1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      CorbaDriver.cpp
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 Comment:   The client driver for the corba protocol
  6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7 #include <client/protocol/corba/CorbaDriver.h>
  8 #include <util/ErrorCode.h>
  9 #include <util/XmlBlasterException.h>
 10 #include <util/Global.h>
 11 #include <util/lexical_cast.h>
 13 namespace org {
 14  namespace xmlBlaster {
 15   namespace client {
 16    namespace protocol {
 17     namespace corba {
 19 using namespace std;
 20 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util;
 21 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util::qos;
 22 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::util::thread;
 23 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::client::protocol;
 24 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::client::qos;
 25 using namespace org::xmlBlaster::client::key;
 27 void CorbaDriver::freeResources(bool deleteConnection, bool deleteCallback)
 28 {
 29    if (deleteConnection) {
 30       delete connection_;
 31       connection_ = NULL;
 32    }
 33    if (deleteCallback) {
 34       delete defaultCallback_;
 35       defaultCallback_ = NULL;
 36    }
 37 }
 39 #define _COMM_TRY try {
 42 #define _COMM_CATCH(methodName, deleteConnection, deleteCallback)     \
 43    }                                                                  \
 44    catch(serverIdl::XmlBlasterException &ex) {                        \
 45       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 46       throw convertFromCorbaException(ex);                            \
 47    }                                                                  \
 48    catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::CannotProceed &ex) {         \
 49       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 50       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 51              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
 52              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 53              "", "", to_string(ex));                                  \
 54    }                                                                  \
 55    catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::InvalidName &ex) {           \
 56       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 57       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 58                        "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en", \
 59              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 60                        "", "", to_string(ex));                        \
 61    }                                                                  \
 62    catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound &ex) {          \
 63       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 64       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 65              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
 66              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 67              "", "", to_string(ex));                                  \
 68    }                                                                  \
 69    catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::NotEmpty &ex) {              \
 70       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 71       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 72              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
 73              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 74              "", "", to_string(ex));                                  \
 75    }                                                                  \
 76    catch(const CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound &ex) {              \
 77       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 78       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 79              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
 80              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 81              "", "", to_string(ex));                                  \
 82    }                                                                  \
 83    catch(const CORBA::Exception &ex) {                                \
 84       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 85       throw XmlBlasterException(COMMUNICATION_NOCONNECTION,           \
 86              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
 87              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
 88              "", "", to_string(ex));                                  \
 89    }                                                                  \
 90    catch(const XmlBlasterException &ex) {                             \
 91       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 92       throw ex;                                                       \
 93    }                                                                  \
 94    catch(const XmlBlasterException *ex) {                             \
 95       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
 96       throw ex;                                                       \
 97    }                                                                  \
 98    catch(const exception &ex) {                                       \
 99       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
100       throw XmlBlasterException(INTERNAL_UNKNOWN,                     \
101              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
102              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
103              "", "",                                                  \
104              string("type='exception', msg='") + ex.what() + "'");    \
105    }                                                                  \
106    catch(const string &ex) {                                          \
107       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
108       throw XmlBlasterException(INTERNAL_UNKNOWN,                     \
109              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
110              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
111              "", "",                                                  \
112              string("type='string', msg='") + ex + "'");              \
