Cyrille Giquello wrote:
I could not get a update with several messages. I think perhaps when
using xmlrpc we only get one message per update.
If there are 2 messages (on the same query subscribtion), xmlBlaster
will call 2 times our update callback ...
What I did is :
- connect a client. publish 2 messages with the same topic.
- disconnect that client.
- connect another client, subcribing it to the topic.
- xmlBlaster call 2 times its callback update.
Is it normal ?
For the current XMLRPC implementation - Yes.
The does not allow
to send an array of messages.
Our Corba and SOCKET protocol drivers support sending bulks of messages
in one
callback call - we call this burst mode - there are some configuration
properties which allow to configure the burst mode (like collecting
for some
milli seconds the messages and send them in a bulk).
Note that this is primary a performance issue (but you could see as well
the bulk array as sort of a transaction context - everything or nothing
is delivered
of the current bulk).