods on this structure.
108  * <p>
109  * The function pointer #updateCb() holds the clients callback function
110  * which is invoked when messages arrive. See the description of #UpdateCbFp.
111  * </p>
112  */
113 struct CallbackServerUnparsedStruct {
114    Properties *props;
115    bool stopListenLoop;
116    int listenSocket;
117    int acceptSocket;
118    int socketUdp;
119    char * hostCB;
120    int portCB;
121    bool reusingConnectionSocket; /**< is false if we tunnel callback through the client connection socket */
123    CallbackServerUnparsedLogging log;
124    void *logUserP;               /**< For outside users to pass a user object back to their logging implementation */
125    WaitOnCallbackThreadAlive waitOnCallbackThreadAlive;
126    WaitOnCallbackThreadTermination waitOnCallbackThreadTermination;
127    /*
128     * Is created by the client and used to validate callback messages in update.
129     * This is sent on connect in ConnectQos.
130     * (Is different from the xmlBlaster secret session ID)
131    char secretSessionId[MAX_SECRETSESSIONID_LEN];
132    */
133    InitCallbackServer runCallbackServer;
134    IsListening isListening;
135    ShutdownCallbackServerRaw shutdown; /**< For internal use (multi thread) only */
136    UpdateCbFp updateCb;
137    void *updateCbUserData; /**< A optional pointer from the client code which is returned to the update() function call */
138    UseThisSocket useThisSocket;
139    ResponseListener responseListener[MAX_RESPONSE_LISTENER_SIZE];
140    AddResponseListener addResponseListener;
141    RemoveResponseListener removeResponseListener;
142    bool _threadIsAliveOnce; /**< Mark if thread is running (is never reset if once on true!) */
143    bool threadIsAlive; /**< Lifecycle of thread */
144    CallbackServerUnparsedSendResponse sendResponse;
145    CallbackServerUnparsedSendXmlBlasterException sendXmlBlasterException;
146    CallbackServerUnparsedDoRespond sendResponseOrException;
147    pthread_mutex_t listenMutex;
149    /* Socket write access: */
150    XmlBlasterWriteToSocketFuncHolder writeToSocket;  /**< The function pointer to write n bytes of plain or compressed data to the socket
151                                                   Is initialized in initConnection(), outside users may choose to initialize it to some other function pointer */
153    /* Socket read access: */
154    XmlBlasterReadFromSocketFuncHolder readFromSocket; /**< Holding function pointer for compressed/uncompressed socket reads */
156 #ifdef XB_USE_PTHREADS
157    pthread_mutex_t responseListenerMutex; /* Needed for responseListener access protection */
158 #endif
159 };
161 /**
162  * Auxiliary struct for passing parameters to listening threads
163  */
164 typedef struct ListenLoopArgsStruct {
165    CallbackServerUnparsed* cb;
166    bool udp;
167 } ListenLoopArgs;
169 /**
170  * Get a new instance of a callback server struct.
171  * This is usually the first call of a client, you need to call #runCallbackServer()
172  * on the returned pointer to establish a listener.
173  * @param argc Number of command line arguments
174  * @param argv The command line arguments
175  * @param updateCb The function pointer on your update() function which handles the received messages
176  *               Please read the documentation of #UpdateCbFp above.
177  * @param userData An optional pointer from the client with client specific data
178  *               which is delivered back with the updateCb() function
179  * @return NULL if allocation or bootstrapping failed. If not NULL you need to free() it when you are done
180  * usually by calling freeXmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed().
181  */
182 extern CallbackServerUnparsed *getCallbackServerUnparsed(int argc, const char* const* argv,
183                                UpdateCbFp updateCb, void *userData);
185 /**
186  * free() the CallbackServerUnparsed structure and sets *callbackData to 0
187  * Call freeCallbackServerUnparsed(&cb);
188  */
189 extern void freeCallbackServerUnparsed(CallbackServerUnparsed **callbackData);
191 /**
192  * Help on configuration
193  */
194 extern const char *callbackServerRawUsage(void);
196 /*
197  * Function pointer for pthread,
198  * the method to invoke on thread creation.
199  *
200 typedef void * (*CallbackFp)(void *);
201 */
203 #ifdef __cplusplus
205 }
206 #endif
207 #endif
209 #endif /* XMLBLASTER_CallbackServerUnparsed_H */

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