xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use MsgUnit
org.xmlBlaster.client This is the Java client side package. 
org.xmlBlaster.engine The core implementation. 
org.xmlBlaster.test Tests running xmlBlaster instances with ugly behaving clients. 
org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest Tests classes of the xmlBlaster distribution. 
org.xmlBlaster.util Java helper classes for server and client programming. 

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.authentication

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.authentication that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] SessionInfo.getCallbackQueueEntries(java.lang.String query)
 MsgUnit[] SessionInfoProtector.getCallbackQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
 MsgUnit[] SubjectInfo.getSubjectQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
          Query the subject queue, can be peeking or consuming.
 MsgUnit[] SubjectInfoProtector.getSubjectQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit DataHolder.msgUnit

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit DataHolder.getMsgUnit()

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins with parameters of type MsgUnit
DataHolder(MethodName action, MsgUnit msgUnit)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.client

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.get(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlasterAccess.get(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Get synchronous messages.
 MsgUnit[] SynchronousCache.get(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Access messages from cache
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.getCached(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlasterAccess.getCached(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Access synchronously messages.
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.receive(java.lang.String oid, int maxEntries, long timeout, boolean consumable)
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlasterAccess.receive(java.lang.String oid, int maxEntries, long timeout, boolean consumable)
          This method synchronously accesses maxEntries messages from any xmlBlaster server side queue.
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.request(MsgUnit msgUnit, long timeout, int maxEntries)
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlasterAccess.request(MsgUnit msgUnit, long timeout, int maxEntries)
          Implements the blocking request/reply pattern.
 MsgUnit XmlDbMessageWrapper.toMessage()
          Creates the complete message for you, which you can publish to xmlBlaster.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client with parameters of type MsgUnit
 boolean SynchronousCache.newEntry(java.lang.String subId, GetKey getKey, MsgUnit[] units)
          Creates an new entry in the cache

 PublishReturnQos XmlBlasterAccess.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 PublishReturnQos I_XmlBlasterAccess.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 PublishReturnQos[] XmlBlasterAccess.publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
 void XmlBlasterAccess.publishOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
 void I_XmlBlasterAccess.publishOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
          Publish messages.
 MsgUnit[] XmlBlasterAccess.request(MsgUnit msgUnit, long timeout, int maxEntries)
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlasterAccess.request(MsgUnit msgUnit, long timeout, int maxEntries)
          Implements the blocking request/reply pattern.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] I_XmlBlaster.get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos I_XmlBlaster.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 PublishReturnQos[] I_XmlBlaster.publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
 void I_XmlBlaster.publishOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit MsgQueuePublishEntry.msgUnit
          The MsgUnit with key/content/qos (raw struct)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit MsgQueueEraseEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit MsgQueueGetEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit MsgQueueUnSubscribeEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit MsgQueuePublishEntry.getMsgUnit()
          Get the message unit, you must call getUpdateQos(int,int,int) before to generate the update QoS.
 MsgUnit MsgQueueDisconnectEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit MsgQueueConnectEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit MsgQueueSubscribeEntry.getMsgUnit()

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.client.queuemsg with parameters of type MsgUnit
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MethodName entryType, PriorityEnum priority, StorageId storageId, Timestamp publishEntryTimestamp, long sizeInBytes, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          For persistence recovery
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method publish() (not oneway).
MsgQueuePublishEntry(Global glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId, boolean oneway)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.client.script

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.script that return MsgUnit
protected  MsgUnit XmlScriptInterpreter.buildMsgUnit()

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.script with parameters of type MsgUnit
 boolean I_MsgUnitCb.intercept(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 java.lang.String XmlScriptInterpreter.wrapForScripting(MsgUnit msgUnit, java.lang.String comment)
static java.lang.String XmlScriptInterpreter.wrapForScripting(java.lang.String rootTag, MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr, java.lang.String comment)
static java.lang.String XmlScriptInterpreter.wrapForScripting(java.lang.String rootTag, MsgUnit msgUnit, java.lang.String comment)
          Dump the MsgUnit to XML, the dump includes the xml header (UTF-8).

