we'll write docs for the xmlBlaster with linuxdoc. Linuxdoc is in docbook
style (SGML).
I have an example in org/xmlBlaster/doc/whitepaper commited. Take a
I work on the following reports :
- Tutorial
- User-guide
Download and example : http://www.xmlBlaster.org/doc.html
You can find some stuff about linuxdoc and docbook :
--> http://jurix.jura.uni-sb.de/LDP/
(Linux Document Projekt)
--> http://www.linuxdoc.org
--> http://docbook.org
--> http://rzdspc77.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/RZ/world/software/linux/linuxdoc-sgml/guide.html#toc3
(a small tutorial)
--> http://www.suse.de/%7Eke/free-sw/sgml.html (examples)
--> http://www.oswg.org/oswg-nightly/oswg/en_US.ISO_8859-1/articles/DocBook-Intro/docbook-intro/index.html
(A Practical Introduction
to DocBook)
--> http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/documentation/reference/index.html
( DocBook - Reference Documentation)
Linuxdoc is very simple and has a small DTD for hacking a document.
I use linuxdoc96.dtd. You have to installed the sgml-tools. Take a
look at the Makefile in
/org/xmlBlaster/doc/whitepaper/Makefile which tools do you need. You
can download it from : http://sourceware.cygnus.com/docbook-tools/ Some
Linux-Distributions have the sgml-tools pre-installed. e.g. SuSe-Linux
has a package series called sgm.
If you have some new ideas, please post it.
Manuel Kron
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Manuel Kron, Freelancer Mail: manuel.kron at gmx.net | | xmlBlaster http://www.xmlBlaster.org | | Stuttgart,Germany Ph-one: (++49-711) 3279-375 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------