I think I've located my problem.
I noticed that my subscriber in my main program is being disconnected
when the PUBLISHER in the same program logs out!
Here's some code:
public void close()
if (open)
conn.disconnect(new DisconnectQos(global));
open = false;
This method is called to close my publisher connection. This connection
is created AFTER my subscriber gets the first message. The Global in
this object is created like this:
private static Global global = Global.instance();
So I thought that maybe the disconnect is killing BOTH connections. So
I set a breakpoint on the disconnect call above, and inspected the
global object. I found that the xmlBlasterAccess member of the global
has a "ME" variable which specifices the SUBSCRIBER I created earlier!
So I'm guessing that when I call disconnect here, that I'm disconnecting
the subscriber!
Maybe I need to understand Global better. Is this a singleton? If so,
how do I create many transient publishers and subscribers? Am I only
allowed one connect from a single program?