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime with parameters of type MsgUnit
 boolean DropIfNotDeliverable.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
 boolean DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication with parameters of type MsgUnit
private  void ReplSlave.doTransform(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 void I_ReplSlave.postCheck(MsgUnit[] processedEntries)
 void ReplSlave.postCheck(MsgUnit[] processedMsgUnits)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl with parameters of type MsgUnit
 java.lang.String ReplManagerPlugin.intercept(SubjectInfo publisher, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Is only invoked when it is configured as a MimePlugin (to count messages containing several transactions).
 void ReplManagerPlugin.postHandleNextMessages(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, MsgUnit[] processedEntries)
          Does cleanup, particularly it sets the status and counters.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.engine declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit MsgUnitWrapper.msgUnit

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] RequestBroker.get(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData xmlKey, GetQosServer getQos)
          Invoked by a client, to access one/many MsgUnit.
 MsgUnit[] TopicHandler.getHistoryMsgUnitArr(int num, boolean newestFirst)
          Returns a snapshot of all entries in the history
 MsgUnit[] TopicHandler.getHistoryQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
          Query the history queue, can be peeking or consuming.
 MsgUnit MsgUnitWrapper.getMsgUnit()
private  MsgUnit XmlBlasterImpl.importAndAuthorize(SessionInfo sessionInfo, AddressServer addressServer, MsgUnitRaw msgUnitRaw, MethodName action)
          Check message via security plugin.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void AvailabilityChecker.checkServerIsReady(SessionName sessionName, AddressServer addressServer, MsgUnit msgUnit, MethodName action)
          The extended check when the message is imported/decrypted.
 PublishReturnQos RequestBroker.forwardPtpPublish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, boolean isClusterUpdate, Destination destination)
          Rorward a message to another cluster node.
 Destination XmlBlasterImpl.getDestination(MsgUnit msgUnit)
private  java.lang.String XmlBlasterImpl.interceptExeptionByAuthorizer(java.lang.Throwable e, SessionInfo sessionInfo, AddressServer addressServer, MsgUnit msgUnit, MethodName action)
 java.lang.String RequestBroker.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Internal publishing helper.
private  java.lang.String RequestBroker.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, boolean isClusterUpdate)
 PublishReturnQos TopicHandler.publish(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQosServer)
          A new publish event (PubSub or PtP) arrives.
private  java.lang.String RequestBroker.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos)
          Write-Access method to publish a new message from a data source.
 java.lang.String RequestBroker.publishDeadMessage(MsgUnit origMsgUnit, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String clientPropertyKey, SessionName receiver)
 void MsgUnitWrapper.setMsgUnit(MsgUnit msg)

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.engine with parameters of type MsgUnit
MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, I_Map ownerCache, int referenceCounter, int historyReferenceCounter, long sizeInBytes)
          Used when message is created from TopicHandler.publish
MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, I_Map ownerCache, StorageId storageId, int referenceCounter, int historyReferenceCounter, java.lang.String embeddedType, long sizeInBytes)
          Used when message comes from persistence, the owning I_Map is unknown
MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId)
MsgUnitWrapper(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId, int referenceCounter, int historyReferenceCounter, long sizeInBytes)
          Used when message comes from persistence, the owning I_Map is unknown

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] I_CommandHandler.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, CommandWrapper cmd)
          Your plugin should process the command.
 MsgUnit[] CommandManager.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, QueryKeyData keyData, java.lang.String querySpec)
 MsgUnit[] CommandManager.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String oid, java.lang.String[] args)
 MsgUnit[] I_AdminSession.getCallbackQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
          Gets the entries in the callback queue according to what is specified in the querySpec
 MsgUnit[] I_AdminTopic.getHistoryQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
          Query the history queue, can be peeking or consuming.
 MsgUnit[] I_AdminSubject.getSubjectQueueEntries(java.lang.String querySpec)
          Query the history queue, can be peeking or consuming.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] MomClientGateway.getCommand(SessionInfo sessionInfo, QueryKeyData keyData, QueryQosData qosData)
          Called by RequestBroker on get() of command messages.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern with parameters of type MsgUnit
 java.lang.String MomClientGateway.setCommand(SessionInfo sessionInfo, KeyData xmlKey, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos, boolean isClusterUpdate)
          Called by RequestBroker on publish() of command messages.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern that return MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit[] CoreHandler.doGetInvoke(CommandWrapper cmd, java.lang.String property, java.lang.Object impl, java.lang.Class clazz)
 MsgUnit[] MsgHandler.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, CommandWrapper cmd)
 MsgUnit[] PropertyHandler.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, CommandWrapper cmd)
 MsgUnit[] CoreHandler.get(AddressServer addressServer, java.lang.String sessionId, CommandWrapper cmd)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] ClusterManager.forwardGet(SessionInfo publisherSession, QueryKeyData xmlKey, GetQosServer getQos)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos ClusterManager.forwardPtpPublish(SessionInfo publisherSession, MsgUnit msgUnit, Destination destination)
 PublishRetQosWrapper ClusterManager.forwardPublish(SessionInfo publisherSession, MsgUnit msgUnit)
 NodeMasterInfo ClusterManager.getConnection(SessionInfo publisherSession, MsgUnit msgUnit)
 NodeMasterInfo ClusterManager.getConnection(SessionInfo publisherSession, MsgUnit msgUnit, Destination destination)
          Get connection to the master node (or a node at a closer stratum to the master).
 NodeMasterInfo I_MapMsgToMasterId.getMasterId(NodeMasterInfo nodeMasterInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Find out who is the master of the provided message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain with parameters of type MsgUnit
 NodeMasterInfo DomainToMaster.getMasterId(NodeMasterInfo nodeMasterInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Find out who is the master of the provided message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.event

