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[xmlblaster] update for Perl Demo (Frontier xml-rpc)

Ouf !
Here is the first update of Perl Demo.
It's a fast hack to feet new xmlBlaster code.

You can test it by :

1/ checkout or update the cvs BRANCH_0_7_9g

then run 2 demo code : messagesList.pl and xmlBlasterClient.pl

2/ $ cd xmlBlaster/demo/perl/xmlrpc

3/ $ perl messagesList.pl host:port
to get all messages currently living in xmlBlaster

4/ $ perl xmlBlasterClient.pl host:port
to make a test of connect, publish, getting, erasing messages.

Code is working when all other stuff are working, I didn't yet spend time to find bugs ....


 Cyrille Giquello <cyrille at ktaland.com>
 tel : 331/01 49 17 40 93

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