Hi Vaughn,
Am Samstag, 16. April 2005 14:05 schrieb Vaughn Combs:
Many Thanks. I tried it and it seems like they are transforming < to < at some point.
Question is, where does this substitution happen.
Here is the predicate that I am submitting:
Submitted Predicate: /xmlBlaster/key[metadata/BasicTemporal/beginning_date_time_ group/hour_time < 22 ]
and the exception that it pushes back is:
org.infospherics.commonAPI.impl.exception.PlatformFailureException: XmlBlasterEx ception errorCode=[resource.configuration] serverSideException=true location=[Sa xHandlerBase.parse()] message=[#exported Error while SAX parsing :3:-1 : org.xml .sax.SAXParseException: The content beginning "< " is not legal markup. Perhaps the " " () character should be a letter.] [See URL http://www.xmlblaster.or g/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.errorcodes.listing.html#resource.config urati on] at mil.af.rl.jbi.platform.shared.capi.core.plugin.xmlblaster.BlasterList ener.<init>(SubscriberSequenceReceptor.java:184) at mil.af.rl.jbi.platform.shared.capi.core.plugin.xmlblaster.SubscriberS equenceReceptor.init(SubscriberSequenceReceptor.java:80) at mil.af.rl.jbi.platform.client.capi.core.plugin.xmlblaster.SubscriberS equence.activateSequence(SubscriberSequence.java:301) at mil.af.rl.jbi.platform.client.capi.impl.SubscriberSequence.activateSe quence(SubscriberSequence.java:316) at mil.af.rl.jbi.commonAPI.impl.jms.tests.sub.SubTest.main(SubTest.java: 140)
I wonder if there is something wrong in how I am invoking the interface. Here is the code:
System.out.println("\n\n\nSubmitted Predicate: "+submitPredicate+"\n\n\n");
this.con.subscribe("<key oid='"+this.type+"#"+this.version+"' queryType='XPATH'>"+ submitPredicate+"</key>", "<qos/>");
If it works for you then I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
It seems to work, but I use the C-API and the socket-connection. The transmitted subscription is:
[client] Subscribe key: <key queryType='XPATH'>//*[local-name()='Impact' and number(text())<1]</key>
[client] Subscribe qos: <qos> <content>true</content> <persistent>false</persistent> <notify>false</notify><updateOneway>true</updateOneway></qos>
[client] Subscribe success, returned status is '
<subscribe id='__subId:XPATH1113674459065000000'/>
This seems to work here, whereas a subscription with [client] Subscribe key: <key queryType='XPATH'>//*[local-name()='Impact' and number(text())<1]</key>
produces pretty much the same error as you receive.
It seems, the Java-API substitutes the entities, before the SAX-Parser gets it. You might try to find out, if it is the client, who substitutes the entities by running a network sniffer (e.g. ethereal) to monitor the subscription. (This is pretty straightforward with the socket-API, as the subscription messages are in plain text).
just start
java org.xmlBlaster.Main -dump[socket]
java <your client> ... -protocol SOCKET -dump[socket]
to see all messages in plain text.
Which connections do you use?
These differences between the C-API and the JAVA-API could indicate a bug in the Java-API. Well, until somebody fixes this, you could just write your subscription x<y
as y>x
This is just an ugly work-around, sorry I don't have a real solution.
:-), nice hack!
Enjoy your weekend nevertheless,
Jan Petranek
-- http://www.xmlBlaster.org