113    }                                                                  \
114    catch(const char *ex) {                                            \
115       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
116       throw XmlBlasterException(INTERNAL_UNKNOWN,                     \
117              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
118              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
119              "", "",                                                  \
120              string("type='char*', msg='") + ex + "'");               \
121    }                                                                  \
122    catch(int ex) {                                                    \
123       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
124       throw XmlBlasterException(INTERNAL_UNKNOWN,                     \
125              "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",           \
126              global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp(),\
127              "", "",                                                  \
128        string("type='int', msg='") + lexical_cast<std::string>(ex) + "'"); \
129    }                                                                  \
130    catch (...) {                                                      \
131       freeResources(deleteConnection, deleteCallback);                \
132       throw XmlBlasterException(INTERNAL_UNKNOWN,                     \
133            "unknown node", ME + string(methodName), "en",             \
134            global_.getVersion() + " " + global_.getBuildTimestamp()); \
135    }
137 /*
139 static bool dummy;
141 CorbaDriver::CorbaDriver()
142    : doRun_(dummy),
143      isRunning_(dummy),
144      mutex_(),
145      count_(0),
146      ME("CorbaDriver"), 
147      global_(Global::getInstance()), 
148      log_(global_.getLog("org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba")),
149      statusQosFactory_(global_), 
150 {
151    connection_      = NULL;
152    defaultCallback_ = NULL;
153    _COMM_TRY
154       connection_ = new CorbaConnection(global_, false);
155    _COMM_CATCH("::Constructor", true, false)
156 }
157 */
159 CorbaDriver::CorbaDriver(const CorbaDriver& corbaDriver)
160    : mutex_(corbaDriver.mutex_),
161      ME("CorbaDriver"), 
162      global_(corbaDriver.global_), 
163      log_(corbaDriver.log_),
164      statusQosFactory_(corbaDriver.global_), 
165      orbIsThreadSafe_(ORB_IS_THREAD_SAFE)
166 {
167    // no instantiation of these since this should never be invoked (just to make it private)
168    connection_      = NULL;
169    defaultCallback_ = NULL;
170    if (log_.call()) log_.call("CorbaDriver", string("Constructor orbIsThreadSafe_=") + lexical_cast<std::string>(orbIsThreadSafe_));
171 }
173 CorbaDriver& CorbaDriver::operator =(const CorbaDriver& /*corbaDriver*/)
174 {
175    return *this;
176 }
179 CorbaDriver::CorbaDriver(Global& global, Mutex& mutex, const string instanceName, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
180    : mutex_(mutex),
181      ME(string("CorbaDriver-") + instanceName), 
182      global_(global), 
183      log_(global.getLog("org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba")),
184      statusQosFactory_(global), 
185      orbIsThreadSafe_(ORB_IS_THREAD_SAFE)
186 {
187    connection_      = NULL;
188    defaultCallback_ = NULL;
190    if (log_.call()) log_.call("CorbaDriver", string("getInstance for ") + instanceName +
191                               " orbIsThreadSafe_=" + lexical_cast<std::string>(orbIsThreadSafe_));
193    _COMM_TRY
194       connection_ = new CorbaConnection(global_, orb);
195    _COMM_CATCH("::Constructor", true, false)
196 }
198 CorbaDriver::~CorbaDriver()
199 {
200    if (log_.call()) log_.call(ME, "~CorbaDriver()");
201    try {
202 //      delete defaultCallback_; // Is a memory leak, but we need to track down the valgrind issue first
203       delete connection_;
204    }
205    catch (...) {
206    }
207 }
209 void CorbaDriver::initialize(const string& name, I_Callback &client)
210 {
211    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
212    _COMM_TRY
213 //      if (defaultCallback_ != NULL) delete defaultCallback_;
214       defaultCallback_ = NULL;
215       defaultCallback_ =  new DefaultCallback(global_, name, &client, 0);
216 //      if (connection_ != NULL) delete connection_;
217 //      connection_ = NULL;
218       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(ME, "Before createCallbackServer");
219       connection_->createCallbackServer(defaultCallback_);
220       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(ME, "After createCallbackServer");
221    _COMM_CATCH("::initialize", true, true)
222 }
224 string CorbaDriver::getCbProtocol()
225 {
226     return Constants::IOR; // "IOR";
227 }                             
229 string CorbaDriver::getCbAddress()
230 {
231    _COMM_TRY
232       return connection_->getCbAddress();
233    _COMM_CATCH("::getCbAddress", false, false)
234 }
236 bool CorbaDriver::shutdownCb()
237 {
238    _COMM_TRY
239       return connection_->shutdownCb();
240    _COMM_CATCH("::shutdownCb", false, false)
241 }
243 ConnectReturnQosRef CorbaDriver::connect(const ConnectQosRef& qos)
244 {
245    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
246    _COMM_TRY
247       return connection_->connect(qos);
248    _COMM_CATCH("::connect", false, false)
249 }
251 bool CorbaDriver::disconnect(const DisconnectQos& qos)
252 {
253    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
254    _COMM_TRY
255       return connection_->disconnect(qos.toXml());
256    _COMM_CATCH("::disconnect", false, false)
257 }
259 string CorbaDriver::getProtocol()
260 {
261    return Constants::IOR; // "IOR";
262 }
264 /*
265 string CorbaDriver::loginRaw()
266 {
267    _COMM_TRY
268       connection_->loginRaw();
269       return getLoginName();
270    _COMM_CATCH("::loginRaw", false, false)
271 }
272 */
274 bool CorbaDriver::shutdown()
275 {
276    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
277    _COMM_TRY
278       return connection_->shutdown();
279    _COMM_CATCH("::shutdown", false, false)
280 }
282 string CorbaDriver::getLoginName()
283 {
284    _COMM_TRY
285       return connection_->getLoginName();
286    _COMM_CATCH("::getLoginName", false, false)
287 }
289 bool CorbaDriver::isLoggedIn()
290 {
291    _COMM_TRY
