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Re: [xmlblaster-devel] Connections/CallbackServer/Subscriptions

Hi, now I have at least found out something more. It seems as if the
cb.queue.maxMsg setting is a player in this. With the default setting
1000 the queue gets full when having more subscribers. 

I tried to set it programatically when logging in:

                     manyConnections[ci] = new XmlBlasterConnection(glob);
                     ConnectQos loginQosW = new ConnectQos(glob); // "<qos></qos>"; During login this is manipulated (callback address added)
                     // If we have many subs on one con, we must raise the max size of the callback queue!
                     CbQueueProperty cbProp =loginQosW.getCbQueueProperty();
                     log.trace(ME,"Login qos: " +  loginQosW.toXml());
                     manyConnections[ci].login(sub.loginName, passwd, loginQosW, this);

But is does not help. Not until I set cb.queue.maxMsg=5000 in
xmlBlaster.properties it does start to work. I must also say, that even
if I distribute the 5000 subscribers on 10 connections, it does look as
if they all are put into the same queue:

[Sep 27, 2002 11:32:10 AM DUMP  CbConnection-/node/http:] CallbackQos=
   <rcvTimestamp nanos='1033119119183000000'/>
 <queue index='4791' size='4794'/>
      <node id='' stratum='0' timestamp='1033119119183000000' dirtyRead='false'/>
[Sep 27, 2002 11:32:10 AM DUMP  CbConnection-/node/http:] CallbackQos=
   <rcvTimestamp nanos='1033119119183000000'/>
 <queue index='4793' size='4794'/>
      <node id='' stratum='0' timestamp='1033119119183000000' dirtyRead='false'/>
[Sep 27, 2002 11:32:10 AM TRACE CbConnection-/node/http:] Before update 4794 acknowledged messages ...

It is as if they are all placed in the same callback queue despite the
fact that subscriptions is made on different connections...

Any idea on this (should I perhaps check the testcode in?)


On 26 Sep, Till: xmlblaster-devel at server.xmlBlaster.org wrote:
> On 26 Sep, Marcel Ruff wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> usually after some 10000 msg sent the performance has is max. saturation.
>>>>Message/second updated
>>>>             IOR            SOCKET                   RMI
>>>>      oneCon  manyCon               oneCon  manyCon          oneCon  manyCon
>         oneCon  manyCon
>>>>100    35     27
>>>>500    20     2                      11      0               21      2
>         -       -
>> Does this mean that  for IOR oneCon 500 x 20 = 10 000 msg/sec are updated?
> No it actually say that for one message sent, it manages to update 20
> subscribers per second. 500 subscribers with same query, 1 message takes
> 500/20 to seconds top reach all subscribers.
> At least a hope that is what I measure. Maybe I should commit the code
> tomorrow so you can see what I am doing: Almost all of it is taken from
> other XmlBlaster test, especially the many subscriber test i qos.
> What is really anoyning is that on several occasion XmlBlaster reaches a
> statate where it stopes uptading the subscriber. I can see the server
> starting pinging and the subsribers whaiting, but no new messages. I
> have had this scenario both for RMI and IOR when having 2000 subscribers
> on one connection, but also in a new test where I had 5000, but
> distributed among 10 connectione, i.e 500 subscibers/connection.
> Here I reached about 2500 updates before it stoped. In  the IOR and RMI
> cases metioned above, XmlBlaster stoped publishing at 1500-1700 updated
> clients. I guess there is a real possibility there is a deadlock
> somewhere...I dump the stack tomorrow to see.
> //Peter
> //Peter
>> Marcel

Peter Antman	Chief Systems Architect, Business Development
Technology in Media, Box 34105 100 26 Stockholm
WWW: http://www.tim.se	WWW: http://www.backsource.org
Email: pra at tim.se	 
Phone: +46-(0)8-506 381 11 Mobile: 070-675 3942 