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Re: [xmlblaster] I_ConnectionProblems for subscribe / query clients


I observed some strange behavior after upgrading to the lastest cvs

When starting up my publishing client, I get the following messages:

[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:53 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m XmlBlasterAccess] Loaded security plugin=htpasswd version=1.0
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:57 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] initialize
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[31;40mERRORESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] exception when connecting to DB, error code : '0 : the given url was not valid' DB configuration details follow (check if the DB is running)
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -url                 : 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test'
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -user                : 'postgres'
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -password            : ''
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -max number of conn  : '1'
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -conn busy timeout   : '90000'
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -driver list         : 'sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver:ORG.as220.tinySQL.dbfFileDriver:oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver:org.gjt.
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m JdbcConnectionPool] diagnostics: initialize -max. waiting Threads: '300'
[Mar 24, 2003 3:49:58 PM ESC[31;40mERRORESC[0m org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache.CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin-client:client/matighet] Could not initialize the persistent queue 'client:client/matighet'. Is the JDBC Drive
r jar file in the CLASSPATH ? Is the DB up and running ? We continue RAM based ...XmlBlasterException errorCode=[resource.db.unavailable] node=[xmlBlaster] location=[Global/type 'JDBC' version '1.0'] message=[getJdbc
CommonTableQueueManager SQL exception : ORG.as220.tinySQL.tinySQLException: the given url was not valid] The propery settings are:
 <queue relating='client' maxMsg='10000000' maxMsgCache='1000'>
  <address type='IOR' hostname='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' port='7601' pingInterval='100' retries='0' dispatchPlugin='undef'>
--------- NOTE: I've replaced IP addresses with xxx -----

How do you turn JDBC off ?

Next, my code tries to establish an IOR connection, but fails:
 InterceptorManager started with 0 SIs, 0 CIs and 1 IORIs ]
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:03 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m XmlBlasterAccess-client/matighet] Switching to synchronous delivery mode ...
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:03 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m DeliveryManager-client:client/matighet] Switched to synchronous message delivery
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:03 PM ESC[33;40mWARN ESC[0m DeliveryConnection-client:client/matighet] Connection transition ALIVE -> DEAD: retryCounter=0, maxRetries=0
        JacORB V 1.3.30, www.jacorb.org
        (C) Gerald Brose, FU Berlin, 13 June 2001
[ Build: org.jacorb.orb.standardInterceptors.IORInterceptorInitializer ]
[ InterceptorManager started with 0 SIs, 0 CIs and 1 IORIs ]
[ no initial map policy defined. Defining default initial map policy ]
[ MapToDefaultDomainsPolicy: pathnames null ]
[ POA RootPOA - ready ]
[ Set BasicListener address string to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ]
[ Invoking IORInterceptor CodeSetInfoComponentCreator ]
[ CodeSetInfoCreator added TaggedComponent to TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS profile ]
[ Delegate bound to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:46802 ]
[ Poa.getReference: a new IDL:org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba/clientIdl/BlasterCallback:1.0 ]
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:05 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m CorbaCallbackServer-matighet] Success, created CORBA callback server on host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:05 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m XmlBlasterAccess-client/matighet] Callback settings: type=RAM onOverflow=deadMessage onFailure=deadMessage maxMsg=1000 type=IOR oneway=false burstMode.collectTime=0
[ POA RootPOA - oid: 00 11 14 29 3E 43 38 48 01 0C 49  - object is deactivated ]
[Mar 24, 2003 3:50:05 PM ESC[32;40mINFO ESC[0m CorbaCallbackServer-matighet] The callback server is shutdown.
errorCode=internal.nullpointer message=A null pointer is an xmlBlaster internal programming error, please post it to the mailing list. : java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException.convert(XmlBlasterException.java:551)
        at org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException.convert(XmlBlasterException.java:540)
        at org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess.queueMessage(XmlBlasterAccess.java:471)
        at org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess.connect(XmlBlasterAccess.java:205)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.DjmStub.initCon(DjmStub.java:167)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.DjmStub.<init>(DjmStub.java:130)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.ConnectionDelegate.<init>(ConnectionDelegate.java:70)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.ConnectionManagerImpl.createConnection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:31)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.JbiConnector.connect(JbiConnector.java:70)
        at com.bbn.quo.dpasa.SampleWeatherHazardClient.main(SampleWeatherHazardClient.java:190)


On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 06:27:49PM +0100, Marcel Ruff wrote:
> Michael Atighetchi wrote:
> >I have a publish, a subscribe, and a query client which I want to be
> >aware of connection problems to xmlblaster instances.
> >
> >For the publish client, I got the described method using
> >I_ConnectionProblems and implementing lostConnection working.
> >
> >However, this doesn't seem to work for the subscribe or query client,
> >i.e. lostConnection does NOT get called if the connection to the
> >xmlblaster node goes away.
> >
> >Is this going to be fixed with the next client queue branch merge
> >as well ?
> Shure.
> Please do a cvs update now and read the xmlBlaster/CHANGES
> how to port your client code (not a big issue).
> (Study HelloWorld4.java as an example of the new connection
> notification interface)
> I'll announce it later in more detail.
> Marcel
> >
> >Thanks
> >Michael
> >

matighet at bbn.com   BBN Technologies