292       return connection_->isLoggedIn();
293    _COMM_CATCH("::isLoggedIn", false, false)
294 }
296 string CorbaDriver::ping(const string& qos)
297 {
298    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
299    _COMM_TRY
300       return connection_->ping(qos);
301    _COMM_CATCH("::ping", false, false)
302 }
304 SubscribeReturnQos CorbaDriver::subscribe(const SubscribeKey& key, const SubscribeQos& qos)
305 {
306    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
307    _COMM_TRY
308       string ret = connection_->subscribe(key.toXml(), qos.toXml());
309       return SubscribeReturnQos(global_, statusQosFactory_.readObject(ret));
310    _COMM_CATCH("::subscribe", false, false)
311 }
313 vector<MessageUnit> CorbaDriver::get(const GetKey& key, const GetQos& qos)
314 {
315    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
316    _COMM_TRY
317       return connection_->get(key.toXml(), qos.toXml());
318    _COMM_CATCH("::get", false, false)
319 }
321 vector<UnSubscribeReturnQos>
322 CorbaDriver::unSubscribe(const UnSubscribeKey& key, const UnSubscribeQos& qos)
323 {
324    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
325    _COMM_TRY
326       vector<std::string> tmp = connection_->unSubscribe(key.toXml(), qos.toXml());
327       vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = tmp.begin();
328       vector<UnSubscribeReturnQos> ret;
329       while (iter != tmp.end()) {
330          ret.insert(ret.end(),  UnSubscribeReturnQos(global_, statusQosFactory_.readObject(*iter)));
331          iter++;
332       }
333       return ret;
334    _COMM_CATCH("::unSubscribe", false, false)
335 }
337 PublishReturnQos CorbaDriver::publish(const MessageUnit& msgUnit)
338 {
339    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
340    _COMM_TRY
341       if (log_.call()) log_.call(ME, "publish");
342       string ret = connection_->publish(msgUnit);
343       if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(ME, "successfully published");
344       return PublishReturnQos(global_, statusQosFactory_.readObject(ret));
345    _COMM_CATCH("::publish", false, false)
346 }
348 void CorbaDriver::publishOneway(const vector<MessageUnit> &msgUnitArr)
349 {
350    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
351    _COMM_TRY
352       connection_->publishOneway(msgUnitArr);
353    _COMM_CATCH("::publishOneway", false, false)
354 }
356 vector<PublishReturnQos> CorbaDriver::publishArr(const vector<MessageUnit> &msgUnitArr)
357 {
358    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
359    _COMM_TRY
360       vector<std::string> tmp = connection_->publishArr(msgUnitArr);
361       vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = tmp.begin();
362       vector<PublishReturnQos> ret;
363       while (iter != tmp.end()) {
364          ret.insert(ret.end(),  PublishReturnQos(global_, statusQosFactory_.readObject(*iter)) );
365          iter++;
366       }
367       return ret;
368    _COMM_CATCH("::publishArr", false, false)
369 }
371 vector<EraseReturnQos> CorbaDriver::erase(const EraseKey& key, const EraseQos& qos)
372 {
373    _COMM_TRY
374    Lock lock(mutex_, orbIsThreadSafe_);
375       vector<std::string> tmp = connection_->erase(key.toXml(), qos.toXml());
376       vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = tmp.begin();
377       vector<EraseReturnQos> ret;
378       while (iter != tmp.end()) {
379          ret.insert(ret.end(),  EraseReturnQos(global_, statusQosFactory_.readObject(*iter)) );
380          iter++;
381       }
382       return ret;
383    _COMM_CATCH("::erase", false, false)
384 }
386 I_ProgressListener* CorbaDriver::registerProgressListener(I_ProgressListener *) {
387    log_.warn("CorbaDriver", "registerProgressListener() is not implemented, we ignore the provided listener.");
388    return 0;
389 }
391 std::string CorbaDriver::usage()
392 {
393    return CorbaConnection::usage();
394 }
397 // Exception conversion ....
398 org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlBlasterException
399 CorbaDriver::convertFromCorbaException(const serverIdl::XmlBlasterException& ex)
400 {
401    string tmp = "";
402    return org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlBlasterException(ex.errorCodeStr.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.errorCodeStr),
403                                                      ex.node.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.node),
404                                                      ex.location.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.location),
405                                                      ex.lang.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.lang),
406                                                      ex.message.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.message),
407                                                      ex.versionInfo.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.versionInfo),
408                                                      ex.timestampStr.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.timestampStr),
409                                                      ex.stackTrace.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.stackTrace),
410                                                      ex.embeddedMessage.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.embeddedMessage),
411                                                      ex.transactionInfo.in()==0?tmp:string(ex.transactionInfo));
412 }
414 serverIdl::XmlBlasterException
415 CorbaDriver::convertToCorbaException(org::xmlBlaster::util::XmlBlasterException& ex)
416 {
417    return serverIdl::XmlBlasterException(ex.getErrorCodeStr().c_str(),
418                                          ex.getNode().c_str(),
419                                          ex.getLocation().c_str(),
420                                          ex.getLang().c_str(),
421                                          ex.getMessage().c_str(),
422                                          ex.getVersionInfo().c_str(),
423                                          ex.getTimestamp().c_str(),
424                                          ex.getStackTraceStr().c_str(),
425                                          ex.getEmbeddedMessage().c_str(),
426                                          ex.getTransactionInfo().c_str(), "");
427 }
429 }}}}} // namespaces

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