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[xmlblaster] Subscribe/Unsubscribe exception


I come here because of an exception comes when unsubscribing.

The scenario is:
- The app subscribe with a xpath query.
- the app wait a while then unsubscribe from that previous subscribtion.
- Note that there is no message in xmlBlaster, so the query never match.

When calling unsubscribe a exception is throwed :

ERROR RequestBroker-OidUnknown2] Can't access subscription, unSubscribe failed, your supplied key oid '' is invalid

The subscribtionId is ok, the query to. I really don't understand why that happen.

Here is the log:

CALL XmlBlasterImpl] Entering subscribe(sessionId:, key, qos)
CALL RequestBroker] Entering subscribe(oid='', queryType='XPATH', query='/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]', domain='null') from client 'guest1' ...
TRACE SubscriptionInfo] Generated subscription ID=__subId:xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412-XPATH1132825708510000000
TRACE SubscriptionInfo-__subId:xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412-XPATH1132825708510000000] Created SubscriptionInfo '__subId:xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412-XPATH1132825708510000000' for client 'guest1'
TRACE RequestBroker] Going to fire fireSubscriptionEvent(true) ...
TRACE ClientSubscriptions] Subscription add event for client /node/xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412/client/guest1/-5
TRACE ClientSubscriptions] Adding subscriptionId=__subId:xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412-XPATH1132825708510000000 to subMap of client /node/xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412/client/guest1/-5
TRACE XmlKeyDom] Goin' to query DOM tree with XPATH = '/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]'
TRACE XmlKeyDom] Node iter done
INFO XmlKeyDom] 0 MsgUnits matched to subscription "/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]"
CALL RequestBroker] Leaving subscribe(oid='', queryType='XPATH', query='/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]', domain='null') from client 'guest1' -> subscriptionId='__subId:xmlBlaster_192_168_0_151_3412-XPATH1132825708510000000'
CALL XmlBlasterImpl] Entering unSubscribe(sessionId:, key, qos)
CALL RequestBroker] Entering unSubscribe(oid='', queryType='XPATH', query='/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]', domain='null') ...
TRACE XmlKeyDom] Goin' to query DOM tree with XPATH = '/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]'
TRACE XmlKeyDom] Node iter done
INFO XmlKeyDom] 0 MsgUnits matched to subscription "/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with( at oid,'bsm.')]"
ERROR RequestBroker.OidUnknown2] Can't access subscription, unSubscribe failed, your supplied key oid '' is invalid