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Type NEW
Priority LOW
Topic XmlBlaster error code reference
Error CodeDescriptionSee
communication This category is related to communication problems between client and server. -
communication.forceAsync Thrown if a ping is called but we can't afford to block until it succeeds. -
communication.noConnection A specific remote connection throws an exception on invocation. -
communication.noConnection.callbackServer.notavailable The callback server is not available, this usually happens when the callback server is shutdown on client side interface.update
communication.noConnection.dead The remote connection is not established and we have given up to poll for it. interface.connect
client queue configuration
callback queue configuration
communication.noConnection.polling The remote connection is not established and we are currently polling for it. interface.connect
client queue configuration
callback queue configuration
communication.noConnection.serverDeny Thrown by the server if no connection is accepted, usually on startup when the server is not ready for it (standby mode). run level requirement
communication.resource.temporary.unavailable The server has a temporary resource timeout, please try again. -
communication.responseTimeout A method call blocked when waiting on the ACK/NAK return message. -
communication.timeout The socket call blocked until a timeout occurred. -
communication.user.holdback See USER_UPDATE_HOLDBACK. -
internal These category is an internal exception, usually a Java runtime exception, please post it to the mailing list. admin.errorcodes
internal.connectionFailure An internal error occurred, we were not able to access the server handle. interface.connect
internal.disconnect An internal error occurred when processing a disconnect() request. interface.disconnect
internal.erase An internal error occurred when processing a erase() request. interface.erase
internal.get An internal error occurred when processing a get() request. interface.get
internal.illegalArgument An illegal argument is an xmlBlaster internal programming error, please post it to the mailing list. -
internal.illegalState The state of an object is not allowed. -
internal.interrupted An unexpected InterruptedException for a thread occurred, please post it to the mailing list. -
internal.notImplemented The feature is not implemented yet. -
internal.nullpointer A null pointer is an xmlBlaster internal programming error, please post it to the mailing list. -
internal.publish An internal error occurred when processing a publish() request. interface.publish
internal.publishArr An internal error occurred when processing a publishArr() request. interface.publish
internal.stop An internal control exception, for example to stop parsing of XML. -
internal.subscribe An internal error occurred when processing a subscribe() request. interface.subscribe
internal.unSubscribe An internal error occurred when processing an unSubscribe() request. interface.unSubscribe
internal.unknown This is an unknown and unexpected error, usually a Java runtime exception, please post it to the mailing list. admin.errorcodes
legacy This error code marks all old style XmlBlasterExceptions until they are ported to the new behaviour. admin.errorcodes
resource This category is for resource problems like too low memory. It can usually be fixed by the administrator -
resource.admin.unavailable The administrative support is switched off for this xmlBlaster instance admin.messages
resource.callbackServer.creation The callback server can't be created -
resource.cluster.circularLoop A message loops between cluster nodes and can't reach its destination, please check the destination cluster node name. cluster PtP requirement
cluster requirement
resource.cluster.notAvailable A remote cluster node is not reachable. cluster requirement
resource.configuration Please check your configuration. client.configuration
The CORBA protocol plugin
resource.configuration.address A remote address you passed is invalid, please check your configuration. client queue configuration
resource.configuration.connect Please check your connection configuration settings or the availability of a remote server. client.configuration
The EMAIL protocol plugin
resource.configuration.pluginFailed A plugin required couldn't be loaded, please check your configuration. The runlevel manager howto
The runlevel manager
resource.configuration.sslSocket A SOCKET plugin required couldn't be loaded, please check your (ssl) configuration. The runlevel manager howto
The SOCKET protocol specification
resource.configuration.xml Your XML / XSL configuration needs to be adjusted, please check your configuration. Changing XML/XSL implementation
resource.db.block A timeout occurred while accessing the database, typically caused by concurrent multithreaded access -
resource.db.unavailable There is no connection to a backend database using JDBC queue.jdbc.hsqldb
JDBC connection management
resource.db.unknown An unknown error with the backend database using JDBC occurred queue.jdbc.hsqldb
JDBC connection management
resource.exhaust A resource of your system exhausted -
resource.fileIO A file access failed. -
resource.fileIO.fileLost A file disappeared, access failed. -
resource.maintenance The resource is under maintenance, please try again later -
resource.outOfMemory The JVM has no more RAM memory, try increasing it like 'java -Xms18M -Xmx256M org.xmlBlaster.Main' Increasing JVM heap
resource.overflow.queue.bytes The maximum size in bytes of a queue is exhausted queue
queue configuration
client queue configuration
callback queue configuration
resource.overflow.queue.entries The maximum number of entries of a queue is exhausted queue
queue configuration
