Hi Andrew,
the only way to do it is
java -Dproperty.verbose=0 org.xmlBlaster.Main
If you start xmlBlaster embedded you can also set this in your main() with System.setProperty("property.verbose", "0");
that didn't seem to work. i also changed the logging device to file, in my xmlBlaster.properties file:
# Pluggable Loggers LoggableDevicePlugin[console][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.util.log.ConsoleLogDeviceFactory LoggableDevicePlugin[file][1.0]=org.xmlBlaster.util.log.FileLogDeviceFactory,logFile=output/xmlBlaster.log # Control wich logger to use globaly, comma separated list logDevice=file
of course, something needs to load the properties file in the first place, and it is the properties file loader that seems to be printing to std.out.
Hi Andrew, try
-info false
on the command line. Then you don't get any info (just warn and errors).
Andrew.Yinger at Altarum.org wrote:
i have been using xmlBlaster for a while now, and i was just wondering,
there a way to turn of those messages that write out: "Property: Loading xmlBlaster.properteries..." to std.out every time i connect with a
i have a slightly out-dated version, maybe there is a way to turn this
in RC-1?
thanks, andrew
-- http://www.xmlBlaster.org