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.event that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit PublishDestinationHelper.getMsgUnit(java.lang.String summary, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String eventType, java.lang.String errorCode, SessionName sessionName)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime with parameters of type MsgUnit
 java.lang.String I_PublishFilter.intercept(SubjectInfo publisher, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Add your business code with your implementation of inercept().
 boolean I_AccessFilter.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo with parameters of type MsgUnit
 java.lang.String PublishDelayer.intercept(SubjectInfo publisher, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Delay the message for the configured amount of time.
 java.lang.String PublishLenChecker.intercept(SubjectInfo publisher, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.
 boolean ContentLenFilter.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex with parameters of type MsgUnit
 boolean GnuRegexFilter.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92 with parameters of type MsgUnit
 boolean Sql92Filter.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath with parameters of type MsgUnit
private  org.w3c.dom.Document XPathFilter.getDocument(MsgUnit msg)
          Get a dom document for message, from cache or create a new one.
private  byte[] XPathFilter.getXml(MsgUnit msg)
          Access the XML string (from QoS or content).
 boolean XPathFilter.match(SessionInfo receiver, MsgUnit msgUnit, Query query)
          Check if the filter rule matches for this message.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit I_PersistenceDriver.fetch(java.lang.String oid)
          Deprecated. Fetches one message by oid from the persistence.
 MsgUnit MsgFileDumper.fetch(java.lang.String oid, long timestamp)
          Allows to fetch one message by oid and timestamp from the persistence.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit FileDriver.fetch(java.lang.String oid)
          Allows to fetch one message by oid from the persistence.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.query

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.query that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] I_Query.query(java.lang.Object source, java.lang.String query)
          Makes a query to the specified source object.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.query.plugins that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] QueueQueryPlugin.query(java.lang.Object source, java.lang.String query)
          The query to the queue.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit TopicEntry.msgUnit

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit ReferenceEntry.getMsgUnit()
          Gets the message unit but is for read only (dirty read)
 MsgUnit TopicEntry.getMsgUnit()
 MsgUnit ReferenceEntry.getMsgUnitOrNull()
          Gets the message unit but is for read only (dirty read)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void TopicEntry.setMsgUnit(MsgUnit msg)

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.engine.queuemsg with parameters of type MsgUnit
TopicEntry(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId)
          Use this constructor if a new message object is fed by method publish().
TopicEntry(ServerScope glob, MsgUnit msgUnit, StorageId storageId, java.lang.String embeddedType, long sizeInBytes)
          Used when message comes from persistence, the owning I_Map is unknown

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel with parameters of type MsgUnit
 java.lang.String RunlevelManager.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos)
          Called from RequestBroker when a new plugin XML is arriving.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2 that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] BlasterConnectionImpl.get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
          Fetch a message from server

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2 with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos BlasterConnectionImpl.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Publish one message
 PublishReturnQos[] BlasterConnectionImpl.publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
          Publish one or more message

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.client

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.client that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] BlasterConnection.get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
          Fetch a message from server

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.j2ee.k2.client with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos BlasterConnection.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Publish one message
 PublishReturnQos[] BlasterConnection.publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
          Publish one or more message

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.jms

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.jms that return MsgUnit
static MsgUnit MessageHelper.convertToMessageUnit(Global global, javax.jms.Message msg)
          This method converts a message (which could be from a foreign provider but also an own XBMessage) to a MsgUnit (internal XmlBlaster messages).

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.jms with parameters of type MsgUnit
static XBMessage MessageHelper.convertFromMsgUnit(XBSession session, java.lang.String sender, MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Used in the message consumer receive method.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.http.ajax with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void BlasterInstance.put(MsgUnit msgUnit)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc that return MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit[] XmlDBAdapter.getResponseMessage(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentMimeExtended)
          Create the result/exception/return message.
private  MsgUnit[] XmlDBAdapter.getResponseMessage(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          SELECT results in XML.
 MsgUnit[] XmlDBAdapter.query()
          Query the database.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test that return MsgUnit
static MsgUnit[] Util.adminGet(Global glob, java.lang.String command)
          Do an administrative command to the server with a temporaty login session.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void Msg.compareMsg(MsgUnit msgUnit)
          Check if the given message (usually published) is the one we hold (usually updated).
 void MsgInterceptor.compareToReceived(MsgUnit[] expectedArr, java.lang.String secretCbSessionId)
          Compares all messages given by parameter 'expectedArr' and compare them with the received ones.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.admin

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.admin declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit[] TestAdminGet.PublisherThread.msgUnits

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.test.admin with parameters of type MsgUnit
TestAdminGet.PublisherThread(Global global, long timeToWaitBeforePublishing, MsgUnit[] msgUnits)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.authentication declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit TestLogin.msgUnit

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.classloader

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.classloader declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit XmlBlasterClassloaderTest.msgUnit

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit[] XmlScriptInterpreterTest.TestAccessor.get(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String qos)

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos XmlScriptInterpreterTest.TestAccessor.publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 PublishReturnQos[] XmlScriptInterpreterTest.TestAccessor.publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnits)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.msgstore that return MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit I_MapTest.createMsgUnit(boolean persistent)
private  MsgUnit I_MapTest.createMsgUnit(boolean persistent, long contentLen_)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.client

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.client declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit[] TestFailSafePing.msgUnitArr

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.test.client that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit TestXmlBlasterAccessMultiThreaded.doPublish(java.lang.String oid, java.lang.String content)
          TEST: Construct a message and publish it.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.jmx declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit TestConnector.msg

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.test.qos

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.test.qos declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit TestErase.msgUnit

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit MsgUnit.getClone()
          Deep clone this message unit.

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util with parameters of type MsgUnit
MsgUnit(MsgUnit old, KeyData key, byte[] content, QosData qos)
          Clone this message unit (but not the content).

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void I_Checkpoint.passingBy(int checkpoint, MsgUnit msgUnit, SessionName destination, java.lang.String[] context)
          A message is passing a checkpoint.
 void Checkpoint.passingBy(int checkpoint, MsgUnit msgUnit, SessionName destination, java.lang.String[] context)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch with parameters of type MsgUnit
 PublishReturnQos I_Callback.update(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 void I_Callback.updateOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void I_MsgDispatchInterceptor.postHandleNextMessages(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, MsgUnit[] processedEntries)
          Method invoked after having successfully sent the entries in asynchronous modus.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio with parameters of type MsgUnit
 void PriorizedDispatchPlugin.postHandleNextMessages(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, MsgUnit[] processedEntries)
          Not doing anything in this method since no cleanup needed.

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.error

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.util.error declared as MsgUnit
private  MsgUnit MsgErrorInfo.msgUnit

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.error that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit I_MsgErrorInfo.getMsgUnit()
          Is not null for client calls into server like XmlBlasterImpl.publish() where no queue is involved.
 MsgUnit MsgErrorInfo.getMsgUnit()

Constructors in org.xmlBlaster.util.error with parameters of type MsgUnit
MsgErrorInfo(Global glob, SessionName sessionName, MsgUnit msgUnit, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Creates an error info instance from server side XmlBlasterImpl.publish failure (remote method invokation) without a queue involved

Uses of MsgUnit in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg that return MsgUnit
 MsgUnit DummyEntry.getMsgUnit()
abstract  MsgUnit MsgQueueEntry.getMsgUnit()

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.