Hi, I’m
trying to filter received messages using the XPATH. The filter condition is for
the same oid I need to detect only the messages with the same zoneid. For this
I’m subscribing the messages whit the following key: <key oid='Sub1' queryType='XPATH'> //zones[ at zoneid='1'] </key> Where the message sent is: <key oid='Sub2'
contentMime='text/xml'> <zones zoneid='1'
lmt='1'></zones> </key> <content><![CDATA[<?xml
message was not sent since the LMT is unreachble</ERROR_DESCRIPTION> </OTHERALERT_INFORMATION></LIAISON_RCC>]]></content> <qos> <persistent/> <isPublish/>
</qos> However this is not working properly. I’m
new using the XPATH tool so I thing that my problem is in the formulation of
the filter, so I really need some hel in solving the problem. Best regards to all, Eduardo Catarino |