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[xmlblaster] RE:RE: Durable subscriptions

Thanks for your help, but i was still puzzled by the following phenomenon:

The whole process is as following:

1: Run the publisher : java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -numPublish 100

it display the following:

       [2003-8-17 11:08:16 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] Hit a key to publish 'Hello' #1/100
I hit a key, and it display the following:

[2003-8-17 11:08:46 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] Added TopicProperty on first publish:
 <topic readonly='false' destroyDelay='60000' createDomEntry='true'>
  <queue relating='history' maxEntries='100000' maxEntriesCache='100000'/>
[2003-8-17 11:08:46 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] #1/100: Got status='OK' rcvTimestamp=2003-08-17 11:0
8:46.701000001 for published message 'Hello'
[2003-8-17 11:08:46 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] Hit a key to publish 'Hello' #2/100
[2003-8-17 11:08:46 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] #2/100: Got status='OK' rcvTimestamp=2003-08-17 11:0
8:46.731000001 for published message 'Hello'
[2003-8-17 11:08:46 INFO  HelloWorldPublish] Hit a key to publish 'Hello' #3/100

2:Run the subscriber: 
java javaclients.HelloWorldSubscribe -session.name  joe/2  
   -dispatch/callback/retries -1 -multiSubscribe false  -dispatch/callback/pingInterval 2000

it display the following 

   [2003-8-17 11:09:18 INFO  HelloWorldSubscribe] Hit a key to subscribe 'Hello'
I kit a key, and it display the following: (I change the HelloWorldPulisher code to setclientTag with number increasement with 1, so the demo1 is display)

============= START #1 'Hello' =======================
[2003-8-17 11:09:43 INFO  HelloWorldSubscribe] Receiving update #1 of a message ...

 <key oid='Hello' contentMime='text/xml' contentMimeExtended='1.0'>


  <subscribe id='__subId:5'/>
  <expiration lifeTime='-1' forceDestroy='false'/>
  <rcvTimestamp nanos='1061089726731000001'/>
  <queue index='0' size='1'/>
============= END #1 'Hello' =========================

3: I repeat step2 , it still display demo1, not the demo2,
   In my opinion, the durable subscriber will receive the remaining message, not the same message  have been received before.