client queue configuration
callback queue configuration
resource.temporary.unavailable The server has a temporary resource timeout, please try again. -
resource.tooManyThreads The number of threads used is exceeded, try increasing the number of threads in the properties Increasing the number of threads
resource.unavailable The resource is not available (e.g. it is shutdown) -
user This category stands for wrong usage by the programmer using xmlBlaster. -
user.admin.invalid Your administrative request was illegal. admin.messages
user.clientCode You may use this error code in your client implementation to throw your own exceptions. -
user.configuration Login to xmlBlaster failed due to configuration problems. client.configuration
user.configuration.identicalClient Login to xmlBlaster failed, reconnect for other client instance on existing public session is switched off, see connect QoS reconnectSameClientOnly=true setting. client.failsafe
user.configuration.maxSession Login to xmlBlaster failed due to maximum sessions of a subject reached. client.failsafe
user.connect Your connection request could not be handled, check your QoS interface.connect
user.connect.multiple You have invoked connect() multiple times interface.connect
user.illegalArgument You have invoked a server method with illegal arguments. -
user.jdbc.invalid Illegal JDBC query or access. engine.service.rdbms
user.message.invalid Usually thrown by a mime plugin if your MIME type does not fit to your message content, e.g. mime='text/xml' and content='Nice weather'. mime.plugin.accessfilter
user.notConnected Your operation is not possible, please login with connect() first interface.connect
user.oid.unknown You passed a message oid which is not known. -
user.ptp.denied You have send a point to point message but the receiver session does not accept PtP. interface.connect
user.ptp.unknownDestination You have send a point to point message but the receiver is not known and <destination forceQueuing='true'> is not set. interface.publish
user.ptp.unknownDestinationSession You have send a point to point message but the receiver session is not known. interface.publish
user.ptp.unknownSession You have send a point to point message to a specific user session but the receiver is not known. interface.publish
user.publish Your published message could not be handled, check your QoS interface.publish
user.publish.readonly You published a message which is marked as readonly. engine.qos.publish.readonly
user.query.invalid You have invoked get(), subscribe(), unSubscribe() or erase() with an illegal query syntax. interface.get
query syntax
user.query.type.invalid You have invoked get(), subscribe(), unSubscribe() or erase() with an illegal query type, try EXACT or XPATH. interface.get
query syntax
user.security General security exception, authentication or authorization. -
user.security.authentication Login to xmlBlaster failed due to some reason. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.accessDenied Login failed due to missing privileges. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.accessDenied.unknownLoginName Login failed due to unkown login name. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.accessDenied.wrongPassword Login failed due to wrong password. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.expired Login failed, the account is expired. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.illegalArgument Login to xmlBlaster failed due to illegal arguments. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.illegalDeviceId Login denied due to device identification failed. For example for invalid IMEI given. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.illegalDeviceType Login denied due to illegal device type. For example for invalid smartphone type. interface.connect
user.security.authentication.inactive Login failed, the account is not active anymore. interface.connect
user.security.authorization.notAuthorized Login to xmlBlaster failed due to missing privileges. interface.connect
user.subscribe.id Your subscription tries to pass an illegal subscriptionId. interface.subscribe
user.subscribe.noCallback You try to subscribe to a topic but have no callback registered on connect. interface.connect
user.update.deadMessage You can throw this on client side in your update() method: Like this the server publishes the message as dead letter and removes it from the callback queue. Since xmlBlaster > v2.0. -
user.update.error Exception thrown by client on callback update invocation. interface.update
user.update.holdback You can throw this on client side in your update() method: Like this the server queues the message and sets the dispatcActive to false. You need to manually activate the dispatcher again. -
user.update.illegalArgument The update method was invoked without useful data. interface.update
user.update.internalError Unexpected exception thrown by client code on programming error. interface.update
user.update.security.authentication.accessDenied The update method was invoked with an invalid callback session ID. interface.update
user.version Your version is outdated, login to xmlBlaster failed. -
user.wrongApiUsage Please check your client code. -
Generated by org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode

NOTE: Configuration parameters are specified on command line (-someValue 17) or in the xmlBlaster.properties file (someValue=17). See requirement "util.property" for details.
Columns named Impl tells you if the feature is implemented.
Columns named Hot tells you if the configuration is changeable in hot operation.

This page is generated from the requirement XML file xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.errorcodes.listing.xml

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