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[xmlblaster] c++ error!!

I have a program , a corba program
 the idl defination is as following 
 interface Hello 
  void say_hello():

 i want the function as follows : 
   client->Server.say_hello   and in say_hello, it connect to xmlblaster and subscribe to some topic
   i program it following Externorb.cpp  , transform the extern orb to kernel,  but it seems that wrong
   it think maybe the following kernerl function is wrong!! the while is wrong??

  void CorbaConnection::createCallbackServer(POA_clientIdl::BlasterCallback *implObj) 
  if (implObj) {
     if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying resolve_initial_references ...");
     CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
     if (log_.trace()) log_.trace(me(), "Trying narrowing POA ...");
     poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj.in());
     PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_mgr = poa_->the_POAManager();
     // _this() incarnates with the servant ...
     callback_ = implObj->_this();
     CORBA::String_var tmp = orb_->object_to_string(callback_);
     callbackIOR_ = tmp;

     while (orb_->work_pending()) orb_->perform_work();
     // add exception handling here !!!!!

I trace into the kenrerl and find that it is the defaultCallbakcServer is not
activated , and the server side call its ping error. 

Can somebody explain this error to me?
thanks !!

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