client 'A' should publish his messages to the xmlBlaster persitent.
You have to set the 'isDurable'-Flag
in the qos of the MessageUnit. See follow example:
---- cut -----
PublishQosWrapper qos = new PublishQosWrapper(true); // = <qos><isDurable /></qos>
String xmlKey = "<key oid='client_a_id'>\n" +
"<person pid='10' gid='200'>" +
"<name age='32' sex='f'>John</name>"+
"</person>" +
String content = "Content for client b,c,and the rest of the world";
MessageUnit mu = new MessageUnit(xmlKey, content.getBytes(), qos);
String returnedOid = senderConnection.publish(mu);
.... continue ....
-----------------Now the message is persitent in the xmlBlaster. At the moment the messages are stored in a filedb.
You can turn on the persitence in the Set the
FileDrive and the persitence
path, which are the messages stored. If you shutdown the xmlBlaster
and then startup, a lazy recovery
load the persistence messages in the xmlBlaster.
---- -----
Now client b,c.. can connect to the xmlBlaster two days later. Client
b,c subscribe these
message, which is published from client 'a' for 2 days ago.
Jonathan Lee wrote:
Hello All:
The xmlBlaster is very interesting, but I'd like to ask one question:
I have a server which will run xmlBlaster server. I also have several
One of the clients is mainly used to publish different kinds of message.
But I can not sure other clients will always conenct to the network.For example, client a,b,c,d.
Client a published a message. Client b seems interested to this message, but
it do not connect to the network. Is there any method that when Client b
connect to the network (say, 2 days later), it can get all the messages
during these 2 days?Thanks.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Manuel Kron, | | | Dipl.-Ing. Softwaretechnik (FH) | eMail: manuel.kron at | | Gartenstr. 11 | fon : 07531 / 282 770 | | D-78462 Konstanz, Germany | mobil: 0174 / 44 21 491 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | XML Open Source Development | | The only XML based MOM (Message-Oriented Middleware) | --------------------------------------------------------------------