xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

Uses of Class

Packages that use StorageId
org.xmlBlaster.client This is the Java client side package. 

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.client

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client that return StorageId
 StorageId XmlBlasterAccess.createStorageId(java.lang.String relating)
          The storageId must remain the same after a client restart

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg with parameters of type StorageId
 I_Entry ClientEntryFactory.createEntry(int priority, long timestamp, java.lang.String type, boolean persistent, long sizeInBytes, java.io.InputStream is, StorageId storageId)
          Parses back the raw data to a I_Entry (deserializing)

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg with parameters of type StorageId
MsgQueueConnectEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, ConnectQosData connectQosData)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueConnectEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, ConnectQosData connectQosData)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method connect().
MsgQueueDisconnectEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, DisconnectQos disconnectQos)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueDisconnectEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, DisconnectQos disconnectQos)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method disconnect().
MsgQueueEraseEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, EraseKey eraseKey, EraseQos eraseQos)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueEraseEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, EraseKey eraseKey, EraseQos eraseQos)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method erase().
MsgQueueGetEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueGetEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Use this constructor for a get() request.
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MethodName entryType, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp publishEntryTimestamp, long sizeInBytes, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method publish() (not oneway).
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId, boolean oneway)
MsgQueueSubscribeEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, QueryKeyData subscribeKeyData, QueryQosData subscribeQosData)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueSubscribeEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, QueryKeyData subscribeKeyData, QueryQosData subscribeQosData)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method subscribe().
MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp timestamp, long sizeInBytes, UnSubscribeKey unSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos unSubscribeQos)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry(Global glob, StorageId storageId, UnSubscribeKey unSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos unSubscribeQos)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method unSubscribe().

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue that return StorageId
 StorageId I_Storage.getStorageId()
          Returns the unique ID of this queue.
static StorageId StorageId.valueOf(Global glob, java.lang.String strippedStorageId)
          Deprecated. Old xb_entries

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue with parameters of type StorageId
 void I_Entry.added(StorageId storageId)
          Notification if this entry is added to storage.
 I_Entry I_EntryFactory.createEntry(int priority, long timestamp, java.lang.String type, boolean persistent, long sizeInBytes, java.io.InputStream is, StorageId storageId)
          Parses back the raw data to a I_Entry (deserializing)
 EventHelper StorageEventHandler.generateEventHelper(StorageId storageId)
          Create an EventHelper instance which matches exactly the given storageId (no wildcards).
 I_Queue QueuePluginManager.getPlugin(PluginInfo pluginInfo, StorageId storageId, QueuePropertyBase props)
 I_Queue QueuePluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String typeVersion, StorageId storageId, QueuePropertyBase props)
 I_Queue QueuePluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String version, StorageId storageId, QueuePropertyBase props)
          Return a new created (persistent) queue plugin.
 void I_Queue.initialize(StorageId storageId, java.lang.Object userData)
          Is called after the instance is created.
 void I_Entry.removed(StorageId storageId)
          Notification if this entry is removed from storage

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache that return StorageId
 StorageId CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin.getStorageId()
          Returns the unique ID of this queue

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache with parameters of type StorageId
 void CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin.initialize(StorageId uniqueQueueId, java.lang.Object userData)
          Is called after the instance is created.

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc that return StorageId
 StorageId JdbcQueue.getStorageId()
          Returns the unique ID of this queue
 StorageId JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin.getStorageId()
          Returns the unique ID of this queue

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc with parameters of type StorageId
 ReturnDataHolder CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getAndDeleteLowest(StorageId storageId, int numOfEntries, long numOfBytes, int maxPriority, long minUniqueId, boolean leaveOne, boolean doDelete)
          Under the same transaction it gets and deletes all the entries which fit into the constrains specified in the argument list.
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getEntries(StorageId storageId, int numOfEntries, long numOfBytes, I_EntryFilter entryFilter)
          gets the first numOfEntries of the queue.
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessorDelegate.getEntries(StorageId storageId, int numOfEntries, long numOfBytes, I_EntryFilter entryFilter)
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getEntries(StorageId storageId, long[] dataids)
          gets all the entries which have the dataid specified in the argument list.
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getEntriesByPriority(StorageId storageId, int numOfEntries, long numOfBytes, int minPrio, int maxPrio, I_EntryFilter entryFilter)
          gets the first numOfEntries of the queue which have the priority in the range specified by prioMin and prioMax (inclusive).
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getEntriesBySamePriority(StorageId storageId, int numOfEntries, long numOfBytes)
          gets the first numOfEntries of the queue which have the same priority.
 java.util.ArrayList CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.getEntriesWithLimit(StorageId storageId, I_Entry limitEntry)
          gets the first numOfEntries of the queue until the limitEntry is reached.
 XBStore XBDatabaseAccessor.getXBStore(StorageId uniqueQueueId)
 void JdbcQueue.initialize(StorageId uniqueQueueId, java.lang.Object userData)
          Is called after the instance is created.
 void JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin.initialize(StorageId uniqueQueueId, java.lang.Object userData)
          Is called after the instance is created.
 long CommonTableDatabaseAccessor.removeEntriesWithLimit(StorageId storageId, I_Entry limitEntry, boolean inclusive)
          deletes the first numOfEntries of the queue until the limitEntry is reached.

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram that return StorageId
 StorageId RamQueuePlugin.getStorageId()
          For verbose logging

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram with parameters of type StorageId
 void RamQueuePlugin.initialize(StorageId uniqueQueueId, java.lang.Object userData)
          Is called after the instance is created.

Uses of StorageId in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg declared as StorageId
protected  StorageId MsgQueueEntry.storageId
          The queue to which this entry belongs (set in the constructors)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg that return StorageId
 StorageId MsgQueueEntry.getStorageId()
          To which queue do i belong

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg with parameters of type StorageId
 void MsgQueueEntry.added(StorageId storageId)
          Notification if this entry is added to queue
 void MsgQueueEntry.removed(StorageId storageId)
          Notification if this entry is removed from queue

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg with parameters of type StorageId
DummyEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, boolean persistent)
DummyEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, long sizeOfMsg, boolean persistent)
DummyEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, Timestamp timestamp, StorageId storageId, long sizeOfMsg, boolean persistent)
          This constructor is for internal creation from persistence only (passing the original timestamp).
DummyEntry(Global glob, PriorityEnum priority, Timestamp timestamp, StorageId storageId, long sizeInBytes, byte[] content, boolean persistent)
          Called by ClientEntryFactory and ServerEntryFactory only
MsgQueueEntry(Global glob, MethodName methodName, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, boolean persistent)
MsgQueueEntry(Global glob, java.lang.String entryType, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, boolean persistent)
          Creates a new queue entry object.
MsgQueueEntry(Global glob, java.lang.String entryType, PriorityEnum priority, Timestamp timestamp, StorageId storageId, boolean persistent)
          This constructor is for internal creation from persistence only.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

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