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Re: [xmlblaster-devel] writing a requirement

Cyrille Giquello wrote:

Cyrille Giquello wrote:

Perhaps you have a tool which use that files to help for requirement writing ?

How do you generate code like this following ?

By hand ...

<example lang="PERL" type="HTML">
<p><a NAME="example"></a></p>
<p>Here is an example <i>hello.pl</i> showing raw access.</p>
<p>NOTE: You should prefer the example xmlBlasterClient.pl which
uses the perl modules of Cyrille for simpler xmlBlaster access.
<a name="line1" href="#line1"> 1</a> <font color="#444444">#!/usr/bin/perl
<a name="line2" href="#line2"> 2</a> # Name: xmlBlaster/demo/perl/xmlrpc/hello.pl (xmlBlaster.org)
<a name="line3" href="#line3"> 3</a> # Invoke
<a name="line4" href="#line4"> 4</a> # perl hello.pl http://myHost:8080/
<a name="line5" href="#line5"> 5</a> # if xmlBlaster runs on 'myHost'
<a name="line6" href="#line6"> 6</a>
<a name="line7" href="#line7"> 7</a> </font><strong>use</strong> Frontier::Client;
<a name="line8" href="#line8"> 8</a> <strong>use</strong> MIME::Base64;
<a name="line9" href="#line9"> 9</a> <font color="#444444">#use String::Trim;
<a name="line10" href="#line10">10</a> Not by hand ??...