Source code access (Subversion)

Version Control with Subversion

  • SubversionWeb
  • Web-based browsing
  • Roadmap
  • Anonymous access
  • Guidelines for committers
  • Guidelines for contributers
  • SubversionWeb

    The svnweb allows you to browse the revision history of the xmlBlaster trunk with a web browser.


    Web-based browsing

    The websvn allows you web-based browsing of the xmlBlaster Subversion (SVN) repositories in PHP.


    XmlBlaster development roadmap

    Release - ROADMAP:
    XA Transaction support        |
    Extended JMS support          |
    Cluster-Mirror                |
    Load balancing                |
    HERE ARE WE -->               |
                                  |       _
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2011/10    +-------+ 2.1.0
                                  |       _
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2009/09    +-------+ 2.0.0
    XMLRPC callback tunneling     |
    Dropping JDK1.4 support       |
    New persistence layer         |
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2008/11    +-------+ 1.6.4
    Mature Oracle Replication     |
    SSL Cluster callback tunnel   |
    iPhone support                |
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2007/12    +-------+ 1.6.2
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2007/08    +-------+ 1.6.1
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2007/07    +-------+ 1.6  
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2007/02    +-------+ 1.5.1
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2007/01    +-------+ 1.5
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2006/10    +-------+ 1.4
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2006/09    +-------+ 1.3
    C# client                     |
    Authorization plugin          |
    request/reply pattern         |
    STABLE RELEASE     2006/03    +-------+ 1.2
    Dropped org.jutils            |
    Monitoring features           |
    STABLE RELEASE     2006/01    +-------+ 1.1.1
    Bug fixes                     |
    Core events                   |
    Admin.monitoring              |
    JDK1.4 RELEASE     2005/12    +-------+ 1.1
    (Streaming mode)              |
    Email protocol extensions     |
    Database replication          |
    Dropping JDK 1.3 support      |
                                  |       ^ stable branch
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2005/10    +-------+ 1.07
    Bug fixing                    |
    XML portable JDK1.3-1.6       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2005/08    +-------+ 1.05
    JMX support                   |
    Monitoring support            |
    C++ extensions                |
    Database watcher   2005/02    +-------+ 1.01
    STABLE RELEASE     2004/12    +-------+ 1.00
    Bug fixing                    |
    RC1                2004/10    +-------+ 1.RC1
    C compression                 |
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2004/08    +-------+ 0.91
                                  |       |
    STABLE RELEASE     2004/02    +-------+ 0.90
                       2003/12    +-------+ 0.85
                       DEV_085 |  |
                               |  |
    Mature                        |0.85e
                       2003/01    +-------+ 0.84
    Updated and new               |
    Requirements (Documentation)  |
    Message history               |
    Failsave C++ client lib       |
    Cluster PtP routing support   |
    Persistent Queue             0.8x
    Message expire/life cylce     |
    Communication handler plugin  |
                                  |       ^ stable branch
                                  |       |
                       2002/11/26 +-------+ 0.80+ REL_0_8_0+
                       2002/09/25 +    0.80 REL_0_8_0
                                  |       |
                                  +-------+ 0.79 ff
                              main trunk
    svn checkout svn:// xmlBlaster

    Anonymous Access

    The following guides you how to download the xmlBlaster source.
    Note that this is read only access, for write access contact the maintainers on the mailing list.

    Assuming you have Subversion installed on your machine you can check out the xmlBlaster sources with the following command:

    svn co svn:// xmlBlaster

    See the Subversion manual for additional information on how to use it.

    The above svn:// schema assumes that port 3690 is open in your firewall. If it is not, try to access xmlBlaster over http (WebDav):

    svn co xmlBlaster
    Use anonymous as user without a password.


    After you have checked out the source you need to compile it:

    Please read the file xmlBlaster/INSTALL (the section INSTALLATION FOR DEVELOPERS - USING ANT).


    Guidelines for commiters

    Familiarize yourself. Take some time to understand the directory structure, build environment, interaction between components, coding and commenting style. Nothing out of the ordinary, but still not all projects are identical.

    Before starting to work please advertise. It's pointless to have two people working on the same feature. Send an e-mail to the developer mailing list and announce what and how. If you don't get a reply within a day, you can assume the coast is clear.

    Test before you commit. Before committing any changes run a svn update to make sure you have the latest code base. Run the test cases to make sure nothing is broken.

    Commit all at once. If the change involves more than a single file, make sure to commit all the changes together. A partially committed Subversion tree is not a pretty sight. No lunch breaks, meetings or sleep during commits.

    Be ready to receive complaints. Hopefully all works fine, but if changes to break existing code, people will complain. Be ready to answer their e-mails and apply the proper fixes. No going on vacation five minutes after a commit.

    Put your name so people know who to credit. (Also who to blame). Initials work just fine, your full name and e-mail address are already on the main page. If you've added a new file, feel free to put your name and e-mail address as the author. If you're fixing a file, put your initials on the comment.

    Observe release time. We're going to announce a new release five hours prior to making it. That gives you four hours to commit any changes, make sure nothing breaks. Don't leave the computer before the release is done. If you can't make it, there's alway